1200字范文 > 高周疲劳寿命 high-cycling fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

高周疲劳寿命 high-cycling fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-08 08:01:43


高周疲劳寿命 high-cycling fatigue life英语短句 例句大全

高周疲劳寿命,high-cycling fatigue life

1)high-cycling fatigue life高周疲劳寿命

1.The prediction of fatigue life,especiallyhigh-cycling fatigue life,of a solder joint is one of the most difficult problems in electronic industry.最后,提出了简便预测这类结构的高周疲劳寿命方法,且预测结果与试验结果吻合较好。



2.Review on investigation of high cycle fatigue failures for the aero engine blade气流激励下的叶片高周疲劳寿命研究的发展

3.Research on Very High Fatigue Life Distribution and High Reliability of Structural Components;金属材料超高周疲劳寿命分布和元件高可靠性研究

4.Prediction on high cycle life of blades using probability method气流激励下叶片的高周疲劳概率寿命预估

5.Research on low cycle-multiaxial fatigue-creep life prediction at high temperature for turbine blade涡轮叶片高温多轴低周疲劳/蠕变寿命研究

6.Multiaxial Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction under Irregular Loadings;多轴非规则载荷下低周疲劳寿命预测

7.Analysis of Low Cyclic Fatigue Life of the Valves on the Secondary Unit of Steam Turbine;汽轮机中压主汽阀低周疲劳寿命分析

8.Research of multiaxial fatigue-creep life prediction for turbine blade涡轮叶片多轴低周疲劳/蠕变寿命研究

9.New Method of Forecasting the Life of Low-cycle Fatigue预测材料低周疲劳寿命的一种新方法

10.Research on Fretting Fatigue Life of Dovetail Joint under HCF-LCF Load;高低周复合载荷下燕尾榫结构微动疲劳寿命研究

11.Study on Low Cycle Fatigue Life Damage of Steam Turbine s High-Mid Pressure Rotor Using Finite Element Method;利用有限元法对汽轮机高中压转子低周疲劳寿命损伤的研究

12.Characterization and measuring methods on the high-cycling fatigue behavior of SnPb solder jointSnPb焊点结构的高周疲劳行为检测与寿命表征方法

13.Research on High Temperature Fatigue Life Models of Powder Metallurgy;粉末高温合金高温疲劳寿命模型研究

14.Research on Behavior and Life Assessments of Low Cycle Fatigue and Fatigue-Creep Interaction for Typical Pressure Vessel Steels at Elevated and High Temperature;典型压力容器用钢中高温环境低周疲劳和疲劳—蠕变交互作用的行为及寿命评估技术研究

15.Study on Fatigue Life of 2E12 Aluminum Alloy Plate2E12高强铝合金板材疲劳寿命的研究

16.Analysis on Fatigue Life to the Air Cylinder Bolt in Super High Pressure Compressor超高压压缩机气缸螺栓疲劳寿命评估

17.Mechanical Properties and Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Solder under Multiaxial Loading;焊锡钎料的多轴力学性能与低周疲劳寿命研究

18.Research on Fretting Fatigue Life of Dovetail Joint under Low Cycle Load;低周载荷作用下燕尾榫结构微动疲劳寿命研究


low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue life低周和高周疲劳寿命

1.In this article,by using the modified local stress-strain method,thelow-cycle and high-cycle fatigue life of the905mm blades were analyzed and evaluated with various factors taken into consideration such as unit s start-up and stop cycling,vibration stress,corrosion e.采用改进的局部应力应变法,考虑机组启停循环、振动应力、腐蚀环境、叶片表面加工、缺口应力集中等因素,对905mm叶片的低周和高周疲劳寿命进行计算分析与评价。

3)low cycle fatigue life低周疲劳寿命

1.Evaluation of thelow cycle fatigue life of 2(1/4)Cr-1Mo steel under complicated stress state;2(1/4)Cr-1Mo钢复杂应力状态低周疲劳寿命评估

2.By means of low cycle-fatigue test controlled by constant strain amplitude(△_ε),the relation among cycle stress amplitude(△_σ),maximum stress (σ_(max))and cycle number(N) of a low carbon low alloy ultra-high strength steel wire was determined and a high carbon Patenting steel wire was adopted as reference, The effect of warm deformation treatment onlow cycle fatigue life was also studied.结果得出,低碳低合金钢丝比高碳Patenting钢丝具有高的低周疲劳抗力,温形变处理又可提高低周疲劳寿命30%~35%。

3.The effect of warm deformationtreatment on thelow cycle fatigue life of these steel wires were studied.研究了温形变处理对钢丝低周疲劳寿命的影响。

