1200字范文 > 航天飞行 Space flight英语短句 例句大全

航天飞行 Space flight英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-14 07:58:01


航天飞行 Space flight英语短句 例句大全

航天飞行,Space flight

1)Space flight航天飞行

1.Design of HLA-based United Simulation System for Space Flight Missions;基于HLA的航天飞行任务联合仿真系统设计


1.To navigate a spacecraft, as in celestial flight.导航为宇宙飞船导航,如在航天飞行中

2.ASTRO (Advanced Spacecraft Truck,Trainer, Transport Reusable Orbiter)高级航天飞行、培训、运输可再用航天器

3.voyaging across the Indian Ocean,through space作穿越印度洋的航行、航天飞行.

4.a landing of a spacecraft in the sea at the end of a space flight.航天飞行结束时宇宙飞船在海上着陆的行为。

5.3 The crew of the space shuttle Atlantis is again preparing for launch.航天飞机亚特兰提斯的机组成员再次准备航天飞行。

6.China successfully launched its first manned spacecraft.中国首次载人航天飞行取得圆满成功。

7.MARSYAS (Marshall System for Aerospace System Simu-lation)马歇尔航天飞行中心空间模拟系统

8.Pamela Melroy is only the second woman to command a shuttle flight.麦尔莱是指挥航天飞行的第2个女性。

9.Implement of Spaceflight controller Based on FPGA基于FPGA的航天飞行控制器实现技术

10.Of or relating to the science or technology of flight.航空与航天飞行学的属于或关于飞行的科学与技术的

11.Objective To study the characteristics of Meniere"s disease in aircrew and its possible influnce on space flight.目的探讨飞行人员梅尼埃病的特点及对航空航天飞行的影响。

12.The first flight of a space shuttle into orbit took place in 1981.1981年首次将航天飞机送进轨道的飞行。

13.He had also flown three times as a crewmember of the space shuttle.他还曾作为航天飞机飞行员做过三次太空飞行。

14.Three more flights were made in Mercury spacecraft.后来,“水星”号航天器又进行了三次飞行。

15.The science and technology of space flight.航天学,宇宙航行学研究宇宙飞行的科学及技术

16.Each craft was to make one-hundred trips in space.每架航天飞机都预计将在太空航行100次。

17.space-borne computer空(间飞行器)载计算机, 航天器计算机

18.The spacecraft is in orbit (ie moving in orbit) round the moon.该航天器在绕月球轨道上飞行.



1.Data Modeling of Spaceflight Based on UML and XML Schema;基于UML和XML Schema的航天飞行数据建模

2.Conceptual Model of Spaceflight Based on XML;基于XML的航天飞行概念模型

3.In space mission,how to design the flight process of spacecraft,how to design the ground operation procedure and how to make flight control plan are important problems faced by a flight control center,which are the basic problems of mission planning ofspaceflight.在航天飞行任务中,如何设计航天器的飞行过程,如何确定地面对航天器的控制操作,如何制定飞行控制计划等,是地面飞行控制中心面临的重大问题,也是航天飞行任务规划所要解决的基本问题。

3)Aerospace vehicle航天飞行器

1.Aerodynamic investigation of aerospace vehicles in the new hypersonic wind tunnel AT-303 at ITAM;航天飞行器在ITAM的AT303高超声速风洞中的空气动力实验研究(英文)


1.Orbit Determination and Error Analysis ofSpacecraft.;航天飞行器多站定轨及误差分析

2.The applications of advanced polymer matrix composites in strategic missile,tactical missile,launch vehicle,and solar array,payload,bodystructure,truss structure,thermal control system and pressure vessel of the spacecrafts over the past decade were summarized.介绍近十多年来先进聚合物基结构复合材料在战略导弹、战术导弹、运载火箭及航天飞行器的太阳电池阵结构、有效载荷结构、本体结构、桁架结构、热控制系统和压力容器中的应用,并简要分析了先进聚合物基结构复合材料未来的发展趋势。

3.The paper briefly presents the monomers for polyarylacetylene and their synthesis, resins and the polymerization and discusses the application prospect to the solid rocket motor, missile nose and spacecraft.本文概要介绍了聚芳基乙炔所用单体、合成及树脂聚合机理,讨论了在固体火箭发动机喷管、导弹头锥以及航天飞行器等材料中的应用前景。

5)aero & space vehicles航空航天飞行器

6)flying terrace cover航天飞行平台罩

1.The explosive deep drawing process of theflying terrace cover that was a complex curving work piece was studied using Ansys/LS-DYNA.在简单介绍爆炸拉深基本原理的基础上应用ANSYS软件中的LS-DYNA模块,对具有复杂曲面的航天飞行平台罩建立了显性动力学弹塑性力学模型,并做了相应简化后,成功地进行了爆炸拉深成形过程的有限元数值模拟,获得了爆炸变形过程中不同时刻的应力、应变分布规律,以及变形过程中的危险截面等重要结果。


