1200字范文 > 结核病控制项目 TB control program英语短句 例句大全

结核病控制项目 TB control program英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-04 02:08:21


结核病控制项目 TB control program英语短句 例句大全

结核病控制项目,TB control program

1)TB control program结核病控制项目

1.The performance assessment onTB control program in Guangxi;广西结核病控制项目绩效评价

2.To compare the difference in health facility selection for first health care seeking in tubercuIosis(TB) patients between counties with and without the National TB Control Program(NTP).目的:比较农村结核病控制项目地区和非项目地区病人对首诊机构的选择,和首诊机构在结核病诊断和转诊中存在的问题。


1.A study of the effect of TB control programs on disease burden结核病控制项目对疾病负担影响研究

2.Analysis on effectiveness of the tuberculosis control project in Jiaxing City嘉兴市实施结核病控制项目管理结果

3.Analysis of the Implementation Effect of TB Control Project in Ningqiang County宁强县结核病控制项目实施效果分析

4.Objective: To evaluate the effect on the program of tuberculosis control implemented by Inner Mongolia Autonomy.目的:评价卫生部结核病控制项目实施效果。

5.The investigation of sustainable development of TB control project in Dongguan东莞市结核病控制项目可持续发展的探讨

6.Evaluation and Countermeasure Research of Jining Tuberculosis Control Program济宁市结核病控制项目评价与对策研究

7.Evaluation for effectiveness of Tuberculosis Control Program in 13 years in Tibet Autonomous region .西藏结核病控制项目工作效果评价

8.Analysis of Survey Conducting Tuberculosis Control Loan Project in Nanchong City1995-南充市结核病控制项目工作分析

9.Analysis on Tuberculosis Control Project in Pengshan County,1995-1995-彭山县结核病控制项目效果分析

10.Effect of the CIDA-WHO tuberculosis control project in Quzhou city衢州市CIDA-WHO中国结核病控制项目实施效果分析

11.Evaluation on effect of TB Control Project in Ningbo city in 2002 to 宁波市2002~结核病控制项目效果评价


13.Effect and benefit evaluation of tuberculosis control project in -某市-结核病控制项目效果效益评价

14.Evaluation on implementation of the first round global fund tuberculosis project in Fujian province福建省全球基金结核病控制项目效果评价

15.Analysis the effect of tuberculosis administration project among Mongolian in Damao qi达茂旗蒙古族结核病控制项目实施效果分析

16.Evaluation on the results of the tuberculosis control project from to in Yingtan city~鹰潭市结核病控制项目效果评价

17.Evaluation on Effect of Tuberculosis Control Project Supported by World Bank Loan in Rong County荣县实施结核病控制项目效果分析

18.Analysis of Case Finding in Tuberculosis(TB) Control Project in Taiyuan City from to ~太原市结核病控制项目病人发现情况分析


World Bak Loaned TB Control Project世界银行贷款结核病控制项目

3)tuberculosis control结核病控制

1.To implement the DOTS strategy comprehensively and to improve the detection rate and curing rate of tuberculosis patients, China has adopted incentive policies intuberculosis control.为全面贯彻执行DOTS策略,提高结核病人的发现率和治愈率,我国在结核病控制中实施了激励政策,文章从利益相关者对现行激励政策的评价及预期激励入手,分析现行激励机制存在的问题,为建立和完善结核病控制中的激励机制提供建议。

4)TB control结核病控制

1.Objective To analyze the effect of chest X-ray diagnosis inTB control in China,the capacity of chest X-ray diagnosis in TB dispensary and their training status,and to improve the level of chest X-ray diagnosis.目的分析胸部X线诊断在结核病控制工作中作用,以及结核病防治机构胸部X线诊断能力,培训情况,提高胸部X线诊断水平。

2.Objective:To learn situation of health education on TB for rural-to-urban flow population in Chongqing,to identify the existing problems and to explore measures to solve them;Methods:Qualitative methods were utilized in this research including focus group discuss,in-depth interview and key informant interview;Results:Flow population lacked of basic knowledge and had poor awareness ofTB control.方法:流动人口小组讨论、流动人口中慢性咳嗽患者和结核病病人的个人深入访谈,结核病控制相关人员的关键人物访谈。

3.It was found that rural-to-urban migrants have poor knowledge about TB andTB control, and awareness ofTB control is not enough.因此,加强健康教育是促进流动人口结核病控制必要的和可行的措施。

5)Program on TB control and prevention结核病控制规划

6)Tuberculosis control and prevention结核病预防控制


结核病畜禽和人均可感染的一种慢性消耗性传染病。多以在病菌集结和繁殖的器官中形成小的炎症组织块,即所谓结核为特征。 病原体为分枝杆菌属(Mycobacterium)中的某些种。结核病分枝杆菌(M.tuberculosis)又称人型结核杆菌,主要感染人、猴和猪,偶也引起犬和鹦鹉的结核病。禽分枝杆菌(M.avium)又称禽型结核杆菌,对猪、牛、 羊也有致病力。牛分枝杆菌(M.bovis)又称牛型结核杆菌,感染范围最广,几乎所有温血脊椎动物都可感染。呼吸道和消化道是感染途径,畜舍拥挤有利于本病的传播。由于感染的畜别、菌型、病菌的侵入途径和为害部位,以及病变的严重程度不同,临诊表现各异。成年牛结核病变通常出现在肺以及头部和胸部的淋巴结中。肺的病变多呈现干酪样钙化结核块,大小不一,小的肉眼不易察觉,大的几乎涉及整个肺叶。有时可见胸部和腹部浆膜上布满大而光滑的葡萄样、不粘连的颗粒,即所谓"珍珠病"。肝、脾和肠系膜淋巴结的病变一般不如肺严重。少数为乳房结核。牛也可感染禽型结核菌,其病变多出现于消化道淋巴结,不发生钙化。猪可感染三型结核菌,病变多见于腹腔:人型菌形成的结核块很小,不易察觉;禽型菌的绝大多数病例出现淋巴腺炎,少数在肝、脾,肺也有病变;牛型菌感染时引起的损害最为严重。常涉及内部器官,以肺病变较多见;还可经常看到一种瘤样结核块,圆形,大小不一,不钙化。马结核病不常见;若发生则多为牛型结核菌感染,禽型的极罕见。羊结核病也较少见,牛型或禽型菌均可引起发病。山羊对结核菌抵抗力较绵羊略强,后者主要是肠结核。感染犬和猫的结核病菌属于人型和牛型菌,前者通常发生于胸部器官,后者多出现于腹部器官。禽类都由禽型菌引起疾病,以鸡和火鸡为普遍,鸭、鹅较少;病变多发生于肠道、肝、脾、骨和关节,很少发生在肺部;家禽结核发病缓慢,骨和关节有结核病变者跛行。家畜生前可通过结核菌素试验加以诊断。尸体剖检结合细菌学检查也可作出诊断。治疗可用异烟肼。隔离结核菌素阳性患畜,逐步淘汰,是较有效的防治措施。
