1200字范文 > 局部包扎法 partial binding method英语短句 例句大全

局部包扎法 partial binding method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-26 11:35:12


局部包扎法 partial binding method英语短句 例句大全

局部包扎法,partial binding method

1)partial binding method局部包扎法

2)Pressure bandage局部加压包扎

3)bunding methods包扎方法

1.Objective Through studying differentbunding methods after coronary artery angiography to choose the best bunding measure in order to reduce patient s pain.目的对冠脉造影术后伤口不同包扎方法进行研究,选择最佳的包扎方法,减少患者的痛苦。


1.There are many special rules for mailing packages regarding size and how they are packed.包裹的大小及其包扎方法有许多特殊的规定。

2.Application Study of the Creative Taping Method for the Medium Long-Distance Run Athlete Trauma with Achilles Tendon;中长跑运动员跟腱损伤创新绷带包扎方法的应用研究

3.Methods of protection by bandaging up the hands of boxers and free style boxers;拳击、散手运动员手部绷带包扎防护方法

4.Determination of Steam Pressure for Urea Converter Leakage Test层板包扎尿塔检漏蒸汽压力的确定方法

5.Study on Multilayer Urea Reactor Inspection and Residual Life Assessment Method;多层包扎尿素合成塔检验与剩余寿命评估方法研究

6.Evidence-based Nursing: Bandaging and Hemostasis for Puncture Point after Coronary Intervention by Radial Artery Path桡动脉途径冠状动脉介入术后穿刺处包扎止血方法的循证护理

7.Something that binds or is used as a binder.包扎物包扎或用作包扎物的东西

8.I went below, and did what I could for my wound;我下到房舱,想办法包扎伤口。

9.Clinical Application of Anti-bandage Pressure to Prevention and Treat Lymphatic Leakage加压反包扎法预防、治疗术后淋巴漏

10.To untie or unfasten, as wrappings or bindings.解开或松开包裹或包扎

11.A New Research Method for Construction of Psychology Thory-Ground Theory;心理学理论建构的新方法—扎根理论

12.One that binds, especially a bookbinder.包扎者包扎者,尤指装订工

13.To wrap(a patient)in a pack.用裹布包扎用纱布塞包扎(病人)

14.apply a bandage (to...)把绷带包扎 (于…),用绷带包扎 (…)

15.Surgical ligation of the vas deferens as a means of sterilization.输精管结扎术输精管的外科结扎手术,是绝育的一种方法

16.Research on Modeling of Multi-layer Wrapped Shell in Stress Analysis Based Finite Element Method基于有限元法的多层包扎筒体应力分析建模研究

17.Clinical observation on patients with diabetic foot accepting different ways of packing for hematischesis after femoral artery puncture intervention operation糖尿病足病人经股动脉穿刺介入术后不同包扎止血法的临床观察

18.It also must be tied with string.包裹还必须用绳子扎紧。


Pressure bandage局部加压包扎

3)bunding methods包扎方法

1.Objective Through studying differentbunding methods after coronary artery angiography to choose the best bunding measure in order to reduce patient s pain.目的对冠脉造影术后伤口不同包扎方法进行研究,选择最佳的包扎方法,减少患者的痛苦。

4)bandaging method包扎疗法

5)Dressing Wound包扎法

6)ends protected only只包扎端部


局部选穴法局部选穴法 局部选穴法 针灸选穴法之一。指在病变局部选取穴位治疗的方法。是《内经》中“以痛为输”、“随而调之”等选穴原则的运用。如额痛取印堂、攒竹等穴,胃痛取中脘、梁门等穴,膝痛取膝眼穴等。适用于体表各部的局部病变,对内脏和深部疾患亦有一定的疗效。
