1200字范文 > 异常断口 abnormal fracture英语短句 例句大全

异常断口 abnormal fracture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-29 07:11:51


异常断口 abnormal fracture英语短句 例句大全

异常断口,abnormal fracture

1)abnormal fracture异常断口

1.In the light ofabnormal fracture of DWTT test for high-grade pipe steel,the paper statistically analyzes the DWTT test results for X65,X70 and X80 pipe steel at a systemic temperature and studies theirabnormal fracture rules.针对高钢级管道钢在进行落锤撕裂试验(DWTT)时经常出现异常断口的现象,通过统计分析X65、X70和X80管材系列温度的DWTT试验结果,探讨了异常断口发生规律。

2.According to different reason caused the brittle area in fracture on DWTT specimen,the appearance ofabnormal fracture can be classified into three kinds,the first is isolated brittle fracture area occurred only in the area within hammering,through longer toughness stable enlarging after toughness starting fracture of sample.根据DWTT试样断口中脆性区产生的原因不同,异常断口形貌分为三类:第一类试样韧性起裂后,经历较长的韧性稳定扩展,仅在锤击区域产生孤立的脆性断裂形貌区;第二类试样韧性起裂后,经历韧性稳定扩展,转变为脆性断裂直至试样破坏,脆性面积较大;第三类试样起裂区和锤击侧均为韧性断裂形貌,仅在试样中部核心部位产生脆性断裂区域。


1.The Reason Analysis for Abnormal Fracture in Cold Bending and Stretching of 510L Automobile Crossbeam Steel510L汽车大梁钢冷弯、拉伸异常断口原因分析

2.Abnormality Analysis and Fault Diagnosis System for Outlet Temperature of Coal Mills in Fossil-fired Power Plant火电厂磨煤机出口温度异常分析和故障诊断系统

3.exception process entry descriptor异常处理入口描述符

4.task abnormal exit routine任务异常出口例行程序

5.Positioning diagnosis of magenetic resonance urography in ectopic ureter of children儿童异位输尿管开口的MRU定位诊断

6.The song the little girl sang by fits was of a strangely sweet sound.小女孩断断续续唱出的这首歌异常优美。

7.A new method detecting the aberrant IgA in serum for IgA nephropathy diagonosis血清异常IgA测定诊断IgA肾病的新方法

8.Imaging diagnosis of localized abnormality of central bronchi中央支气管局限性异常的影像学诊断

9.Anomalies are resolved by the sweep spectrometer.异常的性质可用能扫描谱仪判断。

10.Statistical and Diagnostic Study on Anomalous Precipitation over South China in June;华南6月降水异常的统计与诊断分析

11.Exception Interrupt Handling of Embedded System;S3C4510B系统的异常中断与处理

12.The evaluation of fetal echocardiography in diagnosis of mitral malformation胎儿二尖瓣发育异常的产前超声诊断

13.Analysis for the Abnormal Phenomenon of the Closing Time in the 500 kV Circuit Breaker500kV断路器合闸时间异常情况分析

14.The Clinical Value of Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Fetal Bone Dysplasia超声对胎儿骨骼发育异常的诊断价值

15.X-ray diagnosis and its value of fibrous dysplasia of bone骨纤维异常增殖症的X线诊断及价值

16.Brain developmental venous anomaly of the CT,MRI diagnosis脑发育性静脉异常的CT、MRI诊断

17.CT and MRI Diagnosis of Fibrous Dysplasia of the Skull颅骨骨纤维异常增殖症的CT和MRI诊断

18.CT and MRI diagnosis in craniofacial fibrous dysplasia颅面骨纤维异常增殖症的CT和MRI诊断


DWTT abnormal fractureDWTT异常断口

3)Abnormal defect of tensile fracture拉力断口异常缺陷

1.Abnormal defect of tensile fracture existed in the medium thick plate is a popular phenomena in the domestic and international medium thick plate.本文通过拉力试样断口异常缺陷理化分析及形貌特征的研究,弄清了该缺陷产生的机理,提出了改进工艺的措施,划分出五类不同形貌的断口,并验证了平台断口、开裂断口和贯穿断口是危害性能(主要是延伸率)最致命的缺陷,从而制订出了拉力断口异常缺陷形貌描述图谱及质量等级判定标准,解决了过去对此类缺陷无标准可执行的历史。

4)abnormity diagnosis异常诊断

1.The inference engine of expert system forabnormity diagnosis in sintering process was investigated in this paper.本文研究了烧结过程异常诊断专家系统的推理机制 ,根据烧结过程异常诊断知识的表达方法和知识库组织方式 ,设计了多级目标推理的混合推理机。

2.A rule-basedabnormity diagnosis expert system for sintering process has been designed and developed by means of Visual 和Matlab混编的方式,结合ADO数据库技术,将整个烧结生产工艺过程作为诊断对象,设计开发出基于规则的烧结生产异常诊断专家系统。

3.Expert system forabnormity diagnosis in sintering process SPADES(Ⅱ)——Key techniques;烧结过程异常诊断的知识具有模糊性、不确定性与因果性强 ,定性知识与定量知识并存的特点 。

5)abnormal break phase异常断相



