1200字范文 > 大众体育消费 mass sports consumption英语短句 例句大全

大众体育消费 mass sports consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-22 03:37:12


大众体育消费 mass sports consumption英语短句 例句大全

大众体育消费,mass sports consumption

1)mass sports consumption大众体育消费

1.This paper analysizes the factors,consumption level,demanding structure ofmass sports consumption in Hubei province,and indicates the development trend according to analysizing the sports consumption situation in few recent years.文章对湖北省最近几年大众体育消费情况进行了认真总结与分析,全面深入分析了湖北省大众体育消费需求的影响因素、消费水平、需求结构,并提出湖北省大众体育消费发展趋势。


1.Study on Multi-structure Feature of the Mass Sports Consumption and Its Trend--Taking the Mass Sports Consumption in Hubei as Example大众体育消费多元结构特征以及体育消费态势研究——以湖北省大众体育消费为例

2.On Social Factors of Restricting Popular Sports Consumption and Countermeasures;制约大众体育消费的社会因素及对策

3.A research on the mass sports consumption and the development of the sports industrialization;河南省大众体育消费与体育产业化发展的研究

4.Theoretical Analysis of the Changes of Popular Level and Concept of Sports Consumption;我国体育产业发展过程中大众体育消费水平及消费观念变化

5.A Study on the Impact of Media on Sports Consumption Psychology;传播媒体对于大众体育消费心理作用的研究

6.Research on Sports Consumption and Countermeasures for the Hunan Mass Exercise湖南省大众体育消费与全民健身对策的研究

7.The Study of China Masses Sports Consumption Environmental in City Community;中国城市社区大众体育消费环境的研究

8.Investigation and Analyses of the Sports Consumption andIts Potential in Sichuan Province;四川省大众体育消费态度与潜力的调查及比较分析

9.Research on Leisure Sports Consumption under the Perspective of Commonage Consumption Culture;论大众消费文化视野下的休闲体育消费

10.Special flavor of sports exercises--different sports expenses under the mass culture;运动的品味——大众文化视野下的体育消费分层

11.Research on the Current Situation of Sports for all and the Characteristics of Sport Consumption Demand in Cities in Shandong Province;山东省城市大众体育现状与消费需求特征研究

12.Low-cost Consumption on Body--PE Culture on Plaza Under the View of Popular Culture;廉价的身体消费——大众文化视野下的广场体育文化

13.Discussion on the Legal Construction for Public Sports Consumption in China;论中国群众体育消费的法制环境建设

14.Analysis Of China s Popular Media To The Residents Of Promoting Sports Consumption And The Constraints;我国大众传媒对居民体育消费的促进及其制约因素分析

15.An Exploring Study on the Consumptive Behavior of Sport Participation in China--An Example of Participating into Badminton in Hangzhou我国大众体育参与性消费行为的探索研究——以杭州市羽毛球活动消费为例

16.An Exploration of Sports Consuming Market of Masses--A Brief Analysis of Sportswear Market;群众体育消费市场研究——体育服装市场浅析

17.Ideological Structure of Bodily Consumption and Mass Media;大众传媒与身体消费的意识形态构建

18.Dialogue with the Public:Features of Art Interaction in Consumer Era大众对话:消费时代的艺术互动体征


P.E consumers体育消费者受众

3)mass consumption大众消费

4)"the Consumer Durables Revolution"大众高消费

5)Mass Cultural Consumption大众化消费

6)the sports consumption of college students大学生体育消费

1.Then it points out the concept ofthe sports consumption of college students in hope to contribute to the research ofthe sports consumption of college students in our country.通过对我国大学生参与体育消费的必要性、必然性,大学生、体育消费等的概念进行总结界定,提出了大学生体育消费的概念,以期能为研究我国大学生参与体育消费的状况提供依据。


