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仿真实验 simulation experiment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-19 16:46:44


仿真实验 simulation experiment英语短句 例句大全

仿真实验,simulation experiment

1)simulation experiment仿真实验

1.Study andsimulation experiment of transverse differential protection for 500 kV double circuit lines on the same tower;横差保护在500kV同杆并架双回线中的应用研究与仿真实验

2.The application of the Matlab in the power systemsimulation experiments;Matlab在电力系统仿真实验中的应用

3.The Production and Realization of Simulation Experiment of Electromagnetic Induction in Physics;电磁感应物理仿真实验的制作与实现


1.Didactical Research of MULTISIM Emulation Experiment;MULTISIM仿真实验教学探讨

2.Simulation experiments are used to verify the validity of Aegis.通过仿真实验,验证了Aegis的有效性。

3.The rationalization of the proposed method is validated through simulation.仿真实验验证了该方案的合理性。

4.Simulation and Algorithm Verification of GPS Software ReceiverGPS软件接收机仿真实验及算法验证

5.Design and Implemementation of Data Packet Interception Siulation Experiment Platform;数据包截获仿真实验平台研究与实现

6.The Design and Practice of Modern Logistics System Simulation Laboratory;现代物流仿真实验室设计与实践研究

7.The Production and Realization of Simulation Experiment of Electromagnetic Induction in Physics;电磁感应物理仿真实验的制作与实现

8.Design and Realization of Simulation Experiment of High Frequency Electronic Circuit高频电子线路仿真实验的设计与实现

9.Application of Computer Simulated Experiments for Functional Experiment Teaching;计算机仿真实验在机能学实验教学中的应用

10.On the International Trade Simulated Experimental Teaching and Laboratory Construction;国际贸易仿真实验教学及实验室建设诌议

11.Apply the Simulative System to Experiments of Principles of Chemical Engineering;化工原理仿真实验在实验教学中的应用

12.The Studying on the Construction of Simulated Laboratory of International Trade;国际贸易仿真实验室设立的意义及实验内容

13.Application prospects of computer simulated experiments for chemistry experiment teaching计算机仿真实验在化学实验教学中的应用

14.Simulation Experiments Applied in the Reform of College Physics Experiment Education仿真实验在大学物理实验教学改革中的应用

15.The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated through some simulation examples.仿真实验证明了该算法的有效性。

16.analogue-to-digital conversion analysis of simulation experiment模/数转换[变仿真实验分析]

puter Simulation,Virtual Experiments and Online Laboratories;计算机仿真、虚拟实验和网络实验室

18.Waveforms of the simulation and the experiment are analyzed to verify correctness of the simulation model.仿真与实际波形分析验证了仿真模型的正确性。



1.Asimulation system for robot path planning based on rapidly-exploring random trees;基于快速扩展随机树的机器人路径规划仿真实验平台研究

2.Simulation Test on Digital Combined Logic Circuit Based on VB;利用VB语言设计数字组合逻辑电路仿真实验

3.The phosphene perception induced by a 10×10 retinal electrode array with 250 μm separation between adjacent electrodes was simulated in a virtual-realitysimulation environment.对像素化人工视觉条件下汉语印刷文本的阅读进行了仿真实验研究。

3)simulation test仿真实验

1.The research concludes that the combination of orthogonal experiment andsimulation test for the optimization of process pa.以15英寸电脑显示器前壳为例,通过正交试验法安排实验,对注塑成型的填充、保压、冷却、翘曲过程进行仿真实验分析,获得翘曲变形量,得到试验数据,并研究了不同工艺参数对注塑过程翘曲变形的影响程度,进而得到一组优化的工艺参数组合。

2.Thesimulation test indicates that the widespread application of the frequency converter on drilling pl.仿真实验表明,钻井平台变频器的广泛应用将产生严重的谐波污染,应采取相应措施进行抑制;而仿真软件是进行谐波分析并确定滤波方案的有效手段。

3.The results showed that dynamicsimulation tests could well simulate the effects of fluid flow on metal corrosion,and explicate the relationship between near-wall hydrodynamic parameters and corrosion rates.结果表明:动态仿真实验较好地模拟了流动介质对材料腐蚀的影响,探讨了表面流体力学参数与腐蚀的关系。

4)simulated experiment仿真实验

1.Discussion on teaching of college physicssimulated experiment;大学物理仿真实验教学探讨

2.The strain testingsimulated experiment software of pure bending of a beam in material mechanics course is developed.文章以材料力学实验中梁的纯弯曲应变测试为样本,开发了仿真实验软件。

3.Based on the simulated software of "synthetic ammonia process", the reasonable instructional strategies which are beneficial to thesimulated experiment teaching are suggested in this paper.目前,能够进行大型化工仿真实验教学的工科院校为数不多,本文以“合成氨工艺”仿真软件为基础,提出了一套切实可行的仿真实验教学方法,为此方面的教学提供了借鉴。

5)emulation experiment仿真实验

1.Didactical research of EWBemulation experiment in electronic technology;EWB电子技术仿真实验教学探索

2.This paper introduces the process of developing PLCemulation experiment with MCGS,provides a new way for experiment teaching of PLC.以行式吊车为例介绍用MCGS组态软件开发PLC仿真实验的过程,达到举一反三的目的,为PLC的实验教学提供一条新的途径。

paring two kinds of teaching modes ofemulation experiment and traditional experiment,this paper probed into theemulation experiment s positive role and negative effect that may be brought in experiment teaching,and put forward the idea to organizeemulation experiment and traditional experiment.对仿真实验与传统实验两种教学模式进行了比较,探讨了仿真实验在实验教学中的积极作用和可能带来的负面影响,提出了仿真实验与传统实验有机结合的构想。

6)simulation experiments仿真实验

1.Althoughsimulation experiments can not replace practical experiments totally, it has been effective complementarities because of its repeatability, controllability.仿真实验方法是近几年随着计算机软、硬件技术和相关领域知识的发展而产生的新型实验方法。

2.Thesimulation experiments make whole optical communication process become the view image,and the results conform to the data and curves in the laboratory.利用这些模型和方法对40Gb/s单信道传输系统进行了仿真实验研究,演示效果直观形象,所得结果与实验室获得的曲线和数据相吻合。

3.Finally,simulation experiments were designed to evaluate the proposed algorithm.对调度算法进行了仿真实验分析。


国际仿真数学与仿真计算机学会各国仿真数学和仿真计算机方面的学者和团体联合组成的国际性学术组织,缩写IAMCS。1955年成立。原名国际模拟计算机学会(IAAC),1976年改用现名。中国自动化学会系统仿真专业委员会代表中国参加这个学会。学会总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔。学会的宗旨是促进计算机仿真方面的专家、制造厂和用户之间交流科学信息。该会接受个人会员和团体会员(包括有关的工厂、机关和研究所),并设有荣誉会员。每三年举行一次国际性大会。它是5个国际学会协调委员会(FIACC)成员之一。其他 4个是国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)、国际信息处理联合会(IFIP)、国际运筹学会联合会(IFORS)和国际测量联合会(IMEKO)。学会出版物有:《IAMCS会议录》,《IAMCS会刊(仿真数学与仿真计算机)》和《IAMCS会刊(应用数值数学)》。
