1200字范文 > 防除策略 control strategy英语短句 例句大全

防除策略 control strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-25 01:21:40


防除策略 control strategy英语短句 例句大全

防除策略,control strategy

1)control strategy防除策略

1.The occurrence andcontrol strategy of Malachium aquaticum in transplanted rape fields in Hubei Province;湖北移栽油菜田牛繁缕的发生规律及防除策略

2)deletion strategy删除策略

1.In Boolean operator fuzzy logic, applyingdeletion strategy in level saturation method can avoid many useless clauses without loss of generalized completeness of the resolution.在布尔算子模糊逻辑中施行归结时,使用删除策略能够在水平浸透的过程中减少无用子句的产生,并且不牺牲归结的广义完备性,从而更快地求得子句集的恒假水平。

2.The present paper introduces thedeletion strategy into generalized λ-resolution and discusses certain properties of λ-strong entailment.本文在广义λ-归结方法中引进删除策略,讨论了λ-蕴涵的若干性质,并证明:以λ-蕴涵为基础的删除策略不破坏广义λ-归结方法的完备性。


1.Redirect the folder back to the local user profile location when policy is removed删除策略时将文件夹移回本地用户配置文件位置

2.Optimizing the Service Composition Execution Paths Based on a Gradual Constraint Violation Deleting Scheme基于渐进约束违背删除策略的服务合成执行路径优化

3.Remove the link and delete the Group Policy Object permanently移除链接并将组策略对象永久删除

4.Add/delete administrators, edit multiple password policies:添加/删除管理员、编辑多密码策略:

5.The resource allocation policy {0} will be deleted. Do you want to continue?资源分配策略 {0} 将被删除。您想继续吗?

6.Delete connection request policy "%1" on machine %2?删除在机器 %2 上的连接请求策略 "%1" 吗?

7.Delete connection request policy "%1" on local machine?删除本地机器上的连接请求策略 "%1" 吗?

8.Delete connection request policy "%1" on the local computer?删除本地计算机上的连接请求策略 "%1" 吗?

9.All resource allocation policies were deleted by the user %1.User: %1所有资源分配策略都被用户 %1 删除。用户: %1

10.Delete connection request policy "%1" on the computer %2?删除在计算机 %2 上的连接请求策略 "%1" 吗?

11.Use this page to create, delete, or modify rights policy templates.请使用此页创建、删除或修改版权策略模板。

12."Failed to delete the Group Policy Object. You may not have appropriate rights."未能删除组策略对象。您可能没有合适的权限。

13.The resource allocation policy %1 was deleted by the user %2.Resource allocation policy: %1 User: %2资源分配策略 %1 被用户 %2 删除。资源分配策略: 用户: %2

14.Close all Software Restriction Policy property pages before deleting the Software Restriction Policies.删除软件限制策略前,请关闭所有软件限制策略属性页。

15.You must close all active policy files before adding or removing new policy templates.在添加或删除新的策略模板前必须关闭所有活动的策略文件。

16.Are you sure you want to delete the encrypted data recovery policy from this group policy object?确实要从这个组策略对象删除加密的数据恢复策略吗?

17.Are you sure you want to delete the Encrypting File System policy from this Group Policy object?您确信要从这个组策略对象删除加密文件系统策略吗?

18.Delete Encrypting File System policy and any data recovery agents删除加密文件系统策略及任何数据恢复代理程序


deletion strategy删除策略

1.In Boolean operator fuzzy logic, applyingdeletion strategy in level saturation method can avoid many useless clauses without loss of generalized completeness of the resolution.在布尔算子模糊逻辑中施行归结时,使用删除策略能够在水平浸透的过程中减少无用子句的产生,并且不牺牲归结的广义完备性,从而更快地求得子句集的恒假水平。

2.The present paper introduces thedeletion strategy into generalized λ-resolution and discusses certain properties of λ-strong entailment.本文在广义λ-归结方法中引进删除策略,讨论了λ-蕴涵的若干性质,并证明:以λ-蕴涵为基础的删除策略不破坏广义λ-归结方法的完备性。

3)Delete policy删除策略

4)remove strategies移除策略

1.Two kinds ofremove strategies of negative customers are considered: remove the customer at the head(RCH) and remove the customer at the end(RCE).对先到先服务规则分别考虑了负顾客的两种移除策略:移除队首(RCH)和移除队尾(RCE)。

5)eliminational tactics排除策略

1.This essay concerns about four kind of schoolroom-teaching reading psychological obstacle: contented sensation, indifferent sensation, solitary sensation, indolent sensation, Then briefly state the correspondingeliminational tactics.本文提出了满足感、冷漠感、孤独感与懒惰感等四种课堂教学中的阅读心理障碍 ,并简述了相应的排除策略。

6)elimination strategy消除策略


