1200字范文 > 伪随机码 pseudo-random code英语短句 例句大全

伪随机码 pseudo-random code英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-17 03:33:00


伪随机码 pseudo-random code英语短句 例句大全

伪随机码,pseudo-random code

1)pseudo-random code伪随机码

1.The general mathematical expression of the several kinds ofpseudo-random code modulation pulse trains—PRBC,PPM.给出了几种常见伪随机码调制脉冲串信号的统一数学表达式,包括脉间伪随机二相编码脉冲串信号、伪随机脉位调制脉冲串信号、伪随机脉位调制与二相编码复合脉冲串信号,以此为基础,简要推导了统一的幅谱函数和相关函数表达式,具体分析了各自的特性并对其进行了仿真。

2.In this paper,to meet the requirements of cipher in the signal transmission of IFF system,thepseudo-random code is introduced.敌我识别系统的核心技术之一是询问信号与应答信号的加密传输,针对信号传输中对密码的要求,文中引入了伪随机码,基于剪接筛法设计了能产生2048个两两相异的5级M序列的电路,并对该电路进行了仿真,仿真结果验证了该设计的正确有效性。

3.The principle ofpseudo-random code phase-modulation fuze was described simply.介绍伪随机码调相引信原理,在此基础上提出瞄准式欺骗性干扰机方案,并对各部分电路进行理论论证和硬件实现,主要包括利用扫频源和Costas环对伪码调相引信信号进行解调,基于FPGA的伪码序列识别和重构,干扰波形的调制发射等。


1.The design and implementation of pseudo random code identification and reconstruction;伪随机码识别及重构系统设计与实现

2.Research on Tracking System for Pseudo Noise Code in Spread Spectrum Receiver;扩频接收机中伪随机码跟踪系统的研究

3.Choice and Implement of PN Sequence in Spread Spectrum Communication System in ASIC Chip′s Development;扩频通信芯片开发中伪随机码的选择及实现

4.A New IPMP System Based on Pseudo - random - code in MPEG - 4;一种基于伪随机码序列的MPEG-4的IPMP系统的设计

5.The Research of Method of the Large Step Fast Acquisition of the PN Code and Digitalization Design;伪随机码的大步进快速捕获方法研究及数字化实现

6.Reasch of Detect the Status of Underground Metal Pipeline s Anticorrosive Layer by the Technique of Pseudo Random Code;采用伪随机码技术检测地下金属管道防腐层状况的研究

7.The Study of PN Code Acquisition Detection Method for DSSS Based on Wavelet Analysis基于小波分析的DSSS系统伪随机码捕获判定方法的研究

8.Three-step correlation approach to finding correlation peak value in pseudo random code modulated ultrasonic distance measurement三步相关法确定伪随机码超声波测距的相关峰值

9.Simulation of Pseudorandom Sequence in Lossy Layered Media and Its Application伪随机码在有损层状介质中的正演模拟及其应用

10.Study on Pseudo Random Pulse Position Modulation and Pseudo Random Coded Phase-modulation Compound Fuze伪随机脉位调制与伪码调相复合体制引信研究

11.The Compound Modulating Scheme of PRPPM-PRBC Fuze先伪码调相后伪随机脉位调制的复合调制方案


13.Pseudo-Random Coder Design of Radar Signal Based on FPGA基于FPGA的雷达信号伪随机编码器设计

14.Research on the Identified Technique of Image Based on Multicolor Pseudo-random Code基于彩色伪随机编码的图像识别技术研究

15.Parasitic AM and Phase Error in Pseudo-Random Binary Codes伪随机二相编码信号的寄生调幅与相位误差

16.Study on Encryption and Anti-counterfeiting Technique Based on Random Phase Encoding Algorithm基于随机相位编码的加密与防伪技术研究

17.Methods for Generating Secure Pseudorandom Floating Point Numbers;密码安全的伪随机浮点数发生方法研究

18.Pseudo-Random Color Encoded 3D Characterization Technology in 3D Vision Detect;三维视觉检测中的伪随机彩色编码特征化技术


