1200字范文 > 低代价 low cost英语短句 例句大全

低代价 low cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-21 01:46:05


低代价 low cost英语短句 例句大全

低代价,low cost

1)low cost低代价

1.This paper has introduced one low bit-rate,low cost,low loss wireless network standard of bright future in home network application,IEEE 802.通过介绍一种在家庭网络应用中极有前景的低速率、低代价、低功耗无线网络标准——IEEE 802。

2.This paper analyzes the necessity of GDP "low cost" growth according to the meaning of intensive utilization of land and economical growth theory of "low cost",and points out the way to realize "low cost" growth from the view of setting up scientific development concept,establishing the cadre check synthesis system and the intensive and utilization mechanism.本文从土地集约利用内涵和低代价经济增长理论入手,分析了实行GDP“低代价”增长的必要性。

3.Thelow cost development is the intrinsic request that scientific develops view, also inevitable choice of the current actuality And nature, society and the person s low price developments are to carry out the center, overall, moderate and can keep on basic assurance of the development.从人类的长远利益来看,社会发展必须考虑代价问题;合理的低代价发展是科学发展观的内在要求,也是当前现实的必然选择。


1.Low cost development: scientific development s inner meaning;低代价发展:科学发展观的内在意蕴

2.The Lower Cost Incretion of Higher Education and the Quality View;低代价高等教育增长及其质量观初论

3.Time Complexity Research of the Fast Low-Cost Shortest Path Tree Algorithm;低代价最短路径树快速算法的时间复杂度研究

4.That is, it is essentially impossible to get a free zero.也就是说,基本上没有可能以低代价获得一个零点。

5.Market value is the most probable price; it is not the highest, lowest, or average price.市场价值是最可能的价格;它并不代表最高、最低 或平均价格。

6.The report concluded that the cheapest option was to close the laboratory.这份报告认为最低廉的代价是关闭实验室。

7.There is a penalty to be paid for the lower rate: a narrower band of frequencies will be recorded.低取样率是有代价的:被记录的频率波段会很窄。

8.I"m not prepared to sell below the price at which the flat has been valued by the agents.我不准备以低于代理人的估价出售这套单元房。

9.Undervalued share price can lead to dealership competition and hostile takeover.低估的股价可能引发代理权竞争和敌意接管。

10.Minimum cost flow method for reducing costs of enterprise最小代价流法在企业降低生产成本中的应用

11.Service Composition Model of Low Network Communication Cost一种具有低网络通信代价的服务组合模型

12.To make an unnecessarily low bid.叫价过低标出过低价值

13.assign too low a value to.对……评价过低或定价过低。

14.To lessen the price or value of.降低降低价格或价值

15.To reduce in rank, value, or price.贬低、降价减低级别、贬低价值或价格

16.While it may indeed induce a lower price for the rural area under uniform pricing, it is achieved at a cost of smaller network.而在实施统一定价时,农村地区的定价可能降低,但这是以网络覆盖面积的减小为代价。

17.Therefore, you get lower price and better service than possible through general export agent with only a few factory line.所以我方价格,比其它几家工厂的一般出口代理的要低,且服务又好。

18.Being an agent for various steamship company, I am able to quote specially low rate for all classes of cargo.做为各船运公司的代理人,我们能提供各种货物的最低运价。



1.To promote sustainable development, people"s thinking has to be changed from the traditional, high-cost, and unsustainable way of thinking to a scientific,low-cost and sustainable one.为了推进可持续发展,必须对人的思维方式进行生态化的变革,使其由传统的、高代价的、不可持续的思维方式向科学的、低代价的、可持续的思维方式转变。

2.To carry outlow-cost development, three "build-ups" have to be realized: to build up alow-cost development concept in guiding ideology; to build up alow-cost evaluation measure in the evaluation of development; to build up alow-cost development pattern.低代价发展是一种新的发展理念、发展实践、发展机制。

3)Lower cost低代价

1.How to deal with the relationship between the scale, quality, structure and the benefit and strive for it s effective increase with lower cost, that has became an urgent task during the mass higher education process.如何构建一种新型的高等教育增长观使其能够成功把脉规模、质量、结构与效益,争取以较低代价谋得高等教育质量及效益的有效增长,当是高等教育大众化进程中十分迫切的研究课题。

4)fast Low-cost快速低代价

5)low penalty低功率代价

6)low-cost development低代价发展


