1200字范文 > 空间向量模型 vector space model英语短句 例句大全

空间向量模型 vector space model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-06 15:21:13


空间向量模型 vector space model英语短句 例句大全

空间向量模型,vector space model

1)vector space model空间向量模型

puting the semantic similarity of sentences by the method of cosine, eigenvalue come from the skeleton semantic clip, and the semantics of sentence expressed thevector space model.用骨架语片做特征项,用空间向量模型表示文本语义,用语片的出现频度做语片权重,用余弦法计算文本间语义相似度。

2.Through thevector space model,text clustering,genetic algorithms to try a new method summary of the text.通过空间向量模型、文本聚类、遗传算法等成熟的技术尝试一种新的文本摘要方法。


1.A Vector Space Model Based Topic PageRank Algorithm一种基于空间向量模型的主题PageRank算法

2.Language Recognition Based on Discriminative Vector Space Model基于区分性向量空间模型的语种识别

3.A Component-Library Design Method Based on Vector Space Model Matching一种基于向量空间模型的构件库设计

bining Vector Space Model and Language Model to Information Retrieval;组合向量空间模型和语言模型的信息检索系统

5.Research on Model of User Profile Base on Vector Space Model基于向量空间模型的用户兴趣模型研究

6.Service Similarity Measure Based on Ontology and Vector Space Model基于本体和向量空间模型的服务相似度度量

7.User Profile Based on Dendriform Vector Space Model基于树状向量空间模型的用户兴趣建模

8.An Ontology Learning Method Based on Double VSM and Fuzzy FCA基于两层向量空间模型和模糊FCA本体学习方法

9.Based on vector space model a Bayes text classification method is proposed.提出基于向量空间模型的贝叶斯文本分类方法。

10.Research on Object-oriented Spatial Entities Vector Model and Its Application;面向对象空间实体矢量模型及其应用研究

11.The Application of Vector Space Model in the Similarity Research of Medical Literature;向量空间模型在医学文献相关性研究中的应用

12.Research of VSM-Based Chinese Text Clustering Algorithms;基于向量空间模型的中文文本聚类方法的研究

13.Web Page Information Filtering Method Research Based on Vector Space Model;基于向量空间模型的网页信息过滤方法研究

14.Research of Text Categorization Base on Vector Space Model and Association Rules;基于关联规则和向量空间模型的文本分类研究

15.Research on the Extraction of HRIRs Basis Vectors in Spatial Hearing Model;空间听觉模型中的HRIR基向量提取方法研究

16.Research of Text Categorization Based on Vector Space Model;基于向量空间模型的文本分类技术研究

17.The Research of Adaptive Text Filtering Based on Vector Space Model;基于向量空间模型的自适应文本过滤研究

18.Research of Adaptive Text Filtering System Based on Vector Space Model;基于向量空间模型的自适应文本过滤系统研究



1.The document s characteristic vocabulary is analyzed and the mapping between vocabulary and the ontology concept is built based on the domain ontologyVSM m.该方法通过分析文档的特征词汇,使用基于领域本体的空间向量模型方法建立词汇与本体概念之间的映射。

3)space vector model空间向量模型

1.This paper analyses character describing of the local database field, gets the key words, computes their frequency as the authority parameter, then processes semantic schema mapping usingspace vector model.此基础上 ,提出了基于词典的语义扩充和基于空间向量模型语义的算法实

4)vector space mode向量空间模型

1.We use the smooth technique to improve the weight of words,and present avector space model.引入smooth技术改进词语权重,介绍向量空间模型。

2.This article presents a new method on how to filter the spam based on alternative covering algorithm andvector space model technology.将交叉覆盖学习算法和向量空间模型等技术相结合可得到一种新的垃圾邮件过滤方法。

5)vector space model向量空间模型

1.Application of a modifiedvector space model in textual information retrieval systems;一种修正的向量空间模型在信息检索中的应用

2.Method of Chinese text categorization based on the wordvector space model;基于词向量空间模型的中文文本分类方法

3.Avector space model based automatic Web ontology classification method;一种基于向量空间模型的Web本体自动分类方法

6)word vector space model词向量空间模型

1.Method of Chinese text categorization based on theword vector space model;基于词向量空间模型的中文文本分类方法


