1200字范文 > 证据规则 Rules of evidence英语短句 例句大全

证据规则 Rules of evidence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-11 09:25:01


证据规则 Rules of evidence英语短句 例句大全

证据规则,Rules of evidence

1)Rules of evidence证据规则

1.The right to silent is in essence the informing of rules of evidence.法律移植过程中需要避免片面化和理想化的因素,沉默权实质上是证据规则的告知问题。

2.This paper represents the tendency of the development of system of evidence in the world that the combination of discretional evaluation of evidence and rules of evidence which we should adopt.自由心证与证据规则相结合,代表了当今世界各国证据制度发展的潮流,我国的证据制度应采自由心证与证据规则结合的证明模式。

3.The promulgation of the Lawsuit Evidence formulated by the Supreme People s Court promotes the judicial reform extremely, but the rules of evidence es tablished not only make the absence and lack of normative of judicial authority even worse,but also violate realities of the true essence of civil procedure law.《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》的出台极大地推动了司法改革的进行,但其所确立的证据规则不但加重了审判权缺位和失范的趋向,更背离了发现真实的诉讼真谛。


1.On Necessary Settings of Criminal Regulations of Evidence and Action;刑事证据规则与诉讼规则的配套设置

2.On the Rule of Corroborative Evidence--And on the Provable Value of Confession;补强证据规则——兼论口供的证据价值

paring German and American Exclusionary Rules--The Experience of China s Establishing Criminal Evidence Rule;德、美证据排除规则的比较——我国确立刑事证据规则之经验借鉴

4.Canadian Electronic Evidence Act Breaking through Traditional Evidence Rules in Common Law System加拿大电子证据法对英美传统证据规则的突破

5.Research in the Rules of Corroborative Evidence--One Aspect of the Evidence of the Criminal Procedural Law;口供补强证据规则研究——刑事诉讼法证据研究

6.On the Improvement of Chinese Rules of Evidence--from the Perspective of Evidence Attribute论我国证据规则的完善——以证据属性为视角

7.Federal Rule of Evidence 201(b)."[参见《联邦证据规则》第201(b)条。]

8.Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal国际法庭程序和证据规则

9.Researches on the Rules of Corroboration in the Field of Criminal Procedural;刑事诉讼视野内的补强证据规则研究

10.The rule of electronic evidence collection contains rule of evidence examination, rule of evidence collection and rule of evidence affirmation.电子证据采信规则包括电子证据的查证规则、证规则、定规则。

11.The rules of evidence were rudimentary.证据之规则尚不完善。

12.The rules of reviewing evidence and the rules of applying evidence证据审查规则的内容及采信证据的适用规则

13.For instance, the rules of evidence disclosure, the rules of inquiry, the rules of relevance and the rules of admissibility all show some special features.如证据开示规则、询问规则,关联性规则和可采性规则等。

14.Rule 702, which concerns admissibility, it is stated.涉及到证据可采性的规则702规定,

15.Rule 702, which concerns admissibility, states:涉及到证据可采性的规则702规定:

16.A Verdict Can t Base on Isolated Evidence--The Chinese rule of corroboration;孤证不能定案——中国版的证据补强规则

17.Value Analysis and Conception of the Exclusionary Rule for Illegally Obtain Evidence;非法证据排除规则的价值分析和规则构建

18.Misapprehension and Reconstruction of the Exclusion Rule of Illegal Evidence;非法证据排除规则的理论误区与规则重构


rule of evidence证据规则

1.Legislative body and effective body would put the attentions on due procedure and therule of evidence rather than the.立法与司法应将目光从对裁判精确性的不确定追求转向对可控的公正程序与证据规则的合理关注和构建,从而确保判决的可接受性。

2.With the amendment of the code of criminal procedure, both the prosecutor and the defendant have to show evidence to the court, so this needs the consistentrule of evidence.随着刑事诉讼法的修改,控辩双方要直接向法庭举证,这要求相应的证据规则。

3.Therefore, we must construct the arbitraryrule of evidence capability , the exemption rule of unlawful evidence and the reinforcement rule of provability, and perfect the rule of defendant s confession in our country.我国刑事诉讼法中有关被告人口供的规定过于抽象,操作性差,缺乏完备的证据规则,难以保障口供发挥应有的作用。

3)evidence rule证据规则

1.On the DNA Evidence Rules in Paternity Suit亲子诉讼中的DNA证据规则研究

2.To deal with the cases concerning non-prosecution on suspected crime,we should first analyze the problems in theevidence rules and the application of these rules from the perspective of the science of evidence as well as analyze the causes of these problems so as to avoid and reduce the occurrence of these cas.正确对待疑罪不诉案件,从证据学的维度上看,应当分析疑罪不诉案件在证据规则和适用方面存在的问题及原因,以尽量减少和防范疑罪不诉案件的发生;同时,找出现行疑罪不诉案件证据规则存在的问题和症结,有针对性地完善疑罪不诉案件的证据规则,以保证疑罪不诉案件得到客观公正处理。

3.Due to the wrong awareness,mis- understanding has taken place in theevidence rule,doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence and criterion for proof in traditional evidence theory.以这种错乱认识为基点,传统证据理论对证据规则、自由心证原则和证明标准等问题也产生了一定的误解。

4)evidence rules证据规则

1.Thoughts on the criminalevidence rules;刑事证据规则若干问题思考

2.The rule of new evidence is an essential part ofevidence rules.“新的证据”的规则是证据规则中的必要组成部分。

5)evidence regulation证据规则

1.The restrictive system includes four aspects: the demand for justice, capitulation, perfect supervision to the authentication, andevidence regulations.该机制包括对法官素质和立场的要求、自由裁量必须符合一定条件、加强对认证时自由裁量的有效监督、建立一套完善的证据规则。

6)the new proof rule新证据规则

1.This paper intends to look for the path that promotes and regulates the court intermediation through the analysis of the position of the three principles in court intermediation, and to carry it on bythe new proof rule.本文拟从法院调解三原则的地位分析中寻找促进和规范法院调解的途径 ,并运用新证据规则加以落实。


