1200字范文 > 启发式教学思想 the heuristic teaching thought英语短句 例句大全

启发式教学思想 the heuristic teaching thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-11 06:17:41


启发式教学思想 the heuristic teaching thought英语短句 例句大全

启发式教学思想,the heuristic teaching thought

1)the heuristic teaching thought启发式教学思想

1.To make the aim come true,it is more necessary for,educators to holdthe heuristic teaching thought.中外启发式教学思想源远流长,为古今学校教学提供了深厚的理论基础。


1.The Comparison Between the Heuristic Teaching Thought and the Instructive Theory of Constructivism;启发式教学思想与建构主义教学思想的比较

2.An Explanation of "Would Not Explain Unless One Is Desperately Anxious to Learn and Will Not Explain to Sb.Not Determined to Learn" in The Analects;《论语》“不愤不启,不悱不发”解——兼谈启发式教学思想

3.The Analysis on the Reality of Adopting the Heuristic Method in Teaching the Theory on Political Thoughts;思想政治理论课启发式教学现状分析

4.The Research into the Heuristics of Teaching of High School Ideological and Political Education;启发式教学在高中思想政治课中的应用研究

prehensive Application of Heuristic Method on Ideological Politics Theory Course Teaching in Institutions of Higher Learning;启发式教学在高校思想政治课中的应用

6.Elicitation Teaching is a kind of teaching thought, should run through entire teaching course.启发式教学是一种教学思想,应该贯穿于整个教学过程。

7.Methods Guided by the modern teaching idea we adopted enlightened and investigated methods in learning.方法:以现代教学思想为指导,实行启发式教学和研究性学习。

8.The Using of Enlightenment and Inquiry Teaching Method in Improving the Practical Effect of Politics Class;运用“启发——探究式”教学法 提高思想政治课课堂教学实效

9.On Historical Origin of the Thoughts of Chinese Heuristic Education试析中国启发式教育思想的历史渊源

10.Practice and Rethinking of "Heuristic-research" Mathematics Teaching Method;“启发—探究式”数学教学法的实践与反思

11.Heuristic Method of Mathematical Teaching and the Training of Creative Thought;从思维能力的培养谈数学启发式教学

12.Thoughts on Heuristic Teaching Method of Liberal Arts;关于文科课程启发式教学的几点思考

13.Discussion of Enlightening Teaching and Ideological Cultivation;略论启发性教学与思想道德修养课程教育

14.thought provoking instruction启发学生思考的教学

15.Enlightenment of Buddhist Idea of Mercy and Benefiting Others to the Development of Contemporary Literature佛教的慈悲利他思想对当代文学发展的启示

16.Qian Wei-chang s Educational Thoughts and the Development of Shanghai University;钱伟长教育思想对上海大学发展的作用及启示

17.Inspiration of ideological and political education from cognitive psychology;认知心理学发展对思想政治教育的启示

18.The Influence and Enlightenment of Gagne Thought on the Development of Educational Technology;加涅思想对教育技术学发展的影响及启示


invention heuristics思想生成启发式

3)elicitation teaching启发式教学

1.Exploration ofelicitation teaching of medical immunology to undergraduate students;关于本科生医学免疫学启发式教学的探讨

2.By usingelicitation teaching and research learning,as well as advanced teaching method and technology,valuable experiment in new thought of teaching and learning during education is made.通过运用启发式教学和研究性学习 ,采用先进的教学手段和技术 ,对教育过程中教与学的思路进行了有益的尝试。

3.Theelicitation teaching is a very important principle in teaching methods.启发式教学是教学原则中一个重要的原则。

4)heuristic teaching启发式教学

1.Application ofheuristic teaching in plant physiology experiments;植物生理学实验教学中的启发式教学

2.Principle of Heuristic Teaching and Teaching Methods Reforming in Higher Education Institutions;启发式教学原则与高校教学方法改革

3.Discussion on combination ofheuristic teaching and bilingual teaching in medical education启发式教学和双语教学相结合在医学教育中探讨

5)heuristic method of teaching启发式教学

1.An important reason that the development of Chinese science and technology could stand in a leading position in the world until Ming dynasty is: China can hold on to theheuristic method of teaching which was advocated by Confucius.从历史上各主要朝代科技发展与启发式教学的相关状况中 ,人们可以看出启发式教学是开启我们民族智慧宝藏的金钥匙。

2.Discussed the practical and theoretical problem of modernheuristic method of teaching.“启发式教学”是谈论了2500余年的话题,但无论从理论上还是实践上,都是仍未解决的问题。

3.The characteristics of OR are analyzed at first,and thenheuristic method of teaching for OR courses is presented.本文从分析运筹学的学科性质出发,研究了启发式教学在运筹学课程中的应用,给出了若干教学原则,并根据作者的教学实践,提出了在运筹学本科教学实践中常用的5类启发式教学法以及教学改革的进一步设想与展望。

6)elicitation method of teaching启发式教学

1.Elicitation Method of Teaching Vs EQ Development of the Students;启发式教学与学生情商的培养

2.In view of the goal of English teaching and the character of English teaching materials,theelicitation method of teaching, by which students feel enjoyable and easy in learning a foreign language, is relatively suited to English teaching.依据英语教学的目标和教材性质 ,启发式教学法比较适用于英语教学。


