1200字范文 > 教学模式 teaching mode英语短句 例句大全

教学模式 teaching mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-28 22:30:42


教学模式 teaching mode英语短句 例句大全

教学模式,teaching mode

1)teaching mode教学模式

1.The Construction of the Teaching Modes of Organic Chemistry in New Era;新时期有机化学教学模式的构建

2.Exploration of comprehensive researches andteaching mode of the organic chemistry experiment;有机综合研究型化学实验的设立与教学模式的探索

3.Research on Three-Element Frame of practiceteaching mode for warm febrile disease;温病学“三元结构”实践教学模式研究


1.From Traditional Teaching Model to Computer-aided Language Teaching Model;从传统教学模式到机助语言教学模式

2.A Study of the New Teaching Mode"Interaction"Applied in the Teaching of Colleges and Universities;“互动式”教学模式在大学教学中的应用

3.The Teaching Pattern of Research Teaching of Higher Mathematics;《高等数学》的“研究式教学”教学模式研究

4.Attaching Importance to Interactive Teaching Mode in College Egnlish Teaching;大学英语教学应重视交互式教学模式

parative Study of Interactive and Traditional Teaching Modes in basketball lessons;篮球互动式教学模式与传统教学模式对比研究

6.The Culture Teaching in the Foreign Language Teaching: The SPIC Model;外语教学中的文化教学:SPIC教学模式

7.Analysis on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Teaching Mode and System-Based Integrated Teaching Mode in Medical Education;传统教学模式与系统整合模块教学模式分析

8.The Application of Three-Dimensional Teaching Mode in the Teaching Practice of Higher Vocational Education;立体式教学模式在高职教学中的应用

9.The Application of Dropping Anchor Teaching Mode in the Geography Teaching;抛锚式教学模式在地理教学中的运用

10.Research Teaching: Transcending the Traditional Models of Teaching;研究式教学:对传统教学模式的超越

11.Mode of Extending Classroom Teaching--Exploration on Method of Classroom Teaching;延展式课堂教学模式——课堂教学法探索

12.Probing Teaching Model and "Task-driving" Teaching Method;探究式教学模式与“任务驱动”教学法

13.The Application of Mutual - influence Teaching Mode to English Teaching;互动式教学模式在英语教学中的应用

14.Application of Discussing-type Teaching Mode in Adult Education;研讨式教学模式在成人教学中的应用

15.On Heuristic Method of PE Teaching;论体育教学中的“启发式”教学模式

16.On Management of Experiment Teaching Under Open Teaching Model;全开放式教学模式下的实验教学管理

17.On Teaching Pattern of "Exploratory Process" in Biological Teaching;论生物教学中的“过程探索式”教学模式

18.Application of Inquiry-Based Teaching Model in SQL Server探究式教学模式在SQL Server教学中的应用


teaching model教学模式

1.New chemistryteaching model based on full-text searching;基于全文文档检索技术的化学教学模式

2.Reforming theteaching model of experiment and enhancing to cultivate students" ability;改革实验教学模式 加强学生创造性能力培养

3.Exploration of pathophysiologicalteaching model combined with clinical cases and experimental results;建立与临床和实验结合的病理生理学教学模式

3)Teaching pattern教学模式

1.Innovation on reform of teaching pattern on organic chemistry experiment;改革有机化学实验教学模式的探索

2.Reform teaching pattern,improve teaching quality;改革教学模式,提高教学质量

4)teaching models教学模式

1.Research onteaching models of sports (and health) course under the new curriculum standard;新课程标准下的体育(与健康)课程教学模式研究

2.Research on Net-Teaching Models of Computer Public Electives;计算机类公共选修课网络教学模式探讨

3.Study on the Teaching Models for Open Education Courses in CCRTVU;开放教育课程教学模式研究

5)Educational model教学模式

1.Innovation of case analysis curriculum and educational model;案例分析型课程及教学模式创新

2.Based on CSCL Elementary and Middle Schools Information Technology Educational Model Research;基于CSCL的中小学信息技术教学模式的研究

3.This paper probes into educational reform of construction mechanics from the following(aspects:) course content,the teaching method,the teaching means and the inspection way,and proposes the new educational model.文章对《建筑力学》课程的教学内容、教学方法、教学手段和考核方式的改革进行了探讨,提出新的教学模式。

6)model of teaching教学模式

1.Explore tomodel of teaching of individual structure of <Summarv of admire analyse in art> In web;网络环境下的《艺术欣赏概要》教学模式浅探

2.According to the the writer concept,the temperament teaching in the conservatories lose contact with reality or overstep the orgional object,it made the numeration of music temerament complicated,and the papers offered an newmodel of teaching with facility numeration and easy to master,and also can reveal the nature of physical of the music temperament (the low of sounding object vibration).音律计算的任何方法都是在特定生产力所决定的算学水平下产生的,其中所蕴含的律学思维拥有具体的对象,脱离或超越方法原有对象,就会使方法失去原有的优越性和有效性;鉴于目前律学教学存在的由脱离或超越方法原有对象而引起计算繁复化的问题,文章提供一种有一定针对性的、既能揭示音律的物理本质又使计算简便易行的教学模式。

3.Themodel of teaching is a very important issue in researching the modern teaching theory.教学模式是现代教育理论研究中的一个重要问题。


