1200字范文 > 水产科技 fishery science and technology英语短句 例句大全

水产科技 fishery science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-26 00:37:04


水产科技 fishery science and technology英语短句 例句大全

水产科技,fishery science and technology

1)fishery science and technology水产科技

1.Construction and Consideration about Characteristic Database of Fishery Science and Technology;水产科技数据库的建设与思考


1.Strengthening Construction of China Society of Fisheries, Upgrading Aquatic Science and Technology Service;加强中国水产学会建设,提升水产科技服务水平

2.Research on Aquatic Science and Technology Promotion and Evaluation System;水产科技成果推广绩效评价体系研究

3.Analysis of Stimulation Mechanism in Human Resources in Fishery Science and Technology;水产科技人力资源开发的激励机制探讨

4.Idea to Establish Innovation System of Fishery Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province;建设浙江省水产科技创新系统设想研究

5.Increase Produce Quality Supervise Level By Science Technology Means;依靠科技手段提高产品质量监督水平

6.Developing Guangxi fruit industry by scientific and technical innovation;依靠科技创新 发展广西水果产业

7.Develop the Production of Aquatic Products and Fine and Further Processing Industry by Relying on Technological Progress;依靠科技进步,发展水产品生产和精深加工业

prehensive Analysis of Published Theses by People of Dalian Fisheries University from 1989 to 1997大连水产学院1989~1997年发表科技论文的综合分析

9.Influences of Science and Technology Advancement on Development of Chinese Rice Production and Scientific Strategy;科技进步对我国水稻生产发展的影响与对策

10.Study the Relationship between Technical Guideline of Logging and the Development and Use of Science and Technology;采运生产力水平与科技发展及应用关系研究

11.Thoughts on industrialization of fruits of sciences and technologies of Shuikoushan Nonferrous Metals Corp.;水口山有色金属公司科技成果产业化的思考

12.Input-output Performance Assessment of "948" Project and Contribution to Water Science and Technology Progressive;水利部“948”项目投入产出绩效评价及对水利科技进步的贡献分析

13.as a highly advanced product of modern technologies, robot is used as one of the important criteria to measure a country"s scientific and technological level.现代科技发展的尖端产品机器人,作为一个国家科技水平的评判标准之一。

14.The science and technology at the time the product was put in circulation was at a level incapable of detecting the defect.(三)产品投入流通时的科学技术水平尚不能发现缺陷的存在的。

15.The industrial estates have helped broaden the industry base and upgrade the technology level of Hong Kong.工业区扩阔了本地的产业基础,并提升香港的科技水平。

16.Insist Scientific Development and Stren then Innovation to Raise Coal Technology;坚持科学发展观 增强自主创新力 全面提高煤炭产业技术水平

17.Empirical Sanalysis of Science and Technical Progress on the Productive Contribution Rate of Intensive Cultivation of Freshwater Fish in China;科技进步对我国农户精养淡水鱼生产贡献率实证分析

18.The development and a chievement in science and technology of fisheries industry and aquaculture in China --Celebrate the 50 th anniversary ofthe founding of our country;中国水产业及其养殖业的发展与科技成就——庆祝建国五十周年


aqua-science periodicals水产科技期刊

1.By citing examples,some misuses of common quantities and units inaqua-science periodicals are exemplified in this paper.通过对水产科技期刊中较常见量名称的错误表达进行实例分析,并归纳整理了该学科领域中常用量和单位符号的规范表达,以供写作者参考。

3)fisheries paper水产科技论文

1.Discussion on inappropriate titles found infisheries papers;水产科技论文题名中常见问题分析

4)human resources in fishery science and technology水产科技人力资源

5)sci-tech industry科技产业

1.A Study of Performance Appraisal Indicators system of Support for Sci-tech Industry by Public Finance Based on Balanced Scorecard Approach;基于平衡计分卡的公共财政支持科技产业绩效评价指标体系研究

2.A Study of Performance Appraisal of Support for Sci-tech Industry by Public Finance of Shanxi;公共财政支持陕西科技产业发展的绩效评价研究

3.This paper expounds the position and function of thesci-tech industry of the technical college from aspects of reforming the educational structure, combining the production, education and scientific research, renewing the instructional contents, covering the shortage of college running expenditure, and serving the local economic construction, etc.从教学体制改革、产学研相结合、学科建设、教学内容更新、弥补办学经费及与当地区域经济建设的关系诸方面阐述了专科学校科技产业的地位和作用。

6)output of science and technology科技产出

1.The relation between input andoutput of science and technology is analyzed by canonical correlation, and their effective element is discussed also.介绍了典型相关的基本思想,对科技投入与科技产出之间的相互关系作典型相关分析,并就其间的因素影响因素进行讨论。


