1200字范文 > 样条线 spline英语短句 例句大全

样条线 spline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-30 10:15:51


样条线 spline英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper introduces two methods for selecting proper ways to fit curves using listing discrete points according to actual needs and the smooth join between curves have been realized by usingspline as transition.本文介绍了两种方法,对列表离散点,根据实际需要来选取拟合方法生成曲线,并以样条线为过渡实现曲线间的平滑拼接。

2.On the basis of the problem of drawing intersecting lines in engineering design with computer drawing software, this paper brings forward the use of thespline function and formula curve function by computer drawing software and the method of drawing intersecting lines.根据工程设计中经常遇到绘制零件表面相贯线的问题,提出应用计算机绘图软件的样条线功能和公式曲线功能绘制相贯线的方法,为工程设计绘制相贯线提供了绘图依据。

3.Based on Autodesk Inventor Professional ,the paper introduces some basal methods to control and edit thespline,such as geometric constrains, dimensional constraint,changing and restricting the parameter of control points, increasing or reducing the control points, fitting curve, changing the tensity of curve etc.Inventor中的样条线可以作为截面轮廓、扫掠路径、放样特征的轨道,它在计算机辅助设计与制造中十分关键。


1.Methods of Controling and Editing the Spline Based on Inventor;Inventor中样条线的控制和编辑技术探讨

2.This line is as long as that one.这条线同那条线一样长。

3.Study of Rational Spline & Algebraic Curves and Surfaces Splines;有理样条和代数曲线曲面样条的研究

4.NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines)不均匀有理B样条曲线

5.Study of Data Reduction of B-spline Curves and Disk B-spline Curves;B样条曲线和圆域B样条曲线数据缩减的研究

6.Curvature monotony condition Tor the quadratic rational B spline curves.二次有理B样条曲线曲率单调条件

7.A Class of Spline Curve with Given Tangent Polygon一类带有给定切线多边形的样条曲线

8.B-spline Curve and Surface Reconstruction under Geometric Constraint;几何约束条件下的B样条曲线曲面重构

9.On Smooth Connection between Two Bézier Spline Curves in Gn Continuity;两条Bézier样条曲线G~n连续下的光滑连接

10.First, you must draw two lines like this.首先,你要画两条这样的线。

11.NURB surfacesNURBS(非一致有理B样条曲线)

12.IK Spline Handle Tool反向动力学样条曲线句柄工具

13.This mounting is not suitable for extensive line work.这样的裱糊不宜刻绘大片的线条。


15.Study of Fairing Free Curve and Surface Base on B-spline;基于B样条的自由曲线曲面光顺研究

16.Realization Cubic B-spline Curve Interpolation Based on DSP;基于DSP的三次B样条曲线插补的实现

17.B-Spline Function Method for the Nonlinear Bending of Circular Sandwich Plate Subjected to Axisymmetrical Distributed Load;夹层圆板非线性弯曲的样条函数解法

18.B Spline Curve and Surface Reconstruction Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传算法的B样条曲线曲面重建



1.The Approximation from Ellipse and Spline to Polyline In Estate Surveying;房产测量中椭圆和样条曲线的多段线逼近

2.It analyzed the application of Curve-Surface Modeling Technology in CAD/CAM,and described the characteristics of polyline andspline in AutoCAD.分析了曲线曲面造型技术在CAD/CAM软件中的应用,探讨了AutoCAD中多义线和样条曲线的特性;对某电火花线切割设备不能接收某些DXF数据的现象提出了解决方案,通过线型的转换,实现了数据的传输,完成了数控加工。

3.According to the unwrap curves equation of the intersection of cylinder vessels opening for nozzles,smooth template curves for both opening and nozzle are plotted with the aid of cubicsplines.根据圆筒容器开口接管相贯线平面展开线方程,利用VBA对AutoCAD进行二次开发,采用三次样条曲线,实现了圆筒容器开口接管雌、雄样板曲线的光滑绘制,并开发了相应的雌、雄样板放样软件。

