1200字范文 > 核心重音 nuclear accent英语短句 例句大全

核心重音 nuclear accent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-29 10:15:33


核心重音 nuclear accent英语短句 例句大全

核心重音,nuclear accent

1)nuclear accent核心重音

1.This thesis looks into American students\" prosodic features ofnuclear accent in Chinese declarative sentences, which is from an experiment composed of 16 sentences groups.本文要在借鉴句重音本体研究成果的基础上,对美国留学生在汉语陈述句中的核心重音的韵律表现进行比较系统地科学研究。


1.Japanese Overseas Students Prosodic Features of Nuclear Stress in Declarative Sentences;日本留学生汉语陈述句核心重音的韵律表现

2.The Study of Amrican Students" Prosodic Features of Nuclear Stress in Chinese Declarative Sentences美国留学生汉语陈述句核心重音的韵律表现研究

3.The Core and Stress in Musical Instrument Teaching -- Comprehension and Reproduction of Music;器乐教学的核心和重点——对音乐的认识和再现

4.One of its key principles is that the rules of phonics should not be taught directly.它最重要的一个核心原则就是:不应直接教发音规则。

5.Morpheme Forms: the Start Point from Which the Kernel Phonemic Units are Taken;语素音形:提取核心语音单位的起点

6.Discussing on Centering on Aesthetics of Music Education;试论音乐教育要“以音乐审美为核心”

7.Music Aesthetic Education is the Heart of Music Educat ion in the Schools of our Country;音乐审美教育是我国学校音乐教育的核心

8.The Essential Meaning of Music Education in Middle and Primary School--Taking People as the Foremost中小学音乐教育的核心要义:以人为本

9.Determination the Core Authors of the Explorations in Music in 1997-《音乐探索》期刊1997—核心著者的测定

10.Respecting child"s heart means respecting child"s nature.尊重儿童的核心就是尊重儿童的天性。

11.Nucleus(or accent)is a different concept from focus.调核(或称句重音)与焦点并不是两个等同的概念。

12.The core of intelligent telegraphy system is speech recognition technology.智能发报系统的核心部分是语音识别技术。

13.Background and Essential Connotation of idea of Core of Aesthetics of Music Education;音乐教育“以审美为核心”理念背景及其内涵

14.Research of Speech Quality Evaluation in Core Network of China Mobile Group Shenzhen Co.Ltd关于深圳移动核心网络语音质量评估的研究

15.Core Growing Points of Contemporary and Future Chinese Music Education当下与未来中国音乐教育的核心生长点

16.Reflection on the "Aesthetics-Centred" Concept in the New Music Curriculum Standard对音乐新课标“以审美为核心”理念的思考

17.Constructed by Music: An Analysis of Sounds in Ulysses with a Focus on "Sirens";音乐构建的巨著:《尤利西斯》以“塞壬”章为核心的声音分析

18.Theory and Methodology of Ritual Music;论仪式音乐的系统结构及在传统音乐中的核心地位


pre-nuclear accent核心前重音

3)nuclear stress rule核心重音规则

4)Ionization and Nucleus Stress离合词与核心重音


1.Nucleus identifies new information from old information and functions as information focus;nucleus tone has its own focal strength and can be used to identify foreground information from background information; This paper maintains that the degree of focus is signalled by a combination ofnucleus and its tone type, and the selection of tonal elements indicates largely the speaker s intention.话语调核重音是话语聚焦装置 ,具有信息聚焦功能 ,话语人可以用以区分新旧信息 ;核心语调可以区分话语中的前景信息和背景信息 ,而且对话语信息聚焦有重大影响 ,不同的核心语调具有不同的聚焦强度。

2.The placement of thenucleus is decided by presupposition of the utterance and functions as information focus; markednucleus indication, marked focus and functions as information contrast and emphasis.话语调核重音具有信息聚焦功能,其位置受话语预设决定。



重音1.指一个词﹑词组或句子里重读的音。参见"重读"。 2.乐曲中强度较大的音,是构成节奏的主要音符。
