1200字范文 > 规划理论 Planning theory英语短句 例句大全

规划理论 Planning theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-26 07:47:32


规划理论 Planning theory英语短句 例句大全

规划理论,Planning theory

1)Planning theory规划理论

1.The development of communication rational faculty and urban planning theory;交往理性与城市规划理论的发展

2.Discussion on the substantive planning theory and procedural planning theory:planning theories in dualism;规划理论二分法中的本体理论和程序理论


1.Method Study of Power Plan Based on the Theory of Goal Programming;基于目标规划理论的电源规划方法研究

2.Initial analysis on application of the reverse planning on new country planning浅析反规划理论在新农村规划中的应用

3.Discussion on the substantive planning theory and procedural planning theory:planning theories in dualism;规划理论二分法中的本体理论和程序理论

4.Research on the Localized Theory of University Students Career Planning;大学生职业生涯规划理论“本土化”论析

5.On Theory and Approache of Sustainable Land Use Planning;可持继土地利用规划理论与方法研究

6.Exploration on the Multidimensional Urban Residential Community Planning Theoretics;多维度的城市居住社区规划理论探索

7.Study and Practice: Theory and Method of Ecotourism Planning;生态旅游规划理论、方法与实践研究

8.The Theory Study of the Small Town Road Network System Planning;小城镇道路网系统规划理论方法研究

9.Study on Urban BRT System Planning Theory and Method;城市BRT系统规划理论与方法研究

10.Integration of Economic Planning,Land Use Planning,and Urban Planning:Theory and Approach“经规”、“土规”、“城规”规划整合的理论与方法

11.The Application of Anti-planning Theory to Tourism Planning;“反规划”理论在旅游规划中的应用

12.The theory and method of urban planning ?城市规划方法与理论

13.The Application of Anti-planning Methodolo gy on the Master-planning of Yuanjiang City , in Hunan Province;“反规划”理论在城市总体规划中的应用——以沅江市城市总体规划为例

14.The Practical Analysis of Forest Tourism Planning Based on the Anti-planning Methodology: A Case Study of Sanmen Forest Center;“反规划”理论在三门林场旅游规划中的应用分析

15.An Ecological View of Language Planning--A Review of "Language Planning:from Practice to Theory";语言规划的生态观——兼评《语言规划:从实践到理论》

16.Foreign Collaborative Planning Theory and Practice;国外协作式规划的理论研究与规划实践

17.Theorg and Method on Develop mental Playning of Organil Food;试论有机食品发展规划的理论与方法

18.Research on Basic Theories and Methods of Supply Chain System Planning供应链系统规划基本理论与方法研究


programming theory规划理论

1.Research onprogramming theory and practice of public transport service system based on integration of urban and rural Region;城乡一体化的公交服务体系规划理论与实践研究

2.Based on the effect of time-value of the capital on the profit of project contract and making use of the unbalanced method andprogramming theory,this paper constructs a model of optimizing the project bid.根据工程量清单报价招标和工程款周期支付的特点,基于资金时间价值对工程承包收益的影响,利用不平衡报价原理和规划理论,提出了优化工程投标报价的线性规划模型和计算机算法,通过提高早期施工项目的单价,降低后期施工项目的单价,达到在保持静态投标总报价不变时提高工程承包收益的净现值,以提高实际收益水平;在保持收益现值不变时降低工程投标静态总报价,以提高中标率。

3)"Negative Planning" theory"反规划"理论

4)Planning Theory and Market规划理论和市场

5)modern planning theory现代规划理论

6)Communicative Planning Theory沟通规划理论


