1200字范文 > 时速200km铁路 km/h railway英语短句 例句大全

时速200km铁路 km/h railway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-27 20:37:16


时速200km铁路 km/h railway英语短句 例句大全

时速200km铁路,km/h railway

1)km/h railway时速200km铁路

2)railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic with speed of 200 km/h时速200km客货共线铁路

3)200 kilometer per hour时速200km

1.The design of two-way bridge of cargo and passenger on the same line of200 kilometer per hour;时速200km客货共线双线桥的设计


1.Tentative ideas of supplementary norms making for railway projects with a speed of 200 km/h;时速200km/h铁路工程补充定额编制的初步设想

2.200km/h High-Speed Passenger Car Body Optimum Design;200km/h高速客车车体优化设计

3.Research on the Speed Matching of Passenger/Freight Trains on Existing Liens with Max. Speed of 200km/h200km/h既有线客货列车速度匹配研究

4.A Preliminary Research on 200km/h C_0-C_0 High-speed Iocomotive Bogie;C_0-C_0轴式200km/h高速机车转向架方案预研究

5.The Speed Match Plan of Passenger/Freight Trains with the Elevated Speed at 200km/h on the East Longhai Line;东陇海线200km/h提速后客货列车速度匹配方案研究

6.The sixth large-scale speed-up and diagram adjustment in the nationwide railway infrastructure technological innovation for 200 km/h trains;中国铁路第六次大面积提速调图200km/h速度级固定设施技术创新

7.Optimization Study on Welding Sequence of Side Beam of Welded Frame in 200km/h High-speed Powered Car Train-set;200km/h高速动车组焊接构架侧梁焊接顺序优化研究

8.Research on 200km/h Electric Locomotive s Auxiliary Inverter;200km/h电力机车辅助逆变器研究

9.Electric-Pneumatic Braking System Technology Research for 200km/h Train;200km/h列车电空制动系统技术研究

10.Manufacture and Testing for the 200km/h Power Measured Train;200km/h动力综合检测车的研制与试验

11.Study on the Integrality Driving System Scheme of the Locomotive at 200km/h Speed;200km/h等级机车整体驱动系统方案研究

12.The Development and Investigation on High-Speed Bogie of 200km/h AC Electric-Locomotive;200km/h交流电力机车转向架开发研究

13.Study on Security of 200km/h High Speed EMU Severing in Crosswind;横风作用下200km/h动车组安全性研究

14.Research on Structure of Body Bolsters for 200 km/h Track Inspection Cars200km/h轨检车枕梁结构研究

15.Discussion on Modular Design for Baggage Rack of 200 km/h Multiple Unit200km/h动车组行李架模块化设计探讨

16.Design of Air-Conditioning System for 200 km/h Track Inspection Car200km/h轨道检测车空调系统设计

17.instantaneous state of velocity瞬时速度, 速度的瞬时状态, 速度瞬时值

18.ice free stall airspeed无结冰现象时失速速度


railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic with speed of 200 km/h时速200km客货共线铁路

3)200 kilometer per hour时速200km

1.The design of two-way bridge of cargo and passenger on the same line of200 kilometer per hour;时速200km客货共线双线桥的设计

4)speed over 200 km/h时速大于200km

5)fast-speed rail system时速200km快速轮轨

6)speed-up to 200 km/h提速200km/h


时速1.即刻;迅速。 2.运动的物体在某一方向上一小时内所经过的距离。
