1200字范文 > 纵折后牙 vertical fractured posterior teeth英语短句 例句大全

纵折后牙 vertical fractured posterior teeth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-10 23:21:10


纵折后牙 vertical fractured posterior teeth英语短句 例句大全

纵折后牙,vertical fractured posterior teeth

1)vertical fractured posterior teeth纵折后牙

1.Long term observation after bonding and replantation ofvertical fractured posterior teeth纵折后牙粘接再植的长期疗效评价


1.Clinical analysis and evaluation of 115 cases of posterior teeth with longitudinal fracture115例纵折后牙临床分析及疗效观察

2.Clinic Research of Vertical Fractured Teeth with Atraumatic Extraction and Replantation微创拔牙技术在纵折后牙粘结再植术中的临床应用

3.The effect of 2 bonding material on the vertically fractured roots of Bonding Therapy & Intentional Replantation不同粘结剂对纵折牙根粘结后再植的疗效观察

4.The clinical effect of bonding and surgical therapy in 50 fractured crown-root cases complicated with periodontal abscess50例后牙冠根纵折伴牙周脓肿手术治疗疗效评价

5.The Resistance to Fracture of Premolar after Endodontically Treated:an in Vitro Study;前磨牙根管治疗后牙体抗折强度的实验研究

6.Porcelain crown reuse in the restoration after fracture at the base tooth烤瓷冠在基牙折断后修复中的再利用

7.Hunter-Schreger band施雷格线 -牙纵磨片上釉质内呈现的明暗折光的与牙表面垂直的粗线

8.The Analysis of Indirect Pulp Capping with Calcium Hydroxide for Enamel-dentin Fractured Young Permanent Teeth;年轻恒牙釉—牙本质折断后Ca(OH)_2间接盖髓的效果分析

9.Study of tooth rupture strength after repairing upper incisor with three different dowel system对3种桩核系统修复上颌中切牙后牙体抗折强度的研究

10.Influence of the Post-core Crown Restoration on the Fracture Resistance to the Oblique Fracture of Dental Corona and Root After the Reconstruction of Residual Roots;冠根斜折牙体重塑后桩核冠修复对抗折力的影响

11.A Study on Retention and Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Teeth Restored with Three Prefabricated Posts;预成桩修复后固位力与牙齿抗折力的实验研究

12.The Numerical Analysis of the Anti-fracture Intensity of the Packed and Repaired Tooth;牙齿充填修复后抗折裂强度的数值分析

13.Clinical study of replantation after extraoral treatment of the permanent-front-teeth with root fractured in its middle one-third根中1/3折恒前牙拔出后再植的临床研究

14.Clinical study on the conservative therapy in longitudinal odontoschism of posterior teeth using the intradental“8”ligation and complete crown restoration冠内“8”字形结扎加全冠修复保存纵裂后牙的临床研究

15.Clinical study of root canal fixation with metallic crown prosthesis for vertical fractured molars磨牙纵裂带环固定后根管治疗全冠修复的临床研究

16.The Study of Residual Thickness and Fracture Strength in Maxillary Premolars after Post Space Preparation.上颌前磨牙桩道预备后剩余根管壁厚度和抗折强度的研究

17.An in Vitro Study: Effect of Cyclic Loading to the Fracture Resistance of Teeth Restored with Different Post and Core Systems;循环加载对不同桩核修复后牙体抗折强度影响的对比研究

18.Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Teeth with Flared Root Canal Restored by Different Post and Core Systems after Rehabilitation;漏斗状根管治疗牙重塑后不同桩核系统修复的抗折性研究


posterior teeth with longitudinal fracture后牙纵折

3)posterior teeth/vertical fracture后牙/纵折

4)vertically fractured teeth纵折磨牙

5)vertical root fracture牙根纵折

1.Clinical survey ofvertical root fracture in elderly;老年人牙根纵折临床分析

6)Vertical fractures of molar磨牙纵折


