1200字范文 > 林木采伐 timber harvesting英语短句 例句大全

林木采伐 timber harvesting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-11 13:42:34


林木采伐 timber harvesting英语短句 例句大全

林木采伐,timber harvesting

1)timber harvesting林木采伐

1.Research ontimber harvesting situation before and after innovation of forest ownership system;福建永安市林权制度改革前后林木采伐情况的研究


1.System of Wood Cutting and Transport within the Limits of Large Forest Zone;关于大林区林木采伐运输体系的探讨

2.Preliminary Discussion on Handling of Forest felling Licenses in Occupation and Requisition of Forestland;浅议征占用林地中林木采伐许可证的办理问题

3.Existing Problems of Logging Management in the Northeast and Neimenggu Forest Regions;东北及内蒙古林区林木采伐管理中存在的问题

4.Discussion on Reform of Forest Harvesting Management Policy in the Plain Areas of Hebei Province;河北省平原地区林木采伐管理政策改革探讨

5.Discussion about Cutting Program Managing Internal Cost Settlement;林木采伐计划管理内部结算成本问题的探讨

6.Some Thoughts on Areal Forest Harvesting and Classified Forest Management;江西省实施林木采伐分区施策分类管理的思考

7.The Determination of the Blank Essential Factors of the Crime in Violation of the Forestry Law to Issues Timber Felling Permits论违法发放林木采伐许可证罪空白要素的认定

8.To cut trees, it shall be necessary to apply for the cutting license and conduct the cutting according to the provisions of the license;采伐林木必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐;

9.To remove all of the trees in(a tract of timber) at one time.使皆伐(在一个林区内)一次采伐全部树木

10.A Comparative Test of Several Renewal Tree Species in the Land after Cunninghamia Lanceolata Trees Are Cut;杉木采伐迹地造林更新树种比较试验

11.Article 31 The following provisions shall be observed in the course of forest and forest tree cutting:第三十一条采伐森林和林木必须遵守下列规定:

12.For any felling in a forest area, water and soil conservation measures, for the fel1ing area, worked out in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, must be inc1uded in the felling p1an thereof.在林区采伐林木的,采伐方案中必须有按照前款规定制定的采伐区水土保持措施。

13.cut lumber, as in woods and forests.在灌木林或森林里伐木。

14.Article 32 To cut trees, it shall be necessary to apply for the cutting license and conduct the cutting according to the provisions of the license;第三十二条 采伐林木必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐;

15.The format of tree cutting licence shall be prescribed by the state competent forestry authorities and uniformly printed by provincial competent forestry authorities.是指采伐林木的单位或个人,依照法律规定办理的准许采伐林木的凭证。

16.Those who violate the stipulations of the Forestry Law and engage in illegal logging and damage valuable trees违反森林法的规定,非法采伐、毁坏珍贵树木的,

17.This valley was lumbered hard, during the past decade.在过去十年里,这个山谷的林木被大肆采伐。

18.Influence of Harvest Cutting on Arbor Community of Broad-leaved Korean Pine Forest in Changbai Mountain采伐对长白山阔叶红松林乔木群落的影响


tree cutting limit林木采伐额

3)harvesting of timber木材采伐(林)

4)harvest of forest trees采伐林木 HOFT

5)forest felling right林木采伐权

1.In China,the deficiencies still exist in forest felling system,such as imperfect legislation,rigid quota system offorest felling right on the commercial forest,imperfect management mechanism,and so on.林木采伐权是权利主体根据依法取得的采伐许可的规定而享有的按照法定方式对林木进行采伐获得收益并排除他人干涉的权利,是林权处分权能的一个表现。

6)forest felling license林木采伐许可证

1.There are very strict procedures of handling the application offorest felling license involved in the occupation and requisition of forestland.征占用林地中涉及的林木采伐许可证的办理有着十分严格的程序,但是,当前很多地方的林业主管部门在受理此类林木采伐许可证的申请过程中却忽视了这个特殊环节,仍然按常规的受理程序走,造成林业主管部门自身违规核发林木采伐许可证的现象时有发生。


