1200字范文 > 清末修律 law revision in late Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

清末修律 law revision in late Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-04 13:56:46


清末修律 law revision in late Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

清末修律,law revision in late Qing dynasty

1)law revision in late Qing dynasty清末修律

1.Thelaw revision in late Qing dynasty was the first step in law modernization which broke the Chinese legal system and leaded China to the civil law system.而在清末修律的十年里,日本的因素可谓是至关重要的:无论是法律改革的动因,还是效法的榜样和移植的对象;无论是法学体系的建立,还是法学教育的兴盛;无论是起草法律的法学家,还是制定出来的新律,无一不深深浸染了日本的影响——以致有学者称,清末修律乃是“模范日本”,所修新律也是“日本律”。


1.A Comparative Analysis of the Forces in the Controversy between the School of Feudal Ethics and the School of Law in the Late Qing Law Making;试析清末修律中礼法之争的力量对比

2.China s Adoption of Western Law:From a Perspectiveof Law Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty;从清末修律的局限性看中国对西方法律的借鉴

3.On Legal Development Itself And Conflicts During Revision;法律自身的成长与修律变革的冲突——对清末修律指导思想的分析

4.Late Qing Dynasty to Chinese Law System Transition;试论清末修律对中国近代法制转型的影响

ment on Law Rectification in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Enlightenment;清末修律的评价及其对依法治国的启示

6.Renewed Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Britain and China and Legal Reform in the late Qing;《中英续议通商行船条约》与清末修律辨析

7.The Pound and Reverberation of Foreign Cause:the Restudy on the Amendments to the Law at the Ending of Qing Dynasty;外来因素的冲击与回应:清末修律动因再探

8.Sen Jiaben"s View of Personality Equality and its Awkwardness in Modifying the Law of Late Qing Dynasty沈家本的人格平等观及其在清末修律中的尴尬

9.The Origin of Moderating Trend of Penalty in China --Causes、 Survey and Reviewing of Moderating Trend ofPenalty in the Amendment of Laws in the Last Years of Qing Dynasty;中国刑罚轻缓化之肇始——清末修律中刑罚轻缓化之动因、概况及评析

10.Transformation of Civil Law Thought in Late Qing and Its Codification;晚清民法观念的变迁与清末民律的修订

11.The Analysis of Historical Reasons and Reflection of Reforms and Modification of Laws in the Late Qing Dynasty;清末变法修律的历史动因分析及现代反思

12.Customs Survey Towards the End of the Qing Dynasty;清末各省调查局和修订法律馆的习惯调查

13.The Business Fight in Modern History & the Revision of the Commerce Laws in Qing Dynasty;近代商战与清末修订商律——以棉纺织业个案为例

14.In late Qing Dynasty SHEN Jia - ben received order to Revise Penal code and concluded the firstCriminal Law-The New Criminal Law of the Qing Dynasty.清朝末年,沈家本奉命主持刑律修订,制定出中国第一部近代刑法典——《大清新刑律》。

15.Gu Yingtai and the Compilation of Historical Books in the Traditional Form of Records of Major Events in Early Years of Qing Dynasty;谷应泰与清初纪事本末体史书的修撰

16.Studies on Legal Education in Guangdong from Late Qing Dynasty to the Early Period of the Republic of China (1905~1924);清末民初广东法律教育浅探(1905~1924)

17.On the Effect of the Consul Jurisdiction on the Lawyer System in the Late Qing Dynasty;论领事裁判权对清末律师制度的影响

18.The Investigation of Civil Customs in the End of Qing Dynasty and the Compilation of the Draft of Qing Civil Codea;清末民事习惯调查与《大清民律草案》的编纂


Revision of the Civil Law清末民律修订

1.Revision of the Civil Law is an important part of legal reform in the late Qing dynasty, and it’s the first practice in the Codification of Chinese Civil Law, which marks the birth of the first civil law in chinese history and opens up a way of the modernization of civil law .第二部分,分析了清末民律修订的主要原因。

3)WU Ting-fang and the Amendment of Laws in the Final Phase of Qing伍廷芳与清末修律

4)Research on the Revision of the Civil Law from 1901 to 1911清末民律修订研究

5)commerce laws of the Late Qing Dynasty清末商律

6)modification of the law晚清修律

1.Themodification of the law presided by Shen Jiaben on late Qing is the outset of the Chinese legal system and the milestone from Chinese ancient legal system to modem legal system.沈家本所主持的晚清修律是中国法制近代化的开端,是中国古代法制向近代法制过渡的转折点。


