1200字范文 > 文化价值 cultural value英语短句 例句大全

文化价值 cultural value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-03 11:23:06


文化价值 cultural value英语短句 例句大全

文化价值,cultural value

1)cultural value文化价值

1.Discussion on thecultural value to develop archives information;论档案信息开发的文化价值

2.Analysis ofcultural value of urban construction archives;透析城建档案的文化价值

3.On social andcultural values of ethnobotany;民族植物学──社会及文化价值初探


1.The Values of the Mural Paintings on the Clicks of Huashan Mounts;花山崖壁画的文化价值、历史价值与旅游价值

anization culture and value in practice企业文化价值观实践

3.From Value to Cultural Value--The Significance of Cultural Value in Research and Practice;从价值到文化价值——文化价值的学科意义与现实意义

4.Ecological Cultural World Outlook and Cultural Value Orientation;试论生态文化世界观与文化价值取向

5.On the Traditional Cultural Concept and the Contemporal Pluralistic Concept of Cultural Value;论传统文化观与当代多元文化价值观


7.Assessing Cultural Values:Developing an Attitudinal Scale评估文化价值:文化态度量表的研制

8.Cultural framework and values of the women teachers college in Hebei论河北女师的文化架构及其文化价值

9.Demonstration on the Culture Value Orientation of Integrative Study of Chinese;试论语文综合性学习的文化价值取向

10.On Cultural Values of the English Magazine"T ien Hsia Monthly";试论英文杂志《天下月刊》的文化价值

11.Biblical Literature:Proverbs Appreciation--Its Style and Culture;论圣经《箴言》的文体特点及文化价值

12.On Shen Congwen s Cultural Value Orientation Expressed in The Outlying City;从《边城》看沈从文的文化价值取向

13.On the Historical Cultural Value of Dahuer Words in the Qing Dynasty;论清代“达呼尔文”的历史文化价值

14.The Culture and Social value of Olympic Education in Contemporary China;当代奥林匹克教育文化价值与社会价值审视

15.the philosophy of a culture.某文化的价值体系原

16.On the Cultural Status and Academic Values of Modern Usage of Classical Style of Writing;论现代文言文的文化地位与学术价值

17.Value-Specific Genre and Translations: Cultural Fractures Reconsidered;价值特定文类与译品:文化断裂反思

18.On Personality Value of Culture and Art Ideology of Confucianism;试论孔儒文化及文艺思想的人格价值


Culture value文化价值

1.The Genre and Culture Value of Stone Tower in Tibet and Qiang Nationality;试论藏羌古碉的类别及其文化价值

2.Culture orientation and social culture value of sports museum;体育博物馆的文化定位及其社会文化价值

3.The Culture Value of Genethics;基因伦理研究的文化价值

3)Cultural values文化价值

1.In the history of philosophy of science, there have been two opposite opinions towards the cultural values of science.在科学哲学的历史上,对科学的文化价值的论述存在两种对立的观点,即实证主义文化观与人文主义文化观的对立。

2.The paper surveys its "innovative" cultural values,which are mainly manifested in its idea to run the library,its thought of book collection and its reader-oriented awareness,which are worthwhile for the libraries of local colleges to use for reference.古越藏书楼留给当代图书馆许多宝贵的文化遗产,其"创新"的文化价值包括开放的办馆理念,开新的藏书思想,开明的读者意识,特别值得地方高校图书馆传承和弘扬。

3.The findings of this study indicated that students from different cultural backgrounds did approach the same issue differently due to their particular cultural values.研究结果表明,因为来自不同文化背景的学生所持的文化价值不同,处理相同问题的方法和角度也不同。

4)value culture价值文化

1.With the globalization of economy and culture, it is necessary and inevitable for college students to restructure theirvalue culture.在经济、文化全球化的时代背景下,大学生价值文化的重构成为必然;大学生价值文化的主体构架是伦理文化与法治文化的有机统一;其意义在于回应文化全球化的挑战,响应德治与法治相结合的治国方略和呼应素质教育的要求。

5)cultural value quantity文化价值量

6)cultural values文化价值观

1.A Comparative Study on Cultural Values Embodied in Chinese and American Public Service Advertising;中美公益广告文化价值观对比

2.Based on the discussion of working dynamics and perception of metaphors,this thesis aims at categorizing the common vehicles in digital merchandise advertisements and exploring thecultural values behind them.研究结果发现:自由、生活、成功、爱情、美、梦想、智慧、世界、自然、永恒是数码商品广告中的常见喻体;数码商品广告中的隐喻与中国特定的文化传统有着紧密的联系,即使是最时尚商品的广告也折射出最传统的文化价值观。


