1200字范文 > 对比增强扫描 Contrast-enhanced scan英语短句 例句大全

对比增强扫描 Contrast-enhanced scan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-23 09:23:28


对比增强扫描 Contrast-enhanced scan英语短句 例句大全

对比增强扫描,Contrast-enhanced scan

1)Contrast-enhanced scan对比增强扫描

2)Enhancement Scanning增强扫描

1.Purpose:To investigate the usage of dual pathways vein injection by hand in spiral CT epigastric enhancement scanning.目的:探讨静脉双通道手推法注射造影剂在上腹部螺旋CT增强扫描中的应用。

2.Objective To investigate the value of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),diffusion-weighted imaging(DWI) and enhancement scanning in the diagnosis of cerebral non-ischemic lesions.目的探讨核磁弥散成像及增强扫描在诊断非缺血性颅脑病变中的意义。


1.Two same scan protocols were prepared: unenhanced helical and enhanced CTA.即制定两组扫描参数相同的计划螺旋采集平扫与增强扫描。

2.Conclusion The uncinate process of the pancreas in vivo is soft and with individual difference in its shape and size, and may abut on inferior vena cava.结论胰腺在平扫与增强扫描中差异甚大,平扫所见胰腺远不如增强扫描所见可靠。

3.The Study of Diagnosing Early-staged Lung Cancer by Dynamic Enhanced Computed Tomography Scanning;CT动态增强扫描诊断早期肺癌的研究

4.Prevention and nursing care of patients with leakage of contrast media for CT enhancement scanningCT增强扫描造影剂渗漏的预防和护理

5.Application of High-pressure Injector in Enhanced CT Scanning高压注射器在CT增强扫描中的应用

6.The characteristics of dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging in cervical cancer子宫颈癌的MRI动态增强扫描特征分析


8.The Application of LAVA Technique for Pelvis MR Enhanced ImagingLAVA技术在宫颈癌MR增强扫描中的应用

9.Optimization selection for 16-slice spiral CT enhanced sean for the chest16排螺旋CT胸部增强扫描的优化选择

10.The Value of Targeted CT Scan Together with Three Issue of Enhancement Scan in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules;CT靶扫描与三期增强扫描联合应用对肺结节的诊断价值

11.Contrast-enhanced MDCT of pancreas:determination of an optimal scanning technique and its effectiveness in the evaluation of peripancreatic vessels多层螺旋CT胰腺增强扫描:扫描方案的选择及对胰周血管的评价

12.The scan cover, injection rate and reconstruction matrix were assured.确定增强扫描范围、佳注射速率与重建矩阵。

13.Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT s Characteristics of Experimental Model of Blunt Hepatic Injury in Rabbits;CT动态增强扫描对钝性肝损伤的实验性研究

14.Evaluation of Single-Phase Enhanced Helical CT for Pancreatic Carcinoma;多排螺旋CT单期增强扫描诊断胰腺癌的价值

15.Correlations Study on Spiral CT Intensity with Microvessel Density and Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Expression in Bladder Cancer;膀胱癌CT动态增强扫描与MVD、PCNA相关性研究

16.Differentiation of Central Lung Tumor from Lobar Collapse by Contrast-enhanced MSCT;多层螺旋CT增强扫描区分肺癌肿块与肺不张

17.Diagnostic Value of Triphasic Incremental Spiral CT in Lymph Node Metastasis of Gastric Carcinoma;SCT三期增强扫描诊断胃癌淋巴结转移的价值

18.The Compared Study about Showing AVF of the Liver in Helical CT and DSA;肝脏动静脉瘘的螺旋CT增强扫描与DSA对照研究


Enhancement Scanning增强扫描

1.Purpose:To investigate the usage of dual pathways vein injection by hand in spiral CT epigastric enhancement scanning.目的:探讨静脉双通道手推法注射造影剂在上腹部螺旋CT增强扫描中的应用。

2.Objective To investigate the value of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),diffusion-weighted imaging(DWI) and enhancement scanning in the diagnosis of cerebral non-ischemic lesions.目的探讨核磁弥散成像及增强扫描在诊断非缺血性颅脑病变中的意义。

3)Enhanced scan增强扫描

1.Objective:To explore the characteristic and clinical value of MRI,MRA and enhanced scan in diagnosis of the dural sinus thrombosis.目的 :探讨 MRI、MRA及增强扫描在诊断脑硬膜窦血栓形成 (DST)的影像学特征和价值。

2.Results The plain scanning showed single or multiple lesions with long T1 and long T2 signals, and the enhanced scanning showed nodular or annul.目的探讨用磁共振 (MR)轧喷酸葡胺 (Gd DTPA)增强扫描对脑囊尾蚴病退变期定性和定位诊断的价值。

4)enhance scanning增强扫描

1.Objective To evaluate the effect of 16-detector-row spiral CTenhance scanning combining with D-dimmer diagnosis pulmonary embolism.16排MDSCT增强扫描后显示肺动脉栓塞右肺动脉干7例,左肺动脉干6例,左下肺动脉3例。

5)Enhanced scanning增强扫描

1.Objective To evaluate the value of high resolution CT and spiral CT enhanced scanning in diagnosis of small peripheral hung cancer.目的:探讨HRCT及螺旋CT增强扫描在周围型小肺癌诊断中的价值。

6)CT enhancement scanningCT增强扫描

1.The effect of nursing intervention to senile patient"sCT enhancement scanning;护理干预对老年患者腹部CT增强扫描的影响

2.Objective To discuss the value of user-friendly nursing forCT enhancement scanning.目的:探讨人性化护理干预在CT增强扫描中的作用。

3.Objective To observe the side effects of two kinds of contrast medium inCT enhancement scanning.目的探讨两类对比剂在CT增强扫描中不良反应的观察及护理方法。


