1200字范文 > 关爱民生 care and love the public英语短句 例句大全

关爱民生 care and love the public英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-07 07:36:16


关爱民生 care and love the public英语短句 例句大全

关爱民生,care and love the public

1)care and love the public关爱民生


1.Ensuring People as Basis and Improving People s Livelihood --A Tentative Discussion of the Spirit of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China;注重民本与关爱民生——十七大精神试议

2.a manifestation of God"s foresightful care for His creatures.上帝对臣民关爱的表现。

3.Emerson was religiously committed to democracy.爱默生确是笃信于民主。

4.Learn to Care and Love-Research on the Caring and Loving Emotion Training;学会关爱—大学生关爱情感培养研究

5.Analysis of Correlation between School Caring Environment, Inter-student Caring and Nursing Students’ Caring Capacity学校关爱环境、护生间的关爱与护生关爱能力的相关性分析

6.Care “Empty Nest Students”, Emphasize Rural Education --Investigation over “Empty Nest Students” Program In Jianli, Hubei Province;关爱“空巢学生”,关爱农村教育——湖北监利县关爱“空巢学生”工程调查

7.Love Freedom and Double Standard of Love--From a Historical perspective of Conflict on the Principle of Love in the Republic of China;恋爱自由与双重爱情标准——民国时期关于“爱情定则”论争的历史透视

8.If there were any real love affairs between free men and free women, these occurred only in the course of adultery.如果说在自由民男女之间确实发生过爱情关系,那只是就婚后通奸而言的。

9.Studies on the Relations of "Five Caring About" and Population and Family Planning Work;“五关爱”与人口计划生育工作关系研究

10.She became interested in Irish folk dancing.她对爱尔兰民间舞蹈产生了兴趣。

11.“A Rose for Emily” Once More再谈《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》——答刘新民先生

12.On the Cause of the Climax of Patriotic Trademark Propaganda in the Beginning of Republic of China;民初爱国商标宣传高潮产生原因初探

13.Cognitive Comparison of"loving wisdom"and"loving life" -Fromtheetymologyof"philosophy"“爱智慧”与“爱生活”的认知关联——从“哲学”的词源说起

14.The army cherishes the people and the people support the army.军爱民, 民拥军。

15.Of or relating to Estonia or its people, language, or culture.爱沙尼亚的爱沙尼亚的或其人民、语言或文化的或与之有关的

16.Expressing Considerations for Women and Revealing Patriotic Thoughts--Commenting on Li Jinhui s Popular Song Creation;彰显女性关怀意识表露爱国爱民思想——兼评黎锦晖流行歌曲创作

17.""Five Love": love the motherland, the people, labor, and science and take good care of public property."五爱(爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱护公物)

18.Relationship Between Love Attitudes and Relationship Adjustments Among Undergraduates in Chengdu成都市大学生爱情观与恋爱关系适应的关系研究


Care of people" lives民生关爱

3)Deep concern for life关爱生活

4)concern about the students关爱学生

5)Care for Human Life关爱生命

6)concern for people"s livelihood关照民生


