1200字范文 > 女中学生 girl students of middle school英语短句 例句大全

女中学生 girl students of middle school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-11 01:03:04


女中学生 girl students of middle school英语短句 例句大全

女中学生,girl students of middle school

1)girl students of middle school女中学生

1.Interpersonal communication exerts great influence on thegirl students of middle school in several aspects like social skill, self-consciousness, performance in school work and mental health.人际交往对女中学生的社会技能、自我意识、学业成绩和心理健康等均有重要的影响。


1.Analysis on Present Situation and Problems of Teacher-student Interactions among Girl Students in Middle School;女中学生师生交往的现状与问题分析

2.The Comparison of the School-adaptation-feeling between the Only-child and the Non-only-child Middle School Students独生子女与非独生子女中学生的学校适应感比较研究

3.The anaemia rate of the boys and girls of students were 11 4% and 27% respectively,the anaemia rate of the pupils was 34 5%.小学生和男、女中学生贫血率分别为 34.5 %和 11.4%、 2 7.3%。

4.The Female Image in Chinese Teaching and the Construction of Female Conception among Female Students in Vocational Institutes语文教学中的女性形象与中职女生女性观建构

5.That"s why a college graduate should marry a high school graduate, and a returned student should marry a college graduate.所以大学毕业生才娶中学女生,留学生娶大学女生。

6.Survey on Psychological Status of High School Students of only Child or not.;高中学生独生子女与非独生子女心理状况比较

7.The out-of-wedlock birth rate among women who drop out of high school is15%.高中辍学的妇女中非婚生子女出生率为15%。

8.She is the student whose acting is the best among the girls.她就是女生中表演得最好的那个学生。

9.Schoolgirls Psychological Features and Physical Education in the Secondary Specialized School;中专女生的生理心理特点与体育教学

10.In many school systems girls are forbidden to take shop sourses.在许多学校制度中禁止女学生修工科。

11.A Comparative Research on the Psychology of Boys and Girls in Learning Mathematics at Senior High School;高中男、女生数学学习心理的比较研究

12.Chinese Teaching in Middle School and Girl-Student Healthy Personality Molding;中学语文教学与女生健全人格的塑造

13.From the Low Sky to a variety of Flying;试论20世纪留学生文学中的女性写作

14.The Reasons and Countermeasures for the Girl StudentsWeariness in the College Physical Education;高校体育教学中女生厌学原因及对策

15.Research into Teaching Methods of Rural Middle School Girls" Endurance Running农村中学女生耐久跑教学方法的探究

16.On the Measures to Prevent the Occurrence of Syncope Among College Schoolgirls During the Long and Medium Distance Running Classes;高校中长跑教学中女生“晕厥”防治措施

17.On Chinese Women s Human Rights From Phenomena of Employment Discrimination against Female Undergraduates;从女大学生就业歧视现象透视中国女性人权

18.A Comparative Study of Self-confidence of the Students of Women Colleges in China and Japan;女大学生自信水平:中日女校的差异比较


female student女中学生

1.Based on documentary、examination、mathematical statistics,obsenation on the sport stueiedfemale students psychological cause and influential factors of asking for nup in wushu class.运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,研究女中学生武术课堂求助行为的心理原因及影响因素。

3)middle school girls女中学生

1.772middle school girls were investigated and compared with 344 middle school boys.采用问卷法调查了772名女中学生的人格特点,辅以346名男中学生作对照。

2.middle school girls are investigated about their psychological qualities of learning.用自编问卷调查了 777名女中学生的学习心理特点 ,结果表明 :女中学生的学习比男生更有计划性、更主动 ;和男生相比 ,女生对老师的依赖性更强 ,存在听课较死板 ,更易受兴趣的影响 ,不善于分配学习时间 ,记忆方法不够科学等问题。


1.The Analysis on the Bad Psychological Factors inSchoolgirls Physical Lessons and the Solutions;中学女生体育课不良心理因素分析与对策

5)female students in secondary vocational school中职女学生

1.Objective: To detect the depression offemale students in secondary vocational schools and analyze reasons; Methods: Test 520female students in secondary vocational schools by Zung Depression Scale (SDS) to screen out whether there are students of non-depressive tendencies, mild depression tend moderate depression and severe depression tend.目的:检测中等职业学校女学生的抑郁现状并浅析原因;方法:采用Zung抑郁自评量表(SDS)对520名中职女学生进行测试,筛查出无抑郁倾向、有轻度抑郁倾向、中度抑郁倾向和重度抑郁倾向的学生占有率;结果:中职女生的抑郁倾向的检出率为55。

6)the female students in the technical secondary school中专女学生