PN code伪随机码

1.The catching time ofPN code for DS-CDMA;DS—CDMA伪随机码的捕捉时间

2.The chip PLL is used to provide internal global clock,and VHDL is used as programming language to realize three kinds ofPN code with speed from 1M to 20M for test.实现了一种基于FPGA的误码仪内核设计,利用FPGA芯片内部的PLL提供高速全局时钟,使用硬件编程语言VHDL编程实现了传输速率在1~20 M b/s内分段可调,29-1位、215-1位、223-1位3种序列长度的伪随机码码型可选,可手动发送误码以及智能失同步置位的误码检测等误码仪主要功能,并在最后给出了仿真结果。

3.In direct sequence spread spectrum systems,due to dynamic factors such as the relative motion between the transmitter and the receiver and the instability of clock,there is code-frequency offset between the received and the localPN codes.本文首次采用对常规伪码相关函积分的方法推导了一阶动态即恒定码率偏移条件下任意长积分时间伪随机码信号相关函数公式,对所得公式进行了仿真验证,在此基础上分析了一阶动态条件下伪随机码信号相关函数的特征,包括主瓣展宽、峰值移位和损耗等现象。

3)pseudorandom code伪随机码

1.Application ofpseudorandom code in absolute photoelectric angle encoder;伪随机码在绝对式光电轴角编码器中的应用

2.The principle of detection bypseudorandom code is illustrated in this paper.文中阐述了伪随机码探测原理。

3.For targets of limited size, the principle of detection of laser fuze using thepseudorandom code is studied and the distance model of laser fuze analyzed.以有限大目标反射为应用对象,探讨伪随机码激光引信探测机理,同时对激光引信作用距离模型进行分析,得出了激光引信各主要参量之间的关系。

4)pseudo random code伪随机码

1.The design and implementation ofpseudo random code identification and reconstruction;伪随机码识别及重构系统设计与实现

2.Three-step correlation approach to finding correlation peak value inpseudo random code modulated ultrasonic distance measurement三步相关法确定伪随机码超声波测距的相关峰值

3.This design adopts the frequency divider to divide 20MHz clock source into 32kHz and 64kHz and then adopts thepseudo random code generator to generate a 15-bit random code at the clock rate of 32kHz.研究了数字光纤通信系统中DM I码编码器的设计方法,设计采用分频器将20 MHz的时钟源分为32kHz和64 kHz的时钟频率;采用伪随机码产生器在32 kHz时钟频率作用下发生伪随机码(PN码),使DM I编码器将接收到的伪随机码进行编码,并在64 kHz时钟频率作用下输出DM I码。

5)pseudorandom codes伪随机码

1.Reasons why side-lobes are caused when usingpseudorandom codes in OTDR are given.分析了OTDR中利用伪随机码进行测量时旁瓣产生的原因 ,提出一种新方法———周期伪随机码 。

6)pseudo noise code伪随机码

1.Findingpseudo noise code with recurrence method and primitive polynomial;用递推法查找伪随机码和本原多项式

2.Some meth-ods ofpseudo noise code ranging in sa tellite TT&C are discussed detailed ly in this paper.比较详细地讨论卫星测控系统中利用伪随机码来测距的几种方法。


随机数和伪随机数随机数和伪随机数random and pseudo-randan numbers随机数和伪随机数【喇间佣1 al川牌”山一喇闭..m.山娜;cJI了,a如曰e”nce,口oc月卿成.以叹“c月a】数亡。(特别,二进制数:。),其顺序出现,满足某种统计正则性(见概率论(probability Uleory)).人们是这样区别随机数(mndomn切mbe比)和伪随机数(PSeudo一mn由mn切mbe岛)的,前者由随机的装置来生成,而后者是用算术算法构造的.总是假设(出于较好或较差的理由)所得(或所构造)的序列具有频率性质,这些性质对于具有分布函数F(z)的某随机变量心独立实现的一个序列来说是“典型的”;因此人们称作根据规律F(习分布的(独立的)随机数.最经常使用的例子为:在区间【O,l]上均匀分布的随机数亡。,尸(亡。
