1200字范文 > 文学翻译 literary translation英语短句 例句大全

文学翻译 literary translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-14 12:18:32


文学翻译 literary translation英语短句 例句大全

文学翻译,literary translation

1)literary translation文学翻译

1.An analysis of style representation inliterary translation;文学翻译中风格体现问题的探讨

2.Onliterary translation from Chinese to English——A glimpse on Old Man Qiu Encountering the Goddess;汉英文学翻译漫谈——从英译《灌园叟晚逢仙女》谈起

3.On the criteria ofliterary translation;论文学翻译的文学性——兼论文学翻译的标准


1.A Research on Translation Principles of Children s Literature from Stylistic Aspect;儿童文学翻译中的文体翻译策略研究

2.Cultural Default in Literary Translation and Its Translation Strategy;文学翻译中的文化缺省及其翻译策略

3.A functional critique of the methods of literary translation;从功能翻译理论看文学翻译的翻译方法

4.The Translation of Significance or Meaning: the Fundamental Differences Between literary Translation and the Translation of Science and Technology;译味与译意——文学翻译与科技翻译的主要区别

5.On Translation Criticism;简论翻译批评——《文学翻译批评论稿》序

6.A Study on Liang Qichao"s Translating Tactics梁启超文学翻译作品的翻译策略分析

7.Functionalist Translation Theories" Enlightenment on Literary Translation Criticism功能翻译理论给文学翻译批评的启示

8.On the criteria of literary translation;论文学翻译的文学性——兼论文学翻译的标准

9.Studies on Semiotics and Literature Translation符号学与文学翻译研究

10.Methods and Literary Forms of Literary Translation:Its Development in Late Qing Dynastyand the Early Days of the Republic;清末民初文学翻译方法与文学翻译文体的发展

11.A Study of Beauty in Sound, Form and Meaning of Literary Translation: Analysis of Basic Aesthetic Properties of Literary Translation;文学翻译中“三美”的研究——文学翻译美学特征分析

12.A Study of the Translatability of Literary Translation from the Perspective of the Equivalent Translation Theory;等效翻译理论视角下的文学翻译可译度研究

13.Mu Mutian’s Translations of Foreign Literature and the Chinese Modern Literature of Translation;穆木天外国文学翻译与中国现代翻译文学

14.Literary Translation in Late Qing Dynasty and in the Early Days of the Republic: Concept Renovation and Material Selection;论清末民初文学翻译观的演进与文学翻译选材

15.The Clarification of Some Concepts in Literary Translation and Translation Literature;澄清文学翻译和翻译文学中的几个概念

16.A Probe into Translatability and Compensation for Cultural Losses in Literary Translation;可译性及文学翻译中文化损失的补偿

17.Translator s Cultural Consciousness and Dynamic Role in Literary Translation;文学翻译中译者的文化意识与能动性

18.The Impact of Cultural Factors on the Translators" Literary Translation Strategies文化因素对译者文学翻译策略的影响


literature translation文学翻译

1.On the “creative betrayal” inliterature translation——From the “errors” in Lin Shus translation version;试论文学翻译中的“创造性叛逆”——从林纾的“讹”谈起

2.On stylistic equivalence ofliterature translation——Comments on Wang Zuoliang and Shui Tiantong s Versions of Bacon s "Of Studies;谈文学翻译中的风格等值问题——兼评“OfStudies”的2个译本

3)translated literature翻译文学

1.On limitation of polysystem theory in its application to the moderntranslated literature of China;从中国近代翻译文学看多元系统理论的局限性

2.On the Position and Influence of Translated Literature during the May 4~(th) Span from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory;从多元系统理论探讨五四时期翻译文学的地位及影响

3.Polysystem believes that domestication is usually adopted whentranslated literature is at the core of literature system and foreignization is employed when at the periphery in a specific societal-historical context.多元系统论指出一定社会历史语境中,翻译文学处于文学系统中心位置时,往往采用异化策略,反之则采用归化策略。

4)translation literature翻译文学

1.A profound analysis is made of its category,the problems concerning literary translation andtranslation literature,and the relationship between history oftranslation literature and history of literary translation.文章对译介学研究的理论基础、基本概念做了深入浅出的阐释,对翻译文学的归属问题、文学翻译与翻译文学、翻译文学史与文学翻译史的关系问题等,更是做了相当深刻的分析。

2.Wan Xiangyuan s theoretical reseach intranslation literature and literature translation is constructive,systematical and meticulous.王向远对翻译文学与文学翻译的理论探索,以建构性、系统性、缜密性见长,他的《翻译文学导论》对翻译文学原理的构建、《中国翻译文学九大论争》对文学翻译论争的概括与总结,都具有一定的开拓性,对于读者系统了解翻译文学的学科内容、把握翻译文学的规律特征、阅读与鉴赏译本,都大有裨益。

3.The prosperity of Chinese and Japanesetranslation literature in modern times has a positive and profound impact on the literary circles of the two countries.中国和日本近代翻译文学的兴起,对中日两国文学界产生的影响是积极的、深远的。

5)history of literary translation文学翻译史

1.A profound analysis is made of its category,the problems concerning literary translation and translation literature,and the relationship between history of translation literature andhistory of literary translation.文章对译介学研究的理论基础、基本概念做了深入浅出的阐释,对翻译文学的归属问题、文学翻译与翻译文学、翻译文学史与文学翻译史的关系问题等,更是做了相当深刻的分析。

6)history of translated literature翻译文学史

1.In recent years,the rapid development of "translation studies in comparative literature" has created a practical and tangible possibility for the compiling of ahistory of translated literature in certain forms.随着译介学研究的深入,翻译文学受到冷落的局面将得以改观,翻译文学史的编写也将会提上议事日程。

2.Thehistory of translated literature is an important part of the study of literary history and the study of comparative literature.翻译文学史是文学史研究和比较文学研究中的一个重要方面 ,应该是与外国文学史、中国文学史相并列的文学史研究的三大领域之一 ,大体可以分为综合式、断代式、专题式和国别 (语种 )式四种类型。


