1200字范文 > 醋酸泼尼松片 Prednisone Acetate Tablets英语短句 例句大全

醋酸泼尼松片 Prednisone Acetate Tablets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-03 16:22:06


醋酸泼尼松片 Prednisone Acetate Tablets英语短句 例句大全

醋酸泼尼松片,Prednisone Acetate Tablets

1)Prednisone Acetate Tablets醋酸泼尼松片


1.Prednisone Acetate Film to Improve the Content Uniformity Measurement Methods改进醋酸泼尼松片含量均匀度测定的方法

2.Evaluation of the uncertainty for the determination of prednisone acetate tablets by HPLC with 3 kinds of calculate methodsHPLC法测定醋酸泼尼松片含量3种不同计算方法的不确定度分析

3.prednisone acetate【药】醋酸泼尼松, 去氢可的松, 强的松

4.The effects of glucocorticoid on bone quality and biomechanics in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis rats醋酸泼尼松对大鼠骨质量及生物力学的影响

5.Preventive and thera eutic effects of sesame oil on glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in rats芝麻油对醋酸泼尼松致骨质疏松症大鼠的防治作用

6.Effects of Shuangshen oral liquid on glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis rats双参口服液对醋酸泼尼松致骨质疏松症大鼠骨质和骨量的影响

7.LC-MS determination of diclofenac and prednisone acetate illegally mixed into traditional Chinese medicine preparations液相色谱-质谱联用法检测中药制剂中掺入的双氯芬酸、醋酸泼尼松

8.Determination of the Water Solubility and n-Octanol/Water of Prednisone Acetate;醋酸泼尼松水中溶解度及正辛醇/水分配系数的测定

9.Preparation and Property Study of PEG-Coated Prednisolone Acetate-Containing Liposome;聚乙二醇包覆的醋酸泼尼松龙纳米脂质体的制备及性能研究

10.Determination of prednisone acetate in compound prednisone acetate cream by RP-HPLC高效液相色谱法测定复方醋酸泼尼松乳膏的含量

11.LC-MS Detection of Prednisone Acetate of Compound Chuanlinng Dingchuan CapsulesLC-MS检测复方川羚定喘胶囊中添加的醋酸泼尼松

12.Contents determination of Chloramphenicol and Prednisolone Acetum in Qianglu Gutta by HPLCHPLC法同时测定强氯滴眼液中氯霉素和醋酸泼尼松龙含量分析

13.Corticoid Combined with an Antibiotic for Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis醋酸泼尼松联合左氧氟沙星治疗Ⅲ型前列腺炎临床研究

14.Application of Prednisone Acetate Calamine Lotion in Children with Skin Sensibility Caused by Medical Adhesive Tapes醋酸泼尼松炉甘石洗剂治疗敷贴胶布致皮肤过敏疗效观察

15.Clinical Observation on Prednisolone Acetate Treating for 24 Cases with Subacute Thyroiditis醋酸泼尼松龙局部注射治疗24例亚急性甲状腺炎的临床观察

16.methylprednisolone sodium succinate甲氢泼尼松琥珀酸钠

17.An Experimental Study of Silicone Gel Sheeting Containing Methylprednisolone Aceponate and Tranilast for Manufacture and the Effect on Rabbit Hyperplastic Scars;醋丙甲泼尼松龙曲尼斯特硅胶膜的研制和对动物增生性瘢痕的实验研究

18.Simultaneous determination of Prednisone and Prednisolone in the blood and urine by HPLCHPLC同时测定血液与尿液中的泼尼松和泼尼松龙


Prednisone acetate醋酸泼尼松

1.Determination of Prednisone Acetate in Zhichuanling Capsules by the LC-MS;应用液相色谱-质谱联用法检测止喘灵胶囊中的醋酸泼尼松

2.Determination of prednisone acetate in Xie Li Ting tablets by HPLC;HPLC法测定泻痢停片中醋酸泼尼松的含量

3.Identification of prednisone acetate in Guluoling capsules by HPLC-MS;骨络灵胶囊中醋酸泼尼松的HPLC-MS检出


1.To investigate the effect of QINGGUBAO (QGB) Ⅱ on the biochemical indexes of blood and urine in glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis rats,42 male SD rats were randomly and averagely divided into three groups and modeled with prednisone.为探讨强骨宝 2号对激素性骨质疏松大鼠骨代谢相关血尿生化指标的影响 ,将 42只 3月龄雄性 SD大鼠进行分组及醋酸泼尼松造模 ,于第 8周和第 1 3周取大鼠血尿标本 ,测定血清钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶和尿钙、磷及羟脯氨酸。

2.The former received prednisone and levofloxacin for 2 weeks followed by another 2-week administration of levofloxacin only,while the latter were given levofloxacin and placebo in the first 2 weeks and placebo only in the next 2.试验组前2周合用肾上腺皮质激素和左氧氟沙星,后2周单用左氧氟沙星,醋酸泼尼松片15mg/次,1次/d,口服,连续2周后停药;左氧氟沙星0。


