1200字范文 > 育人功能 educational function英语短句 例句大全

育人功能 educational function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-14 00:11:26


育人功能 educational function英语短句 例句大全

育人功能,educational function

1)educational function育人功能

1.Moral contradiction andeducational functions of Chinese for primary schools;道德冲突与小学语文育人功能

2.Tentative views on theeducational functions of university campus culture;浅谈高校校园文化的育人功能

3.Theeducational function of the university music education which mainly manifests in the various and gradual influence on the university student s personal character,intelligence,body and mind,esthetic,and so on.高校音乐教育的育人功能主要体现在对大学生的品德、智力、身心、审美等多方面的影响与熏陶,促进大学生德智体美全面发展。


1.The Educating Function of Art Education and the Means of its Realization;论美术教育的育人功能及其实现途径

2.A Subtle Influence-On the Cultivating Functions of Music Education;润物细无声——浅谈音乐教育的育人功能

3.The Education s Function of the Specialty s Teaching in the University;论高校德育在专业教学中的育人功能

4.The Thought of Health First and Educational Function of School Physical Education;论健康第一思想与学校体育育人功能

5.Functions of "Life Education" on Campus of Higher Education Institutes高校校园文化的“生命教育”育人功能

6.The Educational Function and Constructional Methods of the Middle School Culture;中学校园文化的育人功能和建设途径

7.Educational functions of the specialties in universities;高校加强专业课育人功能的途径探究

8.Bringing Counselors Character-Rearing Function into Play by Setting up Their Role Consciousness;树立角色意识,发挥辅导员的育人功能

9.How to Strengthen Educational Function in Colleges And Universities Security Work;高校保卫工作强化育人功能途径探讨

10.How to Advance the Educational Function of Electronic Reading-room in Universities Libraries;谈高校图书馆电子阅览室的育人功能

11.Adhering to Correct Orientation of Media Giving Active Play to Education Function;坚持正确舆论导向 积极发挥育人功能

12.Strengthen Campus Media Construction,Bring Educational Function into Full Play;加强校园媒体建设 充分发挥育人功能

13.Making Full Use of Humane-training Function of Philosophy and Political Theory Classes to Strengthen Colleges Ideological Education;充分发挥思想政治理论课的育人功能

14.Discussing on Strengthening the Educational Functions of Social Practice for College Students;略论强化大学生社会实践的育人功能

15.Practical Thinking on Educational Function of College Library;对高校图书馆育人功能的实践性思考

16.Extension and Exploitation of News Media s Educational Function in Universities;高校新闻媒体育人功能的拓展与利用

17.Renewing Management Concept of Logistics & Improving Function of Service and Training;更新后勤管理理念,提高服务育人功能

18.The function of cultivating people of ability should be reflected in the reform of college rear-service sociality;高校后勤社会化改革应体现育人功能


education function育人功能

1.The Study on the Weakening and Regenerating of the Education Function in Ideological and Political Education;论思想政治教育育人功能的弱化与再生

2.To intensify theeducation function of students dormitory culture and strengthen the construction of dormitory culture are the required composing parts and important measures for improving ideological and moral level of undergraduate.强化学生公寓文化的育人功能,加强公寓文化建设,是提高大学生思想道德水平的必要组成部分和重要手段。

3)educating function育人功能

1.The school reading-room witheducating function is decided by the unification of school education and social environment.学校阅览室具有育人功能是由学校教育的一体性及社会环境的一体性决定的。

2.Theeducating function penetrates in art practices and permeates in the whole process of art activities.美术教育的育人功能渗透在美术实践之中,贯穿于美术活动的全过程。

4)function of education育人功能

1.It is necessary to integrate the resources of "red culture",set up mechanism of spreading "red culture",and construct "three-in-one" educating mode so as to realize itsfunction of education.因而,“红色文化”具有强大的育人功能;科学整合“红色文化”资源,建立“红色文化”的传播机制,构建“三位一体”的育人范式,从而有效实现“红色文化”的育人功能。

5)humanistic educational function人文教育功能

1.Based on deeply analyzing to the basic connotation of humanistic spirit and its development and evolution,this paper explains and analyses its core value and thehumanistic educational function of li- braries in universities,a systematic analysis to the main misunderstanding on its cultivation in our country,as well as pr.文章在对人文精神的基本内涵与大学人文精神的发展演变进行深入分析的基础上,阐释与分析了大学人文精神的核心价值与高校图书馆的人文教育功能,并对我国大学人文精神培育的主要误区进行了系统分析,提出了新时期构建和培育大学人文精神的基本思路。

6)adult higher edtication function成人高等教育功能



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