3)Spline curve样条曲线

1.Application of the cubic Bzier spline curve in garment pattern design;三次Bzier样条曲线在服装纸样设计中的应用

2.Cloud elimination method in remote sensing image based on spline curve;基于样条曲线的一种遥感图像去云方法

3.Study and realization of three dimensional character modeling system based on spline curve;基于样条曲线的三维字造型系统的研究与实现

4)spline curves样条曲线

1.After analyzing profoundly the function and its DXF group codes of various kind ofspline curves in AutoCAD software as well as programming verification based on object ARX development environment, this paper finally reversed their developing technique and mathematic models of biarc spline, B-spline and NURBS(non-uniform rational B-spline) curve in AutoCAD software.通过对AutoCAD软件中各类样条曲线的功能及其DXF组码深入分析,并用object ARX二次开发环境进行编程验算,反求出了AutoCAD中的双圆弧样条曲线、NURBS样条曲线以及B样条曲线的具体实现技术及数学模型,并对AutoCAD环境下各类样条曲线的数控加工编程进行了讨论。

2.Based on the divisibility of Bézier curves,the paper provides a generating algorithm ofspline curves and further promotes the algorithm to thespline curves of the kind by means of the transformation matrix ofspline curves.基于B啨zier曲线的可分割性 ,给出样条曲线的一种生成算法 ,利用样条曲线的变换矩阵 ,进而将此算法推广至样条曲线

5)line pattern线条式样

6)line transect样线;线状样条


B样条曲面B样条曲面B-spline surfaceB yangtiao qumianB样条曲面(Bsp一ine surface)用分段B样条多项式函数及控制点网格定义的面。基于B样条曲线,可以得到B样条曲面的表示式。给定(m+1)(n十l)个空间点列凡(i=0,1,…,m,]=0,1,…,n),则s(二,w)一艺艺尸。从,*(。)凡,,(w),该二0少=O u,功任[0,1」定义了kXz次B样条曲面。式中从,*(u)和凡,,(w)分别是k次和l次的B样条基函数,由凡组成 的空间网格称为B样条曲面的控制点网格。上式 也可写成如下的矩阵式称(u,二)二认呱几M王w王,y任[l,。+2一划z任[l,n+2一z〕,u,wC〔O,1」式中y,z—表示在u,w参数方向上曲面片的 个数。 Uk=[。‘一‘,uk一2,…,u,1〕, 钱二仁砂一’,砂一2,…,w,1〕, 凡,二氏,i任[y一1,y+k一2〕, ,任仁z一1,z+z一2] 凡是某一个B样条面片的控制点编号。最常用的 是二、三次均匀B样条曲面的构造。 (1)均匀双二次B样条曲面已知曲面的控制点巧(i,]=o,1,2),参数u、 二,且O镇u,w簇1,k=l=2,构造步骤是: ①沿w(或u)向构造均匀二次B样条曲线,即 有,「‘一“P0(w,一L矿“」[一::侃同哪 WMs经转置后尸。(w)=「尸oo尸。,尸。2〕磷wT;同上可得P,(二)=[尸,。尸,,尸,2」M五WTpZ(二)=[pZ。p21 p22]M百wT②再沿u(或w)向构造均匀二次B样条曲线,即可得到均匀双二次B样条曲面。 ,L 11﹁.!一|到泊恤、、/)pp(w嘿的嘿编s(u,w)二UM日(w TW TB M翻川州护P PP=UM白 匕PZo P21简记为s(u,二)二〔侧砂呵百wl(2)均匀双三次B样条曲面已知曲面的控制点八(£,j=o,1,2,3),参数u,二且“,w任【0,1],构造双三次B样条曲面的步骤同上述,其矩阵形式是S(u,w)=L时正声吸至百wT, 门几创川川旧洲翻叼--302 1222犯尸尸尸P尸尸尸尸尸冲尸峥 一一P月J月j 3一6,l八、︶n”4.内J,1卜|匡IL1一6一一姚双三次B样条曲面如图1所示。图1双三次B样条曲面
