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文理科 arts and science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-21 11:14:26


文理科 arts and science英语短句 例句大全

文理科,arts and science

1)arts and science文理科

1.The results indicated that differences existed betweenarts and science students of nursing major in college English learning,including such aspects as interest in learning,motivation,needs,abilities,examination-related anxiety and academic achievements.结果表明护理本科专业文理科学生对大学英语课程在学习兴趣、学习动机、学习需求、学习能力、考试焦虑与学习成绩等方面存在差异性。


1.Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences荷兰皇家文理科学院

2.These subjects include the arts, science and business.包括文科、理科以及商科。

3.Text-analysis of History of Science in the Junior Secondary School Science Textbook;初中理科教科书中科学史的文本分析

4.Understanding and thought on of science and literal arts;对科学文化和人文文化的理解与思考

5.Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture美洲教育、科学及文化理事会(美洲教科文理事会)

6.Liberal Arts and Science Benefiting and Communicating with Each Other;文理相通 文理相长——自然科学与社会科学的关系

7.Humanity,Social Science and Natural Science: Penetration & Separation in Education;从“文理分科”看“文理渗透”的内涵及实施

8.University presidents fall into two categories-those from the liberal arts and those from the natural sciences.大学校长分文科出身和理科出身两类。

9.a master"s degree in arts and sciences.文科和理科授予的硕士学位。

10.a bachelor"s degree in arts and sciences.文科和理科授予的学士学位。

11.On the Development of Humanities and Social Sciences to the Science and Technology University;理工科大学发展人文社会科学的思考

12.Management and culture construction of disciplines in institutions of higher education;论高等学校学科管理与学科文化建设

13.The Construction of Liberal Arts in the Transforming Key Universities of Science and Technology;重点理工科大学转型时期的文科建设

14.Scientific Developing Attitude is the Scientific Concept of the Ecology Civilization;论科学发展观是生态文明的科学理念

15.On Coordinated Development of Humanities and Social Sciences in Institutions of Science and Engineering;论人文社会科学在理工科院校的发展

16.Tactics on Developing Humanities in University of Science and Technology;试论理工科大学的人文学科发展策略

17.On Enhancing the Education of Humanities in China s Universities of Science and Engineering;切实加强理工科院校人文学科的教育

18.Establishing A Scientific Subject System for Scienceof Document Information Management;科学构建文献信息管理学的学科体系


the separation of arts and science文理分科

1.In the education system withthe separation of arts and science, there are many problems in the education of history, such as different history teaching programme for students of arts and science, passive history learning and also lacking basic history knowledge of most students of science, history material leaving little space for.然而在文理分科的教育体系下,历史教育存在着许多问题:针对文理分科,制定不同的历史教学计划;接受历史教育的学生群体不均衡,大部分理科学生是被动接受历史教育,历史知识基础较差;历史教材教条化、成人化,注重知识灌输,学生没有思考空间等等。

3)arts physics文科物理

1.Demonstrative experiments in teaching ofarts physics文科物理中演示实验教学探索

4)students of arts and science文理科生

1.It presents a survey of language learning beliefs and strategy use of collegestudents of arts and science,involving both quantitative and qualitative study.以绍兴文理学院非英语专业一至三年级的文理科学生为调查对象,运用定量与定性相结合的方法,探讨我国大学非英语专业文理科生的学习观念与策略的总体倾向,分析文科生与理科生在英语学习观念和策略上是否存在差异。

5)The arts students and the science students文科生与理科生

6)science/social science students文科生和理科生


《文昌帝君阴骘文》道书。简称《阴骘文》。以文昌帝君降笔(即扶乩)的名义编纂而成。成书年代不详。一说不晚于16世纪末。文昌帝君全称辅元开化文昌司禄宏仁帝君,或称梓潼帝君、梓潼神。相传为掌握人间禄籍之神,旧时士人多崇祀之。"阴骘"一词原为"默默地安定"之意,始见于《尚书·洪范》:"惟天阴骘下民,相协厥居。"后引申为修善积德,俗称积阴德。《阴骘文》以"天人感应"和"因果报应"思想为依据,宣传儒家道德规范和道、释宗教戒条。首先以文昌帝君本身的"经历"和"救蚁中状元"等四则故事,说明广行阴骘,将得善报。其次,列举忠主、孝亲、敬兄、信友、矜孤恤寡、敬老怜贫、不谋人财产、不淫人妻女,不恃富豪而欺穷困、不倚权势而辱善良等数十项作为立身处世之准则。声称依此行事,则"百福骈臻,千祥云集",近则善报个人,远则福泽儿孙。《重刊道藏辑要》有《阴骘文注》1卷;《昭代丛书别集》有《阴骘文颂》1卷;《三益集》有《阴骘文像》4 卷。另有刻本注本多种。内容通俗易懂。旧时民间流传甚广。
