1200字范文 > 甘肃省民勤县 Minqin county in Gansu province英语短句 例句大全

甘肃省民勤县 Minqin county in Gansu province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-15 01:51:04


甘肃省民勤县 Minqin county in Gansu province英语短句 例句大全

甘肃省民勤县,Minqin county in Gansu province

1)Minqin county in Gansu province甘肃省民勤县


1.The primary research on the spatial distribution of the population in MinQin County;甘肃省民勤县人口空间分布初步研究

2.A STUDY ON THE FUNCTION OF THE POPULATION FACTORS IN HISTORICAL PROCESS OF DESERTIFICATION --A Case Study of Minqin County,Gansu Province;人口因素在沙漠化历史过程中作用的考察——以甘肃省民勤县为例

3.The Methods of Participating-styleCommunity Work and Desertification Control;参与式社区工作方法与沙漠化治理—以甘肃省民勤县为例

4.The Pattern of Ecological Migration in the Western China:Empirical Studies on Basing Population Development on Water Resource;西部区域生态移民的科学性和运作模式——对甘肃省民勤县以水定人的调查和分析

5.An Analysis on the Effect and the Related Factors of Intervention to Hypertension Patients" Risk Factors in Rural Area in Minqin County, Gansu Province甘肃省民勤县农村高血压患者危险因素的干预效果及其影响因素分析

6.A Survey and Analysis of the Development of Desert Sports Tourist Resources in Minqin County of Gansu Province;甘肃民勤县沙漠体育旅游资源概况与开发探析

7.On Land Desertification Control in Minqin County of Gansu;关于甘肃民勤县土地沙化防治情况的调查报告

8.Analysis on resident death in Yuzhong county,Gansu province,甘肃省榆中县居民死因分析

9.The Empirical Analysis on The Rural Social Security Status in Ethnic Minority Areas of Gansu Province--Taking Linxia County of Gansu Province as an example甘肃省民族地区农村社会保障现状实证分析——以甘肃省临夏县为例

10.Research of the development of farmers" specialized cooperatives in Gansu Province--Taking Yuzhong County of Lanzhou Municipality in Province甘肃省农民专业合作社发展问题研究——以甘肃省兰州市榆中县为例

11.The changes of planting structure and rational use of water resource in the oasis of Minqin County,Gansu Province;甘肃省民勤绿洲种植结构与水资源利用的研究

12.An Investigation Study on the Problems of Dongxiang Immigrants in Gulang County, Gansu Province甘肃省古浪县东乡族移民问题调查研究

13.The Research of Self Consistency and Congruence of Male and Female Residents in Cities and Countries of Gansu Province甘肃省市县区域城乡男女居民自我和谐研究

14.A Study of Psychological Differences of Residents in the Cities and Counties in Gansu甘肃省市县区域居民心理差异调查研究

15.Analysis of the Causes and Benefits for Ethnic Minority of Dongxiang Immigrants in Gulang County,Gansu Province甘肃省古浪县东乡族移民搬迁动因及效益分析

16.County Magistrates" Dilemma in Republic of China: A Case Study县长难为:民国时期县级官员的艰难处境——以甘肃省为例

17.Simulation of the spatial distribution of lithic drainage in Minqin Oasis,Gansu Province甘肃民勤绿洲地下水系空间分布模拟

18.A Preliminary Report of Investigation on the Ancient Carbonized Wheats of Neolithic Cave at Minle County of Gansu Province甘肃省民乐县新石器时期遗址的古代炭化小麦考察初报


Minqin of Gansu Province甘肃民勤

1.Driving Mechanism of Land Desertification InMinqin of Gansu Province;甘肃民勤土地沙化驱动机制研究

3)Lixian county Gansu province甘肃省礼县

4)Cheng County,Gansu Province甘肃省成县

5)Huixian County in Gansu Province甘肃省徽县

6)Huan county Gansu province甘肃省环县

1.This research makes the prediction of population development and age structure of population during to 2030 ofHuan county Gansu province accoding to the fifth Huan county population statistical data and"China Population Prediction System"software.根据第五次人口普查资料,采用"中国人口预测系统"(CPPS)软件,对甘肃省环县—2030年人口规模和人口年龄结构进行了预测和分析,并结合老年人口规模在预测期内的变化趋势提出了应对建议与措施。