1.TranstympanicPrednisolone Treatment for Subjective Tinnitus;鼓室内灌注醋酸泼尼松龙治疗主观性耳鸣的临床观察

2.TranstympanicPrednisolone Treatment for Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss;鼓室内灌注醋酸泼尼松龙治疗突发性聋的初步观察

3.Male rats were treated with prednisolone acetate(5mg/kg/day,2 days/week) for 12 weeks and the osteoporosis condition on 8th,12th week during injection and 8th,11th and 14th week since the injection was stopped were measured by BMD,biomechanical properties and bone histomorphometric parameters.雄性大鼠肌肉注射醋酸泼尼松龙5mg/kg/次,每周2次,12周后停止注射,继续观察14周,用骨密度、骨生物力学指标和骨组织计量学等三方面的指标对造模8周、12周及停止注射糖皮质激素8周、11周和14周的骨质疏松状况作综合评价。

5)Prednisolone acetate醋酸泼尼松龙

1.Concurrent Determination of Chloramphenicol and Prednisolone Acetate in Chloramphenicol and Prednisolone Acetate Eye Drops by HPLC;HPLC法同时测定氯霉素醋酸泼尼松龙滴眼液中两组分含量

2.Preparation of prednisolone acetate lipid nanoparticles;醋酸泼尼松龙脂质纳米球的制备

3.Preparation of inclusion complex of prednisolone acetate and β-cyclodextrin;醋酸泼尼松龙β-环糊精包合物的研制

6)11β,17α,21-Trihydroxy-1,4-pregnandiene-3,20-dione 21-acetate 17-valerate泼尼松龙醋酸戊酸酯


醋酸泼尼松片【通用名称】醋酸泼尼松片【其他名称】醋酸泼尼松片 醋酸泼尼松片 拼音名:Cusuan Ponisong Pian 英文名:Prednisone Acetate Tablets 书页号:2000年版二部-1024 本品含醋酸泼尼松(C23H28O6)应为标示量的90.0%~110.0%。 【性状】 本品为白色片。 【鉴别】 取本品的细粉适量(约相当于醋酸泼尼松0.1g),加氯仿50ml搅拌,使 醋酸泼尼松溶解,滤过,滤液供以下试验。 (1) 取滤液作为供试品溶液;另取醋酸泼尼松对照品,加氯仿制成每1ml 中含 2mg 的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(附录Ⅴ B)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各5μl ,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以二氯甲烷-乙醚-甲醇-水(385:60:15:2) 为展开剂, 展开后,晾干,在105 ℃干燥10分钟,放冷,喷以碱性四氮唑蓝试液,立即检视。供试 品溶液所显主斑点的颜色和位置,应与对照品溶液的主斑点相同。 (2) 取剩余的滤液,置水浴上蒸干,残渣照醋酸泼尼松项下的鉴别(2)、(3)项试验, 显相同的反应。 【检查】 含量均匀度 取本品1 片,置乳钵中,加无水乙醇5 滴,湿润后,研细 ,加无水乙醇适量,研磨,并用无水乙醇40ml分次转移至50ml量瓶中,振摇,使醋酸泼 尼松溶解,加无水乙醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,用干燥滤纸滤过;精密量取续滤液5ml ,置 另一50ml量瓶中,照含量测定项下的方法,自“再加无水乙醇稀释至刻度”起,依法测 定含量,应符合规定(附录Ⅹ E)。 溶出度 取本品,照溶出度测定法(附录Ⅹ C第二法),以0.25%十二烷基硫酸钠 溶液600ml 为溶剂,转速为每分钟100 转,依法操作,经45分钟时取溶液,滤过,取续 滤液作为供试品溶液;另取醋酸泼尼松对照品适量,用无水乙醇溶解并定量稀释制成每 1ml 中含1mg 的溶液,精密量取2ml,置200ml 量瓶中,用上述溶剂稀释至刻度,摇匀, 作为对照品溶液。取上述两种溶液,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A),在242nm与267nm的波 长处分别测定吸收度,求出各自的吸收度差值(△A),计算出每片的溶出量。限度为 标示量的70%,应符合规定。 其他 应符合片剂项下有关的各项规定(附录Ⅰ A)。 【含量测定】 取本品20片,精密称定,研细,精密称取适量(约相当于醋酸泼尼 松20mg),置100ml 量瓶中,加无水乙醇约60ml,振摇15分钟使醋酸泼尼松溶解,加无 水乙醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,滤过,精密量取续滤液5ml ,置另一100ml 量瓶中,再加无 水乙醇稀释至刻度,摇匀,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A),在238nm 的波长处测定吸收度, 按C23H28O6的吸收系数(E1% 1cm)为385计算,即得。 【类别】 同醋酸泼尼松。 【规格】 5mg 【贮藏】 遮光,密封保存。
