1200字范文 > 胸膜活检 Pleural biopsy英语短句 例句大全

胸膜活检 Pleural biopsy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-07 10:42:58


胸膜活检 Pleural biopsy英语短句 例句大全

胸膜活检,Pleural biopsy

1)Pleural biopsy胸膜活检

1.Report of 1207 percutaneous pleural biopsy with type trucat biopsy needle made in USA;Trucat型活检针经皮针刺胸膜活检1207例报告

2.Diagnostic value of pleural biopsy to unknown causes of exudative pleural effusions;胸膜活检对原因不明的渗出性胸腔积液的诊断价值

3.The application of Dual-frequency Ultrasonography in Pleural Biopsy双频超声在胸膜活检中的应用


1.The Value of Pleural Biopsy in the Etiological Diagnosis of Pleural Effussion胸膜活检对胸腔积液的病因诊断价值

2.Value of Pleural Biopsy to Etiological Diagnosis of Exudative Pleural Effusions胸膜活检对渗出性胸腔积液病因诊断价值

3.Diagnosis significance on the integration of mesothelial cell count in pleural cavities accumulative fluid and pleurae histic examination for identifying benignant or malignant pleural cavities fluid.胸水间皮细胞计数结合胸膜活检对良、恶性胸水的诊断价值

4.Diagnostic value in suspected malignant pleural effusion under ultrasound B type guided pleural biopsyB超引导下胸膜活检术对胸腔积液病因诊断中的应用价值

5.Diagnostic value of combination with pleural biopsy and Mycobacteria Culture from pleural effussion in Tuberculous Pleurisy胸膜活检和胸液培养分枝杆菌联合运用对结核性胸膜炎的诊断价值

6.Diagnostic value of percutaneous pleural biopsy and adenosine deaminase and carcinoembryonic antigen in pleural effusion经皮胸膜活检胸水腺苷脱氨酶癌胚抗原检测对胸腔积液的诊断价值

7.s Objective Clinic significance was approached to the integration of mesothelial cell count in pleural cavities accumulative fluid and pleurae histic examination on the diagnoses of benignant or malignant pleural cavities fluid .目的探讨胸水间皮细胞计数结合胸膜活检对诊断良、恶性胸水的临床意义。

8.The Study of Brush Biopsy of Pleural Biopsy Diagnosis of Malignant Pleural Effusion胸膜刷检联合活检在恶性胸腔积液诊断中的应用

9.closed pleural biopsy封闭式胸膜切片检查

10.Clinical Significance of Detection of CA125 in Patients with Tuberculous Pleurisy结核性胸膜炎患者CA125检查的临床意义

11.Clinical Application of CT Fluoroscopy and Pinpoint Guided Percutaneous Transthoracic BiopsyCT透视及Pinpoint导引胸部病变穿刺活检

12.Detection of Lung Surfactant in Pleural Effusions;胸腔积液中表面活性物质的检测分析

13.chorionic villus biopsy绒膜绒毛活组织检查

14.Test for Adenosine Deaminase in Pleural Effusion for Diagnosing Tuberculous Pleuritis胸水腺苷脱氨酶检测对结核性胸膜炎的诊断意义

15.Significance of pleural effusion examination of ADA and TB-DNA for diagnosis of tuberculous pleuritis胸水ADA、TB-DNA联合检测对结核性胸膜炎的诊断价值

16.The clinical value of pleural fluid detection for the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy by phage am-plified biologically assay噬菌体生物扩增法检测结核性胸膜炎患者胸水临床应用研究

17.The Activating Blood to Stasis"s Role on the Pleural Thickening and the Effect to TGF-β_1 in Tuberculous Pleurisies" Hydrothorax活血化瘀法对结核性胸膜炎胸膜增厚的影响及对胸水中TGF-β_1的干预作用

18.Study on Rapid Detection Technique of Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae;猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌快速检测技术的研究


pleural biopsy胸膜活检术

1.Diagnostic value in suspected malignant pleural effusion under ultrasound B type guidedpleural biopsyB超引导下胸膜活检术对胸腔积液病因诊断中的应用价值

3)pleural needle biopsy针刺胸膜活检

1.Objective To evaluate the safety and clinical significance of usingpleural needle biopsy in diagnosis of pleural effusion.目的研究针刺胸膜活检在胸腔积液病因诊断中的价值和安全性。

4)pleural brushing胸膜刷检

1.Diagnostic value of close percutaneouspleural brushing in suspected malignant pleural effusion;闭式胸膜刷检术对恶性胸腔积液的诊断价值

5)pleural brushing technique胸膜刷检术

6)open-lung biopsy开胸肺活检

1.Methods Serial imaging materials of 7 cases of acute interstitial pneumonia proved byopen-lung biopsy or clinical comprehensive diagnosis were retrospectively analyzed.方法:回顾分析经开胸肺活检证实或临床综合诊断7例急性间质性肺炎的系列影像资料。


胸膜活检胸膜活检pleural bioplsy对原因不明的胸膜疾患,取胸膜活体组织进行病理学检查的一种诊断手段。其方法一般为经胸壁针刺活检;也可经胸壁做一切口。在胸膜腔内注入少量气体后,再送入胸膜镜或纤维支气管镜,在直视下进行活检;胸膜活检并发症,最常见的为气胸,也有咯血发生。
