1200字范文 > 高职高专法学专业 higher vocational education law major英语短句 例句大全

高职高专法学专业 higher vocational education law major英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 04:30:54


高职高专法学专业 higher vocational education law major英语短句 例句大全

高职高专法学专业,higher vocational education law major

1)higher vocational education law major高职高专法学专业


1.Consideration of Problems in Recent Development of law Major in Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities;高职高专法学专业发展现状问题思考

2.On the Teaching Method of Major Courses of MouldSpeciality in Higher Vocational College;高等职业学校模具专业专业课教学方法的探讨

3.A study on teaching practice of the higher vocational law education;高职高专法律专业实践性教学环节初探

4.How to Apply Process Approach to English Writing Class of Higher Vocational English Majors过程法在高职高专英语专业写作教学中应用

5.On English Methodology Course Reform of English Education Major in College高职高专英语教育专业“教学法”课程改革思考

6.Investigation of English Majors Attribution in Vocational Colleges;高职高专英语专业学生学习归因研究

7.Exploration of Teaching Reform on Private International Law in vocational legal profession高职法律专业国际私法教学改革初探

8.On Training Mode of Legal Profession in Higher Vocational College;论高职高专法律类专业人才培养方式

9.Research of Teaching Pattern on Electronic.Government and Its High Professional Education.;高职高专电子政务专业教学模式初探

10.Exploration on Specialty of English Translation in Ordinary and Vocational Colleges;高职高专院校应用翻译专业办学思考

11.The Derivation and Error-correction of Logistics Specialty Teaching Plan;高职高专物流类专业教学计划的设计

12.Practice Specialty Construction in Financial Higher Technical and Vocational College;高职高专专业实践教学体系建设探析

13.Exploration on English Teaching Mode in Vocational College;高职高专商务英语专业教学模式初探

14.A Tentative Discussion on Practical Teaching of Business English in Advanced-Vocational Colleges;试论高职高专商务英语专业实践教学

15.Attitudes on Bilingual Education for E-commerce Major in the Higher Vocational and Technical Institutions;高职高专电子商务专业双语教学刍议

16.Research on the Practical Teaching Renovation of Vocation Experimental Specialty;高职高专试点专业实践教学改革研究

17.On the Selecting of the Dishes in Cuisine Major Teaching in High Professional Education;试论高职高专烹饪专业教学莱点筛选

18.Discussion on Business English Listening Teaching of Vocational Colleges;高职高专商务英语专业听力教学探讨


higher vocational specialty高职专业

3)pre-school education in higher technical and vocational level高职高专学前教育专业

1.In comparison with students in secondary normal schools,students majoringpre-school education in higher technical and vocational level have more theoretical knowledge in education,but they are less talented in professional skills than the former.以科学发展观为指导思想,对高职高专学前教育专业主要是五年一贯制学前教育专业建设及人才培养模式构想进行论证,侧重探讨技能培养和实践课程的构建及这种构建与社会的需求对理想人才培养的意义、价值。

4)law major in higher vocational colleges高职法律专业

1.After studying the professional skills necessary for alaw major in higher vocational colleges,the author points out that in the teaching of law majors we should pay more attention to practice teaching,focus on the fostering of students\" professional skills,help them enhance their ability in seeking the jobs,venturing and changing the jobs.在研究高职法律专业应具备的职业技能后,指出高职法律专业应该加大实践教学力度,注重学生法律职业技能的培养,增强学生的就业能力、创业能力和职业转换能力。

5)Vocational technologe students高职专学生

6)college graduates高职高专毕业生

1.With the deepening of the reform on employment system,thecollege graduates encounter more and more challenges and setbacks.随着就业制度改革的不断深化,高职高专毕业生就业时遇到了更多的困难和挫折,这种就业挫折感对其生理、心理、行为都会产生不利影响。

2.Based on the analysis of talents structure,and the employment situation ofcollege graduates at present,this paper proposes that the location ofcollege graduates is mainly in service industry.通过对人才的结构和层次的划分及现阶段高职高专毕业生就业情况的分析,提出了高职高专毕业生的市场定位主要在服务行业观点;从人才链流层与物链流层以及服务性人才与顾客链的对接两个方面阐述了高职高专毕业生的市场在服务行业有较大的空间。


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