1200字范文 > 经济文化交流 economic and cultural exchanges英语短句 例句大全

经济文化交流 economic and cultural exchanges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-10 10:21:08


经济文化交流 economic and cultural exchanges英语短句 例句大全

经济文化交流,economic and cultural exchanges

1)economic and cultural exchanges经济文化交流

1.During the 30 years after her entrance to Tubo,Princess Jincheng had made outstanding contributions in many aspects,especially in popularizing Tubo Buddhism and promoting theeconomic and cultural exchanges.本文从倡兴吐蕃佛教、促进唐蕃经济文化交流、推动吐蕃与唐朝甥舅盟好等方面述评了唐蕃第二次联姻,论述了金城公主入蕃后的主要贡献。


1.The Southern Silk Road and the Outward Economic and Cultural Interaction of the Ancient Shu Before the Qin;南丝路与先秦古蜀对外经济文化交流

2.Personnel, economic and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits have kept increasing.海峡两岸人员往来和经济文化交流不断加强。

3.China"s reform and opening to the outside world has promoted its economic and cultural exchanges with foreign countries.中国的改革开放,促进了中外的经济文化交流,

4.The Economic and Cultural Communication between Wu and Chu Districts and Zhongyuan in Early Qing Period;先秦时期吴楚地区与中原的经济文化交流

5.A Study on the Economical and Cultural Communications of between Xiongnu and the Center from Wood Slips during Han Dynasties;从两汉简牍看匈奴与中原之间的经济文化交流

6.Mao Zedong s Primary Thoughts AboutThe Economic & Cultural Exchange With Foreign Countries;毛泽东关于对外经济文化交流思想探微

7.On Zhang Qian s Paying the way for the Areient states to the west of china and theexchange of econang and culturt;张骞凿空西域及东西方经济文化交流述论

8.H ighest leading organ of Center for International Economic and Cultural Exchange, Hebei is the plenary council meeting.河北省国际经济文化交流中心的最高领导机构是理事会全体会议。

9.The Management In The Western Regions In Ming Dynasty And The Unity Exchange Of Economy And Culture Between Chinese And Western;明代对西域的经营及中西经济文化一体化交流

10.Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济交流。

11.We shall strengthen exchanges between both sides of the Taiwan Straits as well as exchanges in the fields of economics and culture.加强两岸人员往来和经济文化等领域的交流,

12.Interkulturelle Kommunikation and Zusammenarbeit Zwischen Chinesischen Und Deutschen Partnern Aus Chinesischer Perspektive从中方视角探讨中德跨文化经济交流与合作

13.North-south Economic and Cultural Exchanges and South-east Catering Cultural Development in Tang,Song Dynasty;唐宋南北经济文化的交流与东南饮食文化的发展

14.The Cultural Conflict in Globalization Economic Exchange--About the Cultural Factor of our Country Organization Participate in International Economic Campaign;全球化经济交流中的文化冲突——关于我国机构参与国际经济活动的文化因素

15.It"s a festival with economic exchanges, conferences and cultural activities.这是一个集经济交流、议和文化活动等为一体的一个节日。

16.Spare no efforts in expanding exchanges and cooperation Between the two sides in various fields such as economy, science, technology and culture大力发展两岸经济、科技、文化等领域的交流与合作

munication and Mutual Influence between Han and Tibet Nationalities in Tang Dynasty;从唐与吐蕃的联姻看汉藏经济文化的交流及影响

18.Chinese Porcelain and Exchange and Interaction of Economy, Fine Arts and Culture between China and Western World in 18th Century;中国瓷器与18世纪中西经济美术文化的交流和互动


economic and cultural exchange with foreign countries对外经济文化交流

3)economic-cultural exchange and influence经济文化交流影响

4)Economical and Cultural Communication between the west and the east中西经济文化交流

5)cultural and economic exchange between China and foreign countries中外经济文化交流

6)promote economic and cultural exchanges促进经济文化交流


