1200字范文 > 财务会计报告 financial report英语短句 例句大全

财务会计报告 financial report英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-03 06:49:14


财务会计报告 financial report英语短句 例句大全

财务会计报告,financial report

1)financial report财务会计报告

1.The way for managers to comprehend businessfinancial report;浅谈企业领导如何解读企业财务会计报告

2.Discuss the limitation and improving means on disclosing information of the currentfinancial report;论现行财务会计报告信息披露局限性及改进措施

3.With the economic activity of enterprise go to complex,thefinancial report has shown some defects and and shortnesses which have arose some query to its rationality as a result of lagging of the change with environment.企业的经济活动日益复杂化,现有的企业财务会计报告因滞后于环境的变化而显示出了它的缺陷与不足,财务报表存在的合理性就必然受到质疑。


1.The analysis and application of financial accountingreport of listed corporation;上市公司财务会计报告的分析与利用

2.The company"s financial statements shall include the following accounting statements and schedules:财务会计报告应当包括下列财务会计报表及附属明细表:

3.Information Disclosure in Financial Report and its Realistic Significance;财务会计报告应披露的信息及其现实意义

4.Financial Reporting and General Accounting Unit财务报告和普通会计股

5.Financial Accounting based on the Network Financial Report--Event Approach;基于网络财务报告——事项法财务会计

6.The Debate on the Contents of Finance Reports"Ac counting standards for Business Enterprises Ex posure Draft";论财务报告的内容——兼论《企业会计准则征求意见稿——财务报告的列报》

7.The Viewpoint on the Adjustment of Accounting Mistakes in Mid-term Financial Report中期财务报告中会计差错处理之我见

8.The Analysis of the Intangible Assets Accountancy Influence Financial Report;无形资产会计对财务报告的影响分析

9.Applicability of the Finance Repor;以事项法会计构建财务报告的新模式

10.The Effect of Audit Committee on the Quality of Financial Reporting审计委员会对财务报告质量影响分析

11.The article divides accounting behaviors into two categories; coloring and optimizing financial statements, then makes a comparison between them.非常规性会计行为可分为财务报告粉饰与财务报告优化两类。

12.On Statement of Principles for Financial Reporting Issued by Accounting Standards Board;试论英国会计准则委员会的《财务报告原则公告》

13.auditor-submitted financial report审计师呈送的财务报告

14.This paper analyzes on the influence of E-business on the assumption theory of financial accounting, the functions of financial accounting, the detection of financial accounting, and the financial statement.分析了电子商务对财务会计假设理论、务会计职能、务会计核算及财务报告的影响。

15.auditor"s report on the financial statements审计员关于财务报告的报告

16.In the bussiness accounting,working out the accounting report is its final programe.在企业会计核算中,编制财务报告是其最终程序。

17.Financial report of the most recent fiscal year audited and attested by a certified public accountant (CPA).二、最近年度经会计师查核签证之财务报告。

18.The Effect of Audit Committee on the Quality of Financial Reporting;审计委员会对财务报告质量的影响研究


financial accounting report财务会计报告

1.WT5BZ] This article briefly introduces the curentfinancial accounting report system of listed corporation in China.本文简要介绍了我国上市公司现行的财务会计报告体系 ,并着重从公司财务效益状况、资产营运状况、偿债能力、发展能力、市场价值几个方面对上市公司的财务会计报告进行分析 ,介绍了用来分析和评价所采用的 16项指标 ,对每一项指标进行了具体分析和简评。

3)financial accounting statement财务会计报告

1.Probing into the information disclosure offinancial accounting statements and suggestions;财务会计报告信息披露问题及建议

2.And using enterprise sfinancial accounting statements to make analysis and comprehend enterprise s operation results, financial situation, debt-paying ability, and stream of cash flow, etc.企业的财务状况和经营成果最终体现在财务报告中,利用企业财务会计报告进行分析,了解企业经营成果、财务状况、企业偿债能力及现金流量等情况,便于企业报表使用者做出正确判断和决策。

4)financial affairs and accounting report system财务会计报告制度

5)financial reporting procedures会计报告程序;财务报告程序

6)Declaration of the American Financial Accounting and Report Concept(No.1-7)美国财务会计与报告概念公告(1~7号)


