1200字范文 > 政府行为理论 government action theory英语短句 例句大全

政府行为理论 government action theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-15 16:01:15


政府行为理论 government action theory英语短句 例句大全

政府行为理论,government action theory

1)government action theory政府行为理论


1.Economy Management Action of Government --One of the Cardinal Categories of Government Action Theory in Market System;政府经济管理行为——市场体制下政府行为理论的基本范畴之一

2.On Irrational Government Behavior and Government s Cost Rigidity;略论非合理性政府行为与政府成本刚性

3.a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government.为政府行动合理化的讨论路线。

4.On the Passive Competition of Local Governments and Its Governance;论地方政府间消极竞争行为及其治理

5.The Theoretical Study on Governmental Behaviors and Public Goods Provision;政府行为与公共物品供给的理论研究

6.Governmental Policy Behavior, “Extra-Domain Effect” and Methodology;论政府政策行为超域效应原理及其方法论意义

7.Government Measures Regulation Research in Public Finance Theory;公共财政理论视角下的政府行为规范研究

8.On the "Position" and "Action" of the Municipal and County Government in Tourism Executive Administration;论市、县级政府在旅游行政管理中的“位”与“为”

9.Standardize Government Behavior and Improve Government s Govemance Efficacy--The Enlightenment from Public Choice Theory;规范政府行为 提高政府管理效能——公共选择理论的启示

10.On Transformation of Governmental Function and Standardization of Government Conduct;论政府职能的转变与政府行为规范化

11.The Instance and Thought on Attracting Capital of Town Government;乡镇政府招商引资行为事例与理论思考

12.Financial Risks and Government Investment Behaviour in China:Theoretical and Empirical Analysis;我国金融风险与政府投资行为:理论与实证分析

13.Elementary Theory Investigation on the Basis of Government Agricultural Investment Performance;基于政府农业投资行为的基本理论考察

14.Theorical and Empirical Explanation for Regional Financial Difference in China;中国区域金融差异与政府行为:理论与经验解释

15.Analysis on the Public Select Theory of the Government s Farmland Protection Action;政府耕地保护行为的公共选择理论分析

16.Talking about the Governmental Economic Administration;论市场体制下的政府经济管理行为方式

17.Government Action in the Institutional Change: the Theoretical Basis and Practical Choice制度变迁中的政府行为:理论基础与现实选择

18.The theory of government constitutionality has rich contents.政府法治论作为行政法理论基础的一种学说有着丰富的内容。


government administrative action政府管理行为

3)government actions政府行为

1.Government Actions in the Developing National Insurance;论民族保险业发展中的政府行为

2.This paper makes a study on several roles, forms and measures ofgovernment actions in IRE/BPR.针对知识经济条件下 ,现代信息技术对制造业企业生存和发展的重大作用 ,本文就IRE与BPR在实施中的政府行为的关键影响及作用进行了初步研究。

3.In this paper, considering the problems of financial deficits and surpluses withgovernment actions, we construct a dynamic model of monetary economic, obtain some economic dynamic properties, discuss different effects when the systems are in equilibrium, and explain the cause of business cycle.针对有政府行为时实行财政盈余、赤字等实际问题,建立了有政府行为的货币经济动力学模型。

4)government behavior政府行为

1.Research on Government Behavior in Industrial Clusters;产业集群中的政府行为研究

2.The problem in the development of semiconductor industry of our countryand the study ofgovernment behavior;我国半导体产业发展存在的问题及政府行为初探

5)government action政府行为

1.Analyzinggovernment actions on classified management of medical institutes;试析医疗机构分类管理中的政府行为

2.The Construction of Food Safety Inspection and Testing System and the Analysis of Government Action;食品安全检验检测体系建构与政府行为分析

3.Under the new situation,government actions should be moderate, normal, opening and effective.在新的形势下 ,对政府行为提出了适度、规范、公开、高效等方面的要求。

6)governmental behavior政府行为

1.Analysis of the influence ofgovernmental behavior on peasants income;政府行为对农民收入影响的分析

2.Analysis ongovernmental behavior in system innovationof higher education;高等教育体制创新中的政府行为分析

3.Towards the Supervision to Governmental Behavior by News and Public Opinion;试论我国新闻舆论对政府行为的监督


