1200字范文 > 合并财务报表 consolidated financial statement英语短句 例句大全

合并财务报表 consolidated financial statement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-05 12:41:40


合并财务报表 consolidated financial statement英语短句 例句大全

合并财务报表,consolidated financial statement

1)consolidated financial statement合并财务报表

1.Chinese and foreign accounting criteria for enterprises-comparison and study ofconsolidated financial statement;中外企业会计准则—合并财务报表的比较研究

2.Rationale inconsolidated financial statement;合并财务报表的基本理论

3.Study on Consolidated Financial Statement;合并财务报表的理论研究


1.Consolidated Financial Statements IAS 3合并财务报表国际会计标准

2.Research of Accounting Standard on High-quality Consolidated Financial Statements;高质量的合并财务报表会计准则研究

3.The Comparison and Selection of Three Unified Finance Report Forms Theory;三种合并财务报表理论的比较与选择

4.Study on the Basic Theory of Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements;对编制合并财务报表基本理论的探讨

5.Three kinds of consolidated financial statement under the purchase method;收买法下三种合并财务报表理论比较

6.Price Difference in Financial Report Form Combination In Enterprise Groups;论企业集团合并财务报表中合并价差问题

7.Research on the Practice of Consolidated Statement;关于合并财务报表几个实务问题的探讨

8.The Impact Analysis of New Accounting Standards on the Consolidated Financial Statements;新会计准则对合并财务报表的影响分析

9.A Study on the Relationship between Consolidated Financial Statements and the Environmental Factors;论合并财务报表编制技术发展的环境基础

10.Research on Consolidated Financial Statement Analysis;关于合并财务报表分析的若干问题研究

parison & analysis between revised and original consolidated financial statemeat guidelines;新旧合并财务报表准则规定之比较与分析

12.Chinese and foreign accounting criteria for enterprises-comparison and study of consolidated financial statement;中外企业会计准则—合并财务报表的比较研究

13.The Accounting Treatment of the Combined Financial Statement of Interlocking Shareholding and Risk Prevention;交叉持股合并财务报表的会计处理及风险防范

14.Study on the Preparation Problem about the Consolidated Financial Statement under the New Accounting Standard新会计准则下合并财务报表编制问题研究

15.The Comparison and Analysis of the Difference between the New Accounting Criterion and the Old Accounting Criterion on Consolidated Financial Statements;新旧企业会计准则中合并财务报表实务操作的差异比较与分析

16.An Analysis on Breakthroughs and Questions of China s New Enterprise Accounting Regulation 33--Consolidated Financial Statements;我国新颁布的《企业会计准则——合并财务报表》:突破及缺陷剖析

17.group financial statement分组合并的财务报表

18.Seeing through Merging Accounting Report Forms Look Closely at Group Financial Decision透过合并会计报表审视企业集团财务决策


consolidated financial statements合并财务报表

1.The Impact Analysis of New Accounting Standards on the Consolidated Financial Statements;新会计准则对合并财务报表的影响分析

2.A Study on the Relationship between Consolidated Financial Statements and the Environmental Factors;论合并财务报表编制技术发展的环境基础

3.This paper analyses the relationship between consolidations andconsolidated financial statements,points out the limitations of consolidated statements,and discusses several popular theories,methods,accounting for consolidation goodwill,scope of consolidated statements and accounting for unconsolidated companies.全球经济的发展掀起企业合并浪潮,合并财务报表成为讨论的焦点。

3)BCS ReportBCS财务合并报表

4)group accounts合并财务报表,合并会计报表

5)The Study of Merger of Enterprise"s Financial Statements合并财务报表研究

6)financial combined statement合并财务报表编制

1.so as to improve the reliability and relevance offinancial combined statement.本文首先介绍合并财务报表编制的经典理论,其次对新准则下新合并财务报表编制的变化和影响进行了详细的说明,第三为了更好的指导实践,提供了有关合并财务报表编制过程中几类特殊业务的抵消处理,其次最后介绍了我国合并财务报表新会计准则存在的问题,为我国新合并财务报表会计准则的实施提供建议。


