1200字范文 > 民族化元素 national element英语短句 例句大全

民族化元素 national element英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-15 13:09:35


民族化元素 national element英语短句 例句大全

民族化元素,national element

1)national element民族化元素

1.Besides keeping the original melody, there are manynational elements which are peculiar in China.黎英海创作的《夕阳箫鼓》改编自我国古代同名琵琶曲,其中在保留原有曲调的基础上,加入了许多中国特有的民族化元素,是钢琴改编曲的代表作之一。


1.An Analysis of the Nationalization Element and Piano Playing of Flute and Drum Melody of the Setting Sun论钢琴改编曲《夕阳箫鼓》的民族化元素及其演奏

2.Reconstruction of Qualities of Ethnic Minority Teachers in the Perspective of Multi-cultural Education;多元文化教育视野中少数民族教师素质的重建

3.On the Melting of Han and She Ethnic Groups from the Perspectiveof Hakka Cultural Multi-elements;从客家文化的多元因素看汉、畲民族交融

4.Study on the Application of Chinese National Culture Elements in Cartoom中国动画艺术对民族文化元素运用之研究

5.Study on the Cultural Anthropology Element in the Film of South Minority南方少数民族题材电影中文化人类学元素研究

6.The Application of Traditional Culture Elements in TV Art Creation for Olympics民族文化元素在奥运电视美术创作中的应用

7.Urbanization: Cultural Unification or Cultural Multiplication?城市化:民族文化的一元化,还是多元化?

8.Diversified Complex of Ethnic and Cultural Features and Formation of Thai-Dai Ethnic Groups;傣泰民族多元复合的民族文化特征与民族形成

9.actinide chalcogenide锕系元素硫族元素化合物

parison on the Application of National Cultural by Fashion Designers from China and Japan;中日服装设计师对民族文化元素的应用设计比较分析

11.Victor Pelevin and His Free Kingdoms-The Cultural Tradition and Style of Postmodernism;后现代元素与民族文化底蕴的结合——维克多·佩列文和他的自由王国

12.National culture and national psychology are mutually affected. National competence and national psychology are dialectically connected.民族文化与民族心理互为因果 ,民族心理素质与国民素质辩证统一。

13.Urbanization: Cultural Unification or Cultural Multiplication?;城市化:民族文化的一元化,还是多元化?yh

14.Urbanization:the Integration of the Metropolitan Multi-Cultures;城市化:都市民族文化的多元一体化

15.any of the chemically inert gaseous elements of the helium group (group 8A or 0 of the periodic table).元素周期表中氦族(A族或族)中任何在化学上具有惰性的气体元素。

16.The traditional elements have had the more and the more big variety in the big tide of the international jewellery, being turned from the nobility and costliness to the civilian and personalization.传统元素在国际首饰大潮中发生了越来越大的变化,由贵族化、高档化向平民化、个性化转变。

17.Multi-cultural Education and the Inheritance of Minority Cultures;多元文化教育与少数民族文化的传承

18.A Brief Discussion on Localization of Ethnic Education and Multicultural Education;略论民族教育本土化与多元文化教育


ethnic elements民族元素

1.The aesthetic significance of the using ofethnic elements in Logo design is to pay attention to the premise of the "content complementary" of signs andethnic elements.将民族元素运用到标志设计中,带来了标志设计审美的新变化。

3)nationality traditional culture element民族传统文化元素

4)ethnic pluralization民族多元化

1.This thesis analyzes the formation ofethnic pluralization, the mainstream of the ethnic relationship and new problems and confrontations in the present tendency in Guangzhou.对广州市民族多元化的成因进行了分析 ;探讨了广州市民族关系的主流、发展趋向和当前城市民族工作的新问题、新难点 ;对进一步协调广州市民族关系提出了建

5)national music element民族音乐元素

1.The use of Chinesenational music element in the movies such as the "Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon" to the "House of Flying Daggers" achieved great success.中国民族音乐元素在电影配乐中的使用,在从《卧虎藏龙》到《十面埋伏》等武侠电影作品中取得了很大的成功。

6)international element民族传统元素




