1200字范文 > 造价工程师 cost engineer英语短句 例句大全

造价工程师 cost engineer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-24 13:20:12


造价工程师 cost engineer英语短句 例句大全

造价工程师,cost engineer

1)cost engineer造价工程师

1.How to grasp the future forcost engineer;造价工程师如何把握未来

2.Important roles ofcost engineer acted in value management of construction project;造价工程师在建设项目价值管理中的重要作用

3.Discussion of operating duties ofcost engineer in engineering supervision;造价工程师在工程监理中的工作职责探讨


1.The Request of Registered Cost Engineers and the Work of Engineering Cost Management;注册造价工程师执业要求与工程造价管理

2.Effect of the cost engineer on construction project cost management造价工程师在工程建设项目造价管理中的作用

3.Talking about the Functions of Cost Engineer in Construction Supervision;浅谈造价工程师在施工监理中的作用


5.The cost engineer is the fresh combatant of Chinese project cost management.【中英文摘要】造价工程师是我国造价工程管理工作的生力军。

6.Cost engineer how to face the challenge after joining the WTO;加入WTO后造价工程师的机遇及挑战

7.Discuss About How dose the Cost Engineer Take a Part in Managing Construction Object;论造价工程师如何参与建设项目管理

8.Simple talking about the status and action of cost engineer;浅谈现阶段造价工程师的地位和作用

9.Management Reformation and Practice of Continuing Education of Construction Cost Engineer造价工程师继续教育管理改革和实践

10.Talk about how cost-control Engineer participates in the contract management;浅谈造价工程师如何参与工程合同管理

11.How to deal with the accounts settling of engineering changed items by chartered estimation engineers;造价工程师如何处理工程变更中的结算问题

12.Construction cost engineer s in overseeing work status and function;造价工程师在监理工作中的地位和作用

13.Appraisal Engineer s Role Played in the Construction Project;浅谈造价工程师在监理工作中的地位和作用

14.For the Engineer,How to Improve the Examining Work on Balance Accounts at the Settlement after the Construction Completion造价工程师如何提高工程竣工结算审核的工作质量

15.Analysis of and Ways in Handling the Cost Engineer Responsibility Risks under BOQ;工程量清单计价模式下造价工程师责任风险分析与对策研究

16.Investment and Cost Control for Construction Owner"s Cost Engineer in Capital Construction Project Management试论建设单位造价工程师在基建项目管理中的投资及造价控制

17.Research on Human Capital Theory Oriented Professional Risks Controlling to Cost Engineers;人力资本导向的造价工程师执业风险约束研究

18.The Quality Presentation and Cultivation Countermeasure Research of Cost Engineers;造价工程师的素质现状与培养对策研究


cost engineers造价工程师

1.Human Capital Theory Soriented Professional Risks Controlling to Cost Engineers;人力资本专用性导向的造价工程师执业风险约束

2.Research on Human Capital Theory Oriented Professional Risks Controlling to Cost Engineers;人力资本导向的造价工程师执业风险约束研究

bined with present situations in engineering cost consultancy industry in this paper from normalizing exam system forcost engineers selection, establishing independent cost consultant firms and other aspects the issues faced bycost engineers are analyzed; at the same time corresponding measures are proposed to develop engineering cost ranks with high quality.结合我国工程造价咨询业所面临的现状 ,就工程造价专业人员急需解决的问题作了分析 ,从严格造价工程师考试制度、建立独立的造价咨询机构等方面 ,提出了建立高素质工程造价队伍的措

3)project cost engineer造价工程师

1.Effects ofproject cost engineers on investment control in project management;浅谈造价工程师在项目管理中的投资控制

2.This paper discusses that project cost control during the whole construction is important to properly determine , effectively control the project cost and improve the benefit of investment according to the range and function ofproject cost engineers service during the whole course of construction.从施工全过程造价工程师服务的范围和作用的角度,探讨施工全过程造价控制对合理地确定和有效地控制工程造价和提高投资效益的重要性是当前一个重要的课题。

4)costing and supervising engineer造价监理工程师

1.Discussing the functions upon acosting and supervising engineer;浅谈造价监理工程师在监理工作中的作用

5)registered engineering cost teacher注册工程造价师

6)cost inspection engineer监理造价工程师


德国电气工程师协会标准(见德国电气工程师协会)德国电气工程师协会标准(见德国电气工程师协会)standards of VDE: see Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker; VDE以为uOD心nqi GongChengshi Xi6hui德国电气工程师协会标准(见德国电气工程师协会。bjOOZhUn3切旧d田月5 of VDE)
