1200字范文 > 炸药单耗 Unit explosive consumption英语短句 例句大全

炸药单耗 Unit explosive consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-28 18:22:36


炸药单耗 Unit explosive consumption英语短句 例句大全

炸药单耗,Unit explosive consumption

1)Unit explosive consumption炸药单耗

1.In accordance with the problems in production blasting in Hujiayu Copper Mine, the method of lowering the unit explosive consumption is investigated.针对胡家峪铜矿生产爆破中存在的问题 ,探讨降低炸药单耗的途径 ,经现场试验 ,推广运用了小孔径爆破 ,取得了良好的经济效益。

2.We made theory and practical exploring in drill implement, blasting material, cutting form, charge structure, blasting parameter, unit explosive consumption, initiation mode, and borehole seal.根据硬岩巷道岩石性质和现场施工条件,在钻眼机具、爆破材料、掏槽型式、爆破参数、装药结构、炸药单耗、起爆方式和炮眼堵塞等几个方面进行了较为深入的理论和实践探索,提出了一些提高硬岩巷道掘进爆破效率的有效技术措施。


1.Disscussion on Methods to Reduce Unit Volume Consumption of Dynamite for Moderate-long Hole Bench Blasting中深孔台阶爆破降低炸药单耗方法的探讨

2.The Application of"New"Interval Charge Technology to Reduce the Consumption of Explosives about Deep-hole Blasting in Open-pit Mine“新型”间隔装药技术降低露天矿深孔爆破炸药单耗的应用

3.primary explosive ratio一次爆破炸药单位消耗量

4.Airborne Satchel Charges reduced in cost from 75munitions to 50munitions.美军空降兵炸药包弹药消耗由75降低为50。

5.Making Perfusion Gel Explosive from Two Kinds of Single-based Propellant两种单基发射药灌注成型为凝胶炸药研究

6.To use or detonate explosives.爆炸使用炸药或用炸药炸开

7.plastic explosiveph.1. 塑料炸药,可塑炸药

8.Gunpowder, dynamite and gun cotton are explosives.黑色火药、甘油炸药和强棉药都是炸药。

9.The soldiers blasted the stronghold.战士们用炸药炸碉堡。

10.The bomb was packed with high explosive, ie a substance that explodes with great force.这炸弹装有烈性炸药.

11.Hidden boulders have been removed by dynamiting.暗礁都用炸药炸掉了。

12.The bomb was charged with dynamite.炸弹里装满了炸药。

13.well-coupled dynamite shot与炮井耦合的炸药爆炸

14.The soldiers blew up the bridge (ship) with dynamite.士兵用炸药炸毁了桥(船)。

15.A violent explosion, as of dynamite or a bomb.爆炸爆炸,如炸药或炸弹的爆炸气浪或冲击波

16.Explosives, especially when designed or used as weapons.炸药炸药,特别是指设计为或用作武器的炸药

17.tnt ammonium nitrate explosivetnt 硝酸铵炸药

18.nitrocellulose powder硝化纤维素(炸药)


explosive unit consumption炸药单耗

1.The blasting quality can be improved,the mining efficiency can be increased and the mining cost can be decreased to suitably enhance onceexplosive unit consumption,improve charge structure and use of hole net parameter of big hole bottom distance,etc.在矿山爆破作业中,适当提高一次炸药单耗,改善装药结构和合理使用炸药以及采用小抵抗线、大孔底距的孔网参数,可以改善爆破质量,提高装矿效益,降低采矿总成本。

3)explosive ratio炸药单耗

1.And,the deci sion onexplosive ratio is made by mult-elements comprehensive evaluation.本文介绍了爆破漏斗q值测定试验方法,并用多因素评判的加权平均法对落矿的炸药单耗作出确定。

4)unit volume consumption of dynamite炸药单耗

pared with blasting open fields,there is tremendous difference inunit volume consumption of dynamite underwater explosion of concrete.混凝土水下爆破需要的炸药单耗与露天爆破相比存在很大差异。

2.The experiment results showed thatunit volume consumption of dynamite was 0.试验得出炸药单耗为0。

3.By analyzing the factors of influencingunit volume consumption of dynamite,the article obtains a con-clusion that only by increasing free face diversionarily in open-pit mines can it be possible to reduceunit volume consumption of dynamite.通过对影响炸药单耗因素的分析,得出在露天矿开采中只有变向增加自由面才能降低炸药单耗,而且通过孔内外微差爆破能达到增加爆破自由面的目的,并对孔内外微差爆破的实施方法进行了详细叙述;最后以某采石场为例对该种施工工艺的爆破效果及降低炸药单耗情况进行论证。

5)explosive specific charge炸药单耗

1.The basic theories of layered charging and layered tamping and the influences ofexplosive specific charge on distribution of explosive rock blocks for medium and deep hole blasting are discussed.以两个装药层为例阐述中深孔爆破中分层装药分层填塞的基本原理以及炸药单耗对分层装药结构和爆岩块度的影响,并借助爆炸应力波理论和爆生气体膨胀理论分析合理进行分层装药分层填塞对于中深孔控制松动爆破爆炸效果的影响。

2.Based on the fractal characteristics of the blasting fragmentation distribution,the paper derived a relationship between theexplosive specific charge and the uniform exponent of the distribution,which is instructive for predicting the fragmentation.基于爆破块度分布的分形特征,从理论上推导了炸药单耗与爆破块度分布均匀性指数的关系,对爆破块度分布的预测具有重要的指导意义。

6)explosive consumption炸药消耗

1.Aiming at problems such as differences between the arrangement of borehole on the blueprint and that in the practical operation,the control of charge quantity, etc,control of the charge quantity,effective methods of both reducingexplosive consumption and improving blasting effect in stone drifting are found after testing and analyzing.针对岩巷爆破图表设计中炮眼布置与实际操作差距,装药量控制与装爆质量等问题,通过现场试验、分析,找出了岩巷爆破中降低炸药消耗量与提高爆破效果的有效途径。


炸药分子式:CAS号:性质:在适当外部激发能量作用下,可发生爆炸变化(速度极快且放出大量热和大量气体的化学反应),并对周围介质做功的化合物或混合物。可以是固态、液态或气态,也可以是气-液态或气-固态;军用和民用炸药多为固态。按照用途,广义的炸药分为核炸药和常规炸药两大类。此处讲的全是后者,又可广义地分为起爆药、猛炸药(high explosive;brisant explosive)、火药和烟火剂四类。起爆药用于使猛炸药起爆,猛炸药用于产生爆轰;火药和烟火药用于产生燃烧和爆燃。但通常称谓的炸药是指猛炸药。按照化学组成,炸药可分为单质炸药和混合炸药。还有其他分类方法。炸药一经引爆,可在瞬间产生压力达几十吉帕、温度达几千度的气体,这种气体向炸点周围急剧膨胀而做功。炸药的爆炸特性,可用爆热、爆速、爆温、爆压和爆容5个参数综合评价,它们是炸药做功能力(威力)和对周围介质粉碎能力(猛度)的决定性因素。表征炸药特性的参量还有感度、安定性、相容性等。在军事和民用领域都有广泛应用。
