1200字范文 > 拟合数据库 Fitting database英语短句 例句大全

拟合数据库 Fitting database英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-26 13:47:50


拟合数据库 Fitting database英语短句 例句大全

拟合数据库,Fitting database

1)Fitting database拟合数据库

2)virtual database虚拟数据库

1.The Product Supply Respond System Based on the Virtual Database;基于虚拟数据库的产品供应查询系统

2.Development of web-site based onvirtual database;基于虚拟数据库的网站开发

3.Study onvirtual database architecture of data integration;计算机软件数据整合虚拟数据库体系研究


1.Virtual Database and Its Application to the Data Integration;虚拟数据库及其在数据集成中的应用

2.Study on Information Systems Integration Based on Virtual Database基于虚拟数据库的信息系统集成研究

3.Adding database {0} to Virtual server {1}正在将数据库 {0} 添加到虚拟服务器 {1}

4.Added database {0} to Virtual server {1}已将数据库 {0} 添加到虚拟服务器 {1}

5.Specify database settings for this virtual server.请指定此虚拟服务器的数据库设置。

6.Could not build metabase namespace for the new virtual无法建立新虚拟目录的配置数据库

7.The Construction of Virtual Domain E-mail System based on Database基于数据库的虚拟域邮件系统的构建

8.Security and Protection of Database in Windows Virtual Host;Windows虚拟主机的数据库安全与防范

9.The Research on the Relational Database Watermarking Based on the Virtual Primary Key基于虚拟主键的数据库水印技术研究

10.Application of database technology to virtual machining system数据库技术在虚拟加工系统中的应用

11.Database Watermarking Algorithm Based on Virtual Primary Key一种基于虚拟主键的数据库水印算法

12.Virtual server architecture:new mode for outsourcing database外包数据库的新模式——虚拟服务器结构

13.Database Design and Accessing of Remote Virtual Laboratory远程虚拟实验室数据库的设计及访问

14.Virtual global database for P2P networks一种基于P2P网络的虚拟全局数据库

15.Research on Data Mining Technology Based on Virtual Data Warehouse基于虚拟数据仓库的数据挖掘技术研究

16.A Method for Storaging Virtual Instrument Data to Database Using LabSQL利用LabSQL实现虚拟仪器数据的数据库存储

17.Research on NC Milling Database Based on Virtual Manufacturing and Modeling of End Mills;虚拟数控铣削数据库及铣刀建模的研究

18.Use this page to manage content databases for this virtual server.使用此网页可管理此虚拟服务器的内容数据库。


virtual database虚拟数据库

1.The Product Supply Respond System Based on the Virtual Database;基于虚拟数据库的产品供应查询系统

2.Development of web-site based onvirtual database;基于虚拟数据库的网站开发

3.Study onvirtual database architecture of data integration;计算机软件数据整合虚拟数据库体系研究


1.Starting with the analysis of information conversion and using mobile agent technique, a new kind ofVDB (virtual database) model based on mobile agent is advanced.从信息转换分析入手,利用MobileAgent技术,提出了一种基于MobileAgent的虚拟数据库模型。

4)data fitting数据拟合

1.Analyzing to characteristics of pedestrians flow on stairways at metro transfer stations basing ondata fitting;地铁站楼梯行人流交通特征的数据拟合分析

2.A New Data Fitting Model and Algorithm Based on the Data Geometric Analysis;基于数据几何分析的新数据拟合模型与算法

3.the Application of Matlab in Data Fitting;Matlab在数据拟合中的应用


6)data regression数据拟合


