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政治倾向 political orientation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-14 08:05:10


政治倾向 political orientation英语短句 例句大全

政治倾向,political orientation

1)political orientation政治倾向

1.It is of great importance to analyse Zhou spolitical orientation because it serves as a necessary background to study the pronunciation in Yuan Dynasty expressed by Zhongyuanyinyun.分析周德清的政治倾向,对于研究《中原音韵》所反映的元代语音情况有重要意义。


1.the political orientation of reactionaries.反动份子的政治倾向。

2.the political orientation of those who favor government by the people of by their elected representatives.偏爱民选政府的政治倾向。

3.any political orientation favoring aggressive policies.偏爱强硬好斗的政策的政治倾向。

4.a moderate political orientation; an avoidance of extremes.温和的政治倾向:不偏激的。

5.a political orientation that favors progress and reform.偏爱进步与改革的政治倾向。

6.any political orientation favoring compromise to avoid conflict.偏爱避免冲突而妥协的政治倾向。

7.a political orientation that advocates imperial interests.鼓吹帝国主义利益的政治倾向。

8.a process whereby voters are moved toward nonpartisanship thus weakening the structure of political parties.选民越来越没有政治倾向的过程。

9.No book is genuinely free from political bias.没有一本书能真正免除政治倾向。

10.the political orientation of a utopian who believes in impossibly idealistic schemes social perfection.相信乌托邦或理想社会的政治倾向。

11.The Research on the Faith and Political Orientation of Contemporary University Students;当代大学生理想信念与政治倾向研究

12.On Zhou Deqing s Political Tendency;《中原音韵》作者周德清的政治倾向

13.the political orientation of those who favor revolutionary change in government and society.偏爱以革命改变政府与社会的政治倾向。

14.the political orientation of those who favor progress toward better conditions in government and society.偏爱以革新改进政府与社会的政治倾向。

15.the political orientation of those who hold that a republic is the best form of government.认为共和制度为最佳政府制度的政治倾向。

16.a political orientation originating in the 1960s; blends liberal political views with an emphasis on economic growth.起源于二十世纪六十年代的一种政治倾向。

17.The Politicized Tendency Of Left-wing Literature;政治文化视角:左翼文学的政治化倾向

18.Most governments are tending towards democracy.大多数政府倾向于民主政治。


political inclination政治倾向

1.Lu Hui-qing s annotation to the book of Zhuangzi is one of his writings which handed down from ancient times in which his rich academic ideology and distinctpolitical inclination are well illustrated.吕惠卿为福建泉州人 ,他一生好学不倦 ,著述颇丰 ,然多数已散失 ,《宋吕氏庄子义》是其流传至今为数不多的著作之一 ,在该书中蕴含着其丰富的学术思想和明显的政治倾向。

3)political tendency政治倾向

1.The sect of Li Bin,the founder of Huang Tian Dao,and of his followers,and the entirely differentpolitical tendency that appeared at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty and the end of the Ming Dynasty exerted far-reaching significance in the people\"s religious world since the end of the Ming Dynasty.黄天道创立者李宾与其后继者构建的教义思想,以及在明末清初表现出来的截然不同的政治倾向,对明末以来的民间宗教世界产生了深远的影响。

4)Political Trend政治倾向

5)political tendency政治倾向性

1.Generally speaking, there are three tendencies, that is, academic tendency,political tendency, and economical tendency, in the history of.就历史上曾经发生过的以及当代的大学制度改革来看,大致存在着这样几种倾向性,即学术倾向性、政治倾向性、经济倾向性。

6)politicized tendency政治化倾向

1.The Left-wing writer s collective feelings embody thepoliticized tendency of Left-wing literature.左翼作家的“群体情结” ,是左翼文学政治化倾向体现之一 ,由左翼文学的亚政治文化特性和当时的历史环境所决定 ,是文学成员自觉追求的结果 ,应该予以历史地理解。


政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political divisionzhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
