1200字范文 > 刑讯制度 the system of torture英语短句 例句大全

刑讯制度 the system of torture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-22 00:54:52


刑讯制度 the system of torture英语短句 例句大全

刑讯制度,the system of torture

1)the system of torture刑讯制度

1.In the long history of development,the system of torture was always closely connected with the traditional judicial system.刑讯制度是中国传统司法中不可或缺的重要组成部分,也是中国古代法律制度高度发达、完备的标志之一。


1.On the Reformation of the Torture System in the Late Qing Dynasty;论清末的刑讯制度改革——以1905-19《申报》、《大公报》为中心的考察

2.On Defects Of Criminal Compensation System From Exacting A Confession By Torture And Its Rebuilding;从刑讯逼供看刑事赔偿制度之缺陷与制度重构

3.Another Thought on the Prevention of Inquisition by Torture--From the Angle of Restricting the Interrogatory Power;也谈制止刑讯逼供——从制约讯问权的角度

4.On Standardization of Restraining Inquisition by Torture in Criminal Investigation --From the View of Human-right Protection;在刑事侦查中遏制刑讯逼供的制度化建设——以人权保护为视角

5.Improper Interrogation and lts Function and Mechanism:On the Direction of the Interrogation System Reform in China;不当审讯:功能分析与机理阐释——兼论我国刑事审讯制度的改革走向

6.The Legal Proof System and Torture:Discussion with Zhang Youhao法定证据制度和刑讯——兼与张友好同志商榷

7.On the Legal Proof System and Torture:Reply to Li Changsheng也论法定证据制度和刑讯——兼答李昌盛兄的质疑

8.Some Revelations of Sun Yat-sen"s Thought of Abolishing the System of Extortion of Confession by Torture论孙中山废除刑讯逼供制度的现代价值

9.We should establish a perfect system for relief so as to open a door for appeal.应当建立一整套救济制度,为刑讯逼供受害人打开申诉之门。

10.On Improving The Legal System Of "Strict Prohibition Of Exacting A Confession By Torture";完善“严禁刑讯逼供”法律制度——兼谈“不得被强迫自证有罪”

11.Analysing the Criminal Case Evidence Instruct System from the Whole Course Kinescope of Procuratorate Inquest;从检察院审讯全程录像谈刑事案件证据开示制度

12.On the Control of Extorting a Confession by Torture:Consideration of the Construction of a Harmonious Society;也谈对刑讯逼供行为的控制——建构和谐社会向度下的思考

13.The Suspect’s Right to Have His Rights Known: From Defeating Torture Perspective试论被追诉人获得权利告知的权利——从遏制刑讯逼供的角度

14.The Classify of Crime of Extorting a Confession by Torture--Analysis of Restraint on Extoring a lonfseeion by Torture by Criminal Substantive Law;论刑讯逼供罪的归类——兼论刑事实体法对刑讯逼供的遏制

15.On the Cause, Harm and Procedure Control to Extort a Confession by Torture;论刑讯逼供成因、危害及其程序遏制

16.Research on the Causes and Countermeasures of Extorting a Confession by Torture;刑讯逼供形成的原因及遏制对策研究

munication Monitor Analysis on Basic Theory;刑事侦查中的通讯监察:法律规制与制度建构——以美国法为对象的分析

18.Perfecting Interrogation Institution from its Function;从侦查讯问的功能看讯问制度的完善


interrogation system讯问制度


1.But such evidence cannot be found easily,so the judges put the emphasis on the defendant\"s confession,which causedtorture.根据该制度,只有两名目击证人的证言才是最可靠的完全证据,但由于这种证据极难获得,因此审讯重心不得不置于获取被告人的口供之上,从而导致刑讯的滥用。

2.Not only weretorture occurred under the Legal Proof System and the Free Evaluation of Evidence System,but also were produced in our antiquity which without the Legal Proof System.刑讯不只存在于实行法定证据制度的国家。

4)inquisition by torture刑讯

1.As an important institution in Chinese legal history,inquisition by torture is strictly regulated by lv and li(律例)in Tang and Ming Dynasty,including the procedure and conditions of torture,types and standards of instruments,restriction and punishment for torture,etc.刑讯作为中国法制史上的重要制度,在唐明律例中都予以严格规范,其内容包括刑讯的程序和条件、刑具的种类和标准、刑讯的限制和处罚等等。

2.To prevent the resulting trumped-up case,back in Western Zhou Dynasty,there wasinquisition by torture legislation,to the Tang Dynasty it was more mature.在中国古代司法审判中,当事人的口供是法官定罪结案的最高决定性证据,这一诉讼传统使刑讯逼供成为司法领域内不可避免的现象。

5)penalty system刑罚制度

1.The present nonagepenalty system doesn t adapt to the severe reality of the nonage crime in our country.我国现行有关未成年人的刑罚制度已不适应当前严峻的未成年人犯罪现实。

2.Looking from the practice of our experimental unit,the actualpenalty system is not fit for the rapidly development of community correction.从目前我国社区矫正试点工作的实践来看,现行刑罚制度还难以适应社区矫正工作快速发展的需要。

6)system of punishment刑罚制度


