1200字范文 > 会计专业教学 accounting teaching英语短句 例句大全

会计专业教学 accounting teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-08 12:20:17


会计专业教学 accounting teaching英语短句 例句大全

会计专业教学,accounting teaching

1)accounting teaching会计专业教学


1.Occupational Ethics Education Researches of Accountant Specialty Teaching;会计专业教学中的职业道德教育探析

2.The Importance of Case - example Teaching in the Major of Accounting;谈案例教学在会计专业教学中的应用

3.On course teaching of non-accountancy majors in higher vocational institutes;高职非会计专业会计学课程教学探讨

4.Probe into the Teaching of Accounting for Non-Accounting Majors in Colleges and Universities;高校非会计专业《会计学》课程教学探讨

5.Research on the Issues of Accounting-Teach for Non-Accounting Specialties关于非会计专业会计教学问题的探讨

6.The Discussion Of Case Teaching In Accountant Specialty Of Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校会计专业案例教学探讨

7.On Strengthening Occupation Morality Education for Accountants;谈加强会计专业学生的职业道德教育

8.Thought on the Accounting Education in Vocational Skills Academy;对职业技术学院会计专业教育的思考

9.Reformation Exploration of Accountancy Curriculum Teaching of Non - accountancy Major非会计学专业《会计学》课程教学改革探讨

10.A Survey on the Accounting Instructional Preferences of Students in Non-accounting Major;非会计学专业会计学课程教学需求分析

11.Teaching Method of "Point、Line、Whole" for the Accounting Experiment Course;会计学专业实验课的“点、线、面”教学法

12.The Review of Accountancy School of USU and Inspirations to the Construction of Our Accounting Department;USU会计学专业的教学时态及其启示

13.A Tentative Plan for Adopting Case Teaching in Accounting Course at College and Universities;高校会计学专业实施案例教学的设想

14.Thoughts of Problems about Accounting Specialty Teaching Reform;会计学专业教学改革若干问题的思考

15.The Application of CAI in Teaching the Specialized Course - Accounting;CAI在会计学专业课教学中的应用

16.Reform in Practice Teaching for Application-based Accounting Undergraduate Students应用型会计学本科专业实践教学改革

17.The influence of accounting education on students professional ethics cognition;会计教育对会计专业学生职业道德认知的影响

18.Value Field Studies and Increase the Employment Rate of Accountancy Graduates;重视会计实践教学 提高会计专业就业率


accounting practice teaching会计专业实践教学

3)accounting speciality会计学专业

1.Theaccounting speciality must insist on the principle that basic theories and methods combine with cultivation of the operative skill.会计学专业必须坚持基本理论和基本方法的教学与专业操作技能的培养相结合的原则。

2.The quality of graduation dissertations ofaccounting speciality has always been a problem for the training of qualified accountants in colleges.会计学专业毕业论文的质量是困扰高校会计人才培养的难题。

4)accounting major会计学专业

1.With the rapid development of the external environment and the domestic economy,personnel cultivation inaccounting major changes a lot.国内外环境的变化和经济社会的速度发展对会计学专业的人才培养提出了新要求,在外部环境影响之下的会计学专业人才培养模式需要转变。

2.Focused on the Accounting major,this paper analyzes the target system,content system and control system of practical education.本文以会计学专业为对象,分析、探讨实践教学的目标体系、形式体系和保证体系。

3.Buildingaccounting major practice teaching system in advanced.高等工科院校会计学专业实践教学体系的构建应充分体现“强化应用、重视实践、突出创新”的人才培养思路,科学地设计出实践教学的各个环节,使实践教学体系整体贯通,在时间上全程化,在结构上层次化,在形式上多元化。

5)Accounting Specialty会计学专业

1.On Enhancing Students Professional Morality in theAccounting Specialty of Universities;关于加强高校会计学专业学生职业道德建设的思考

2.Qualified accounting talents are needed with the rapid development of economy and reformation of accounting,the accounting specialty in institutions of higher learning undertakes this important mission.我国快速的经济发展及会计改革迫切需要合格的会计专业人才,高校本科会计学专业肩负着这一重要使命。

6)teaching of accounting specialty会计专业教育


