1200字范文 > 载波相位测量 carrier phase measurement英语短句 例句大全

载波相位测量 carrier phase measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-24 14:41:59


载波相位测量 carrier phase measurement英语短句 例句大全

载波相位测量,carrier phase measurement

1)carrier phase measurement载波相位测量

1.The application ofcarrier phase measurement in data processing of high-accuracy navigation signal monitoring and receiving;载波相位测量在高精度导航信号监测接收数据处理中的应用

2.Research on the Kinematic Positioning Technique with GPS Carrier Phase Measurements;GPS动态载波相位测量定位技术研究

3.A new algorithm based on the particle filtering is introduced for the integer ambiguity in GPScarrier phase measurements.介绍了一种基于粒子滤波的求解GPS载波相位测量整周模糊度的新方法,论述了其实用原理及求解整周模糊度的具体过程;将-12-01约10 km基线上所采集的GPS载波相位测量数据进行实际验算,基线向量误差均在5 cm以内。


1.Research on the Kinematic Positioning Technique with GPS Carrier Phase Measurements;GPS动态载波相位测量定位技术研究

2.Kinematic GPS Carrier Phase Measurements Technique Research and Application;GPS动态载波相位测量技术研究及应用

3.Multi-path effects in GPS carrier phase surveying onboard satellite星载GPS载波相位测量中多路径效应影响

4.Study on modeling of time series analysis for GPS carrier phase measurement dataGPS载波相位测量数据的时间序列分析建模研究

5.Research on Orientation Determination Technology Using Bi-Satellite System Based on Carrier Phase Interferometry基于载波相位干涉测量的双星定向技术研究

6.A new method of estimating stochastic model of GPS double-differenced carrier phase observablesGPS载波相位双差观测量随机模型估计的新方法

7.The real-time estimation of velocity and acceleration from GPS carrier-phase measurementsGPS实时测量速度与加速度的载波相位方法

8.Measurement of the carrier-envelope phase stability of infrared femtosecond laser pulses by two-path interferometer双光路测量红外飞秒激光脉冲的载波包络相位稳定性

9.Research on algorithm of cycle slips detection and recovery for GPS carrier phaseGPS载波相位周跳探测与修复方法研究

10.Cycle-Slip of Carrier Phase Double-Difference Based on Wavelet Analysis基于小波分析的载波相位双差周跳检测

11.Investigations on Cycle Slip Detection in GPS Carrier Phase Positioning;GPS载波相位定位中周跳探测方法的研究

12.Study on the Combination Method of GPS Dual-Frequency Carrier Phase Cycle Slips DetectionGPS双频载波相位周跳探测的组合方法研究

13.Carrier Phase-ambiguity Correction Based on Unique-word Detection基于独特码检测的载波相位模糊纠正方法

14.phase comparison carrier relay相位比较式载波继电器

15.subcarrier phase correcting steps副载波相位校正梯级

16.A Ground Clutter Suppression Method for 2D Phased Array Space-borne Precipitation Measurement Radar二维相扫星载降水测量雷达地杂波抑制方法

17.Phase measurement of S-band relativistic klystron amplifierS波段相对论速调管放大器的相位测量

18.Research on the Carrier-phase Combined Observations of GALILEO/GPS and Their Applications in the Ambiguity Resolution When Positioning with RTK;Galileo/GPS载波相位组合观测值及其在RTK定位模糊度解算中的应用研究


GPS carrier phase measurementsGPS载波相位测量

1.In order to conquer the weakness this paper proposes a step solution for the integer ambiguity ofGPS carrier phase measurements.针对FARA方法搜索整周模糊度组合数比较大,LAMBDA方法需要浮点解精度比较高的缺点,提出一种求解GPS载波相位测量整周模糊度的分步法。

2.When using the LAMBDA method to fix an integer ambiguity ofGPS carrier phase measurements it is necessary to have a high accuracy of float solution.用LAMBDA方法确定GPS载波相位测量的整周模糊度,需要较高精度的浮点解。

3)satellite-borne GPS carrier phase measurement星载GPS载波相位测量

4)carrier phase interfere measurement载波相位干涉测量

5)real time kinematics surveying实时载波相位测量技术

6)GPS kinematic carrier phase measurementGPS动态载波相位测量


电力线载波保护复用载波机电力线载波保护复用载波机multi purpose PLC equipment for teleprotection systemd一onl一x一on zolbo boohu fuyong 20一boJ-电力线载波保护复用载波机(multi purposePLC equiPment for teleProteetion system)见电力线载波机。
