1200字范文 > 高师历史课堂 history classes of normal colleges英语短句 例句大全

高师历史课堂 history classes of normal colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-01 01:49:53


高师历史课堂 history classes of normal colleges英语短句 例句大全

高师历史课堂,history classes of normal colleges

1)history classes of normal colleges高师历史课堂


1.On Game Teaching in History Classes in Normal Colleges:A Case Study on "Wisdom PK" in Class高师历史课堂中的游戏教学刍议——以课堂上的“智慧PK”为个案

2.To Build Harmonious Relationship Between Teachers and Students in History Teaching;新课程下历史课堂和谐师生关系初探

3.A Survey on High School Teachers Classroom Instructional Behavior Against the Background of the New Curriculum Reform;新课程背景下高中历史教师课堂教学行为的调查研究

4.Make History Class to Be a Place for Teachers and Students to Grow Together--The Teaching Method of Histroy "Inside and Outside Transformation"让历史课堂成为师生共同成长的地方——历史课“内外迁移教学法”

5.The Reformation of Middle School History Curriculum in 30 Years and the Inquiry of Normal History Teacher Training;中学历史课改30年与高师历史教师培养初探

6.Practice and Exploration on Effective History Teaching in Senior High Schools;高中历史课堂有效教学的探索与实践

7.The Study on Improving Effectiveness in Classroom Teaching of History;提高中学历史课堂教学效能问题研究

8.History Course in Senior Middle School: Structural Teaching Model;高中历史课堂“结构教学模式”初探

9.An Analytical Approach to Teaching or History;浅谈历史教学的历史评价空间——高校历史课堂教学新模式探索

10.A Research on Situational Teaching with History in High School under the Background of the Curriculum Reform;课程改革背景下高中历史课堂情境教学研究

11.A Study on Cooperative Learning on History Classes in Senior High School under New Curriculum Ideas;新课程理念下高中历史课堂合作学习研究

12.The Resech on the Teaching Evaluation of History Teaching Methods under the New Curriculum Standards;新课程理念下高中历史课堂教学授业评价研究

13.Preliminary Research on Senior Middle School History Class Teaching Model Reform under the New Curriculum Reform Background;新课改背景下高中历史课堂教学模式改革初探

14.Research on Optimizing Curriculum Resources and High School History Instruction Design;课程资源优化与高中历史课堂教学设计研究

15.A Study of the History Teachers Qualities in the Context of New Curriculum in the Senior High School;新课程背景下高中历史教师素质研究

16.“Ten Exercises” in the Course of “the Teaching Methodologg of High School History” of Normal College;高师“中学历史教学法”课中的“十练”

17.The Research on Application of Inquiry Learning in History Class in High School;探究性学习在高中历史课堂的运用研究

18.An Research on Application of Inquiry Teaching in History Class of Senior High School;历史探究教学在高中课堂教学中的应用研究


history classroom历史课堂

1.In ourhistory classroom, bilingual teaching should be taken.在我们的历史课堂,同样应该体现双语教学。

2.This paper mainly analyses these unharmonious factors and then put forward the author s own suggestions on how to construct harmonious relationship between teachers and students inhistory classroom.师生关系是历史课堂上最基本的一对关系,其融洽和谐与否直接关系着历史课堂教学目标的实现。

3)historical classroom历史课堂

1.The traditionalhistorical classroom instruction is remote from request of quality-oriented education at present.传统的历史课堂教学与当前素质教育的要求相距甚远,利用现代教育技术,充分调动学生参与课堂教学的主动性、积极性与创造性,是让历史教学走向成功的关键。

4)History Class历史课堂

1.The Research on Application of Inquiry Learning inHistory Class in High School;探究性学习在高中历史课堂的运用研究

5)History Teaching in Class of Kindergartener Normal School幼师历史课堂教学

6)new classroom of history历史新课堂


