1200字范文 > 医院尿路感染 Hospital urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

医院尿路感染 Hospital urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-21 23:11:08


医院尿路感染 Hospital urinary tract infection英语短句 例句大全

医院尿路感染,Hospital urinary tract infection

1)Hospital urinary tract infection医院尿路感染


1.Drug-Resistance of Pathogens from Urinary Tract Infection in County Hospital:A Supervision县级医院尿路感染病原菌的耐药性调查

2.A Retrospective Investigation of Uropathogenic Bacteria in of General Hospital一所综合性医院尿路感染病原菌回顾性调查分析

3.Nosocomially Acquired Fungal Infections of Urinary Tract:Clinical Features医院获得性真菌尿路感染的临床特点

4.Analysis of the Risk Factors for Catheter-related Urinary Tract Infection in the Primary Hospital基层医院导尿相关尿路感染的危险因素分析

parison of pathogens in community acquired and hospital acquired pediatric urinary tract infection小儿社区和医院获得性尿路感染病原菌分析

6.Clinical analysis of 83 cases infected in Vrology Dep of hospital泌尿外科83例患者医院感染临床分析

7.Urinary Nosocomial Infection in Intensive Care Unit:A Clinical Analysis重症监护病房院内尿路感染临床分析

8.Clinical Characteristic of Hospital Infections in Patients of Urological Surgery泌尿外科住院患者医院感染的特征分析

9.OBJECTIVE To comprehend the urinary tract infection (UTI) by the common pathogens and antibiotic application in Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai and its vicinal community.目的为调查比较瑞金医院近期社区及院内尿路感染病原学构成特点及抗生素耐药情况。

10.Clinical Analysis on Hemodialysis of Uremia Combined with Iatrogenic Infection尿毒症血液透析并发医院感染61例临床分析

11.Drug Resistance of Pathogens in Urinary Infection in Mountain Area Hospitals医院内泌尿系感染病原菌及耐药性分析

12.Distribution and antibiotic-resistance of pathogens in urinary tract hospital infection泌尿道医院感染的病原菌分布与耐药性分析

13.Clinical Analysis and Nursing Strategy of Hospital Infection among Elderly Patients with Diabetes老年糖尿病患者医院感染临床分析与护理对策

14.The Treating Experience of Professor LiuMing on Urinary Tract Infection by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Pharmaceutics;刘明教授中医药治疗尿路感染经验总结

15.Preventive Measures and Stepwise Treatment of Fungal Urinary Tract Infection Based on TCM Syndrome Differentiation真菌性尿路感染的中医分期辨证治疗与预防

16.Analysis of Bacterioflora and Drug Resistance in Patients with Bacterial Urinary Tract Infection in Aged Nursing Home老年护理院细菌性尿路感染菌群及耐药性分析

17.Nosocomial Infecion of Inpatients in 医院住院患者医院感染分析

18.Conclusion The patient"s condition of nosocomial infection in diabetic cerebral infarction was serious and had poor prognosis.结论糖尿病脑梗死医院感染患者病情严重,预后不良。


Urological hospital infection泌尿系医院感染

3)Urinary tract nosocomial infection泌尿道医院感染

4)hospital infection医院感染

1.Causative analysis ofhospital infection of care unit in urinary surgery department and nursing strategies for them;泌尿外科监护病房医院感染原因分析及护理对策

2.Thehospital infection knowledge mastered by nursing staff with different educa- tional background and countermeasure;不同学历护理人员医院感染知识掌握程度调查

5)nosocomial infection医院感染

1.Analysis of risk factors fornosocomial infection in COPD Patients;慢性阻塞性肺疾病医院感染危险因素分析

2.Characteristics and risk factors ofnosocomial infections in inpatient with haematological diseases;血液病患者医院感染的特点及危险因素分析

6)nosocomial infections医院感染

1.Drug tolerance analysis of flavobacterium-inducednosocomial infections;黄杆菌属医院感染及耐药性分析

2.Relationship betweennosocomial infections and immune function of T lymphocytes in peripheral blood;外周血T淋巴细胞免疫功能与医院感染的关系

3.Clinical analysis of 120 cases of malignancies withnosocomial infections;恶性肿瘤患者医院感染120例临床分析


