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贯通 coalescence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-16 09:01:12


贯通 coalescence英语短句 例句大全



1.Microscopic mechanism of voidcoalescence under shock loading冲击加载下孔洞贯通的微观机理研究

2.Rock failure process analysis code( RFPA2D) is used to research the rock specimen with two parallel and offset cracks, and main object is to study different confining pressure influence on propagation,coalescence and interaction of cracks in rock bridge area.应用岩石破裂过程分析程序分析了侧压对预制两个平行裂纹岩样中岩桥区裂纹的扩展、贯通和相互作用机制的影响,并对岩样。

3.The interaction between joints and thecoalescence of joints are important problem for geotechnical engineering.节理岩体的力学特性主要受控于节理,节理间的相互作用及其贯通是岩体工程的重要问题。


1.through chainage【测】统一里程,贯通里程

2.tenoning and through-mortising machine榫头及贯通榫眼制造机

3.mutual penetration of the contradictories矛盾双方的相互贯通

4.The whole railway line has been joined up.这条铁路已全线贯通。

5.Study on Failure Models and Strength of Rockmass Containing Discontinuous Joints in Direct Shear;基于直剪试验的非贯通节理岩体扩展贯通研究

6.They are digging a tunnel through the hill.他们正在挖一条贯通这座山的隧道。

7.Applying PDCA Circulation to Improve Shaft Excavation应用PDCA循环,提高井巷贯通质量

8.Answer12: Kangning road can not be extended eastward to connect with the Baifo Road.答:康宁街不能向东延伸与白佛路贯通。

9.cross-town adj.横越市镇的(地)贯通市镇大街的(地)

10.After the entire project is completed in , gas will be transported from the Tarim Basin.全线贯通,开始送塔里木气。

11.Exploration and Study on the Run-through Cultivation of the Undergraduate Student and Graduate Student;本科生-研究生贯通培养的实践与探索

12.Blending the Past with the Present and Combining Chinese Style with the Western One--Talking about the "Hongbang(/The Red Gang)Tailor";融会古今,贯通中西——谈“红帮裁缝”

13.Humanity and Science Education:Not Only Combination But Transfixion;人文教育与科学教育:融合更需贯通

14.On Harmonious Blending of Relative Knowledge in Music Teaching;浅谈音乐教学中相关知识的融汇贯通

15.Estimation of Run-through Engineering Error of the Face 1113(3) in Zhangji Coal Mine;张集矿1113(3)工作面贯通工程误差预计

16.On the Mohist Idea of Language and Its Logical Permeation;试析墨家的语言观与其逻辑的贯通性

17.Harmonizing between the Ancient and the Presentbetween the West and China;贯通古今,融会中西——读《寄簃文存》

18.Horizontal and Vertical Digest: A Shortcut to Innovation;横向与纵向的融会贯通:创新的捷径



1.Transfixion Measurement Technology of Intake Shaft of Beishigou;北石沟进风井贯通测量技术

2.Quantitative determination on transfixion of joins by Kolmogolov entropy theory and its application to sandstone;砂岩节理裂隙贯通的Kolmogorov熵定量判别及应用

3.Analysis of influence on lateral error of transfixion in GPS control network;GPS地面控制网对横向贯通误差影响的分析


1.Frontal intersection formula indicated by azimuth angle applied in mineholing-through survey;以方位角表示的前方交会定点公式在矿井贯通测量中的应用

2.By practice ofholing-through in main panel and working faces,analyzes successful experience of each connecting project,describes the ensuring means that achieve standardization of survey and no failure inholing-through project from five sides.通过对主要盘区及工作面的贯通实践,剖析每个贯通工程的成功经验,从五个方面阐述了实现测量标准化、贯通无事故的保障手段。

3.The article introduced the application of new equipment and new technology(such as GPS,explosion-proof distance measurement instrument) in theholing-through survey of the seventh belt in the north of Hebi No.在煤矿开采过程中,贯通测量工作责任与作用重大。


1.Therun-through is usually a mine survey work with a strategy meaning for the overall work.贯通是井下矿山开采中一种较为常见的测量工作,它对于全局工作的开展具有极其重要的战略意义。

2.Therun-through engineering of the face 1113(3) is longest in Zhangji Coal Mine and the finished first cut must meet the technical requirement of comprehensive mechanized mining.1113(3)工作面巷道贯通工程是张集矿目前最长的采区巷道 ,贯通后的巷道质量必须满足综合机械化采煤技术要求 ,必须在巷道施工前选定合理、科学的测量方案 (包括 :选用仪器设备 ,测量方法等 )并进行误差预计 ;通过该方案的具体实施 ,实现了施工前的质量目标 ,满足综合机械化采煤技术要求 ;指出了应注意的问


1.Through analyzing the basic control-line(line-side,angle,and azimuth that affect precision of direction-line)in Qianjiaying mine combining with some concrete examples onperforation engineering,the autor talks about some knowledge onperforation measurement.本文通过对开滦钱家营矿业分公司井下基本控制导线进行系统分析,包括影响导线精度的边长、角度,以及方位角对比等,并结合井下几个贯通工程实例,谈一谈对贯通测量的一点认识,在今后的工作中借鉴。

2.The methods to calculate the actual mistake of tunnelsperforation: survey columal method, underground wire control method was introduced in this paper, and then it narrated how to adjust these mistakes.本文介绍了测定隧洞贯通实际误差的方法:测中桩法;地下导线控制法。


1.Through analysis of thelinkage & relocation technology for fully mechanized system in Shendong mining area.通过对神东矿区综采系统贯通及搬迁技术的应用分析,介绍了综采面的贯通工艺和搬迁设备配套,说明了优质贯通与快捷搬迁的内在原因,指出了相关作业中应注意的事项,为其它高产高效矿井的建设提供了有益的借鉴。


贯通贯通working through贯通(working through)亦称“逐步突破”、“消解”、“作业经历法”。指在分析治疗过程中,逐步解决其内心冲突,并使其自知力与人格得到逐步改善。具体来说,在精神分析心理治疗中,随着领悟的增强,病人开始放弃神经质的交互作用方式,代之以较成熟的较健康的行为方式。开始,这表现在病人同分析治疗者间的关系上,病人不再出现孩子式的行为。之后这种进步逐渐地扩展到病人同其他人的交往活动中。在领悟后获得新的行为形式和态度,这一过程便称作“贯通”。自然,精神分析心理治疗不可能把病人变成一个“超人”,不可能使病人从此免除日常生活的不可避免的应激的影响。精神分析治疗家所企求的只是使病人经过治疗摆脱由长期被压抑的冲突所引起的痛苦。贯通是经典精神分析的六个基本概念(自由联想、梦的分析、抵抗、移情、领悟和贯通)之一。(梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)