4)LCF life低周疲劳寿命

1.A new method for reliability analysis of discs′LCF life is presented.从Manson-Cofin公式出发,建立了新的低周疲劳寿命失效临界函数及其对随机变量的导数公式,并结合概率有限元法求得轮盘低周疲劳寿命的可靠度,从而解决了采用Landgraf寿命公式的不足。

5)low-cycle fatigue life低周疲劳寿命

1.In present paper, a simplified approach is developed based on fracture mechanics for thelow-cycle fatigue life of submarine pressure hulls.本文基于断裂力学建立了潜艇结构低周疲劳寿命的工程估算方法 ,理论计算与模型试验结果比较表明 :该方法是合理可靠的 ,可用于潜艇结构低周疲劳寿命评

2.And it will also induce secondary internal forces to joints and decreaselow-cycle fatigue life of bracing member, so it is great significance and engineering benefit to do some research on the behavior of brace-frame joints with gusset plate connection.在传统的支撑连接节点中支撑两端和框架刚性连接,不仅制作复杂、造价高、焊接质量不易保证,而且在节点处会产生较大的次弯矩,降低支撑的低周疲劳寿命。

6)fatigue lifetime疲劳寿命

1.In this paper distribution function of roller chainfatigue lifetime are discussed and characteristic of Weibull distribution form parameter offatigue lifetime that vary with its specification and loading are analyzed, then sampling inspection plan of lifetime of reliability and average lifetime are designes.探讨了滚子链疲劳寿命的分布规律;揭示了滚子链疲劳寿命威布尔分布形状参数随链条规格、载荷水平变化的特点;设计了可靠寿命和平均寿命的抽样检验方案,从而为滚子链疲劳可靠性设计和验证提供了重要依

2.Substituting this stress intensity factor into Paris expression obtained by experiment, a prediction of remainingfatigue lifetime for a sucker rod is calculated.将此应力强度因子代入Paris公式,即可预测抽油杆的剩余疲劳寿命。

3.Deviation of traditionfatigue lifetime prediction is bigger.针对传统疲劳寿命预测误差较大的问题,提出了将隶属函数应用于疲劳寿命预测的新方法,并建立了基于隶属函数的疲劳寿命预测模型。


周叔弢(1891~1984)中国现代古籍收藏家和文物鉴藏家。原名暹,字叔弢,以字行。1891年出生于安徽省至德县,1984年 2月14日逝世于天津。曾任中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会副主席、天津市副市长等职。少时由于家庭薰陶,酷爱书籍。16岁起开始购求古籍,研究版本。因收得清宫旧藏宋本《寒山子诗集》,遂以"寒在堂"名斋。藏书标准严格,要求入藏书籍版刻、纸张印刷、题跋、收藏印及书本装潢俱佳,因此其藏书享有盛名,与李盛铎的木犀轩、傅增湘的双楼齐名。他对流于国外的古籍曾多方努力,以高价买回,如流至日本的宋本《东观余论》、《山谷诗注》等。他的藏书多有珍品,如宋婺州本《周礼郑氏注》、建安余仁仲本《礼记》、《三礼图》等。编有《自庄严勘善本书目》,并影印出版了宋书棚本《鱼玄机诗集》、木版覆宋本《寒山子诗集》等,对于保护中国古代文化遗产起了重大作用。他精于文物鉴藏,对于名人书画、古代玺印、敦煌经卷等古代文物多所收藏,其中颇多精品,如敦煌卷子唐《曲子词》1卷,价值极高。所藏书画中如明宋克《急就章》卷卷、明项圣谟《且听寒响》卷、钱贡《城南稚集》卷、宋人《盥手观花图》等均极珍贵。他数十年来极力收集,并对收藏文物有深刻研究,考证精核,为国内著名收藏家之一。中华人民共和国建立以后,他多次将所藏文物古籍捐献国家。1952年,将宋、元、明刊本及一些名抄本、精校本共 800余部捐赠北京图书馆。1954年,又将一部分丛书及清代刻本精印书捐赠天津人民图书馆和南开大学图书馆。1952、1955、1961年曾 3次将所藏书画珍品捐赠天津文化局,1953年将所藏《二百兰亭斋》全部玺印捐赠故宫博物院。1973年,又将剩余书籍数千册捐赠天津人民图书馆,其中包括他为研究清代版刻史而专门收集的清代铜、泥、木活字本书籍 700余种。同年又将所藏敦煌写经 256卷、玺印910方及其他文物近500件全部损赠天津市艺术博物馆。
