1200字范文 > 会计课程体系 accountant curriculum system英语短句 例句大全

会计课程体系 accountant curriculum system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-08 04:49:10


会计课程体系 accountant curriculum system英语短句 例句大全

会计课程体系,accountant curriculum system

1)accountant curriculum system会计课程体系

2)accounting curriculum会计课程

1.More emphasis should be placed on theaccounting curriculum teaching of the non-accounting specialties.本文分析高职院校非会计专业(即经济管理类非会计专业)会计课程教学内容改革的必要性,以此引起高职院校对非会计专业会计课程教学的重视,进而合理安排非会计专业的会计课程教学内容及教学课时,合理配置现有的教学资源,以实现各专业的培养目标。


1.The Deficiencies of Current Accounting Courses and Reestablishing of the "Job-oriented" System现行会计课程缺陷与“岗位导向”课程体系构建

2.A discussion on Computerized Accounting Course Design teaching;关于电算化会计课程设计教学的探讨

3.Course Design of "Corporation Finance Accounting" Based on Work Process Guidance Pattern基于工作过程系统化的企业财务会计课程设计

4.On Interest in Accounting Courses and Accounting Skills Operation;论会计课程学习兴趣与会计技能操作水平

5.On course teaching of non-accountancy majors in higher vocational institutes;高职非会计专业会计学课程教学探讨

6.Probe into the Teaching of Accounting for Non-Accounting Majors in Colleges and Universities;高校非会计专业《会计学》课程教学探讨

7.Research in Teaching Methods of Practice Course of Accounting;会计专业“能力”课程授课模式探索

8.Teaching Experience of VFP Programming Course“VFP程序设计”课程的教学体会

9.Design of On-Campus Practical Teaching of Basic Accounting;《基础会计》课程校内实践性教学设计

10.The Innovation of the Method to Teach Accountancy System Design;《会计制度设计》课程教学方法的创新

11.Thoughts and Research on Curriculum Design of "Financial Accounting" in College高职会计专业《财务会计》课程设计的思考与探索

12.Course Exercise in PASCALPASCAL课程设计

13.Working-process-Oriented Curriculum Design of Vocational Computerized Accounting基于工作过程的高职会计电算化课程内容设计

14.On Teaching the Course of Accounting in Non-Accounting Specialties of Management Field管理类非会计专业《会计学》课程教学探讨

15.Reformation Exploration of Accountancy Curriculum Teaching of Non - accountancy Major非会计学专业《会计学》课程教学改革探讨

16.On Combines Teaching of Cost Accounting and Management Accounting;谈成本会计学和管理会计学课程的合并教学

17.A Brief Talk on Reform in Teaching Basic Accounting Course in Higher Vocational Education;浅论高职会计专业《基础会计》课程教学改革

18.Probe into the Teaching of Accounting Course in non-Accounting Specialty;非会计专业会计学课程教学若干问题探讨


accounting curriculum会计课程

1.More emphasis should be placed on theaccounting curriculum teaching of the non-accounting specialties.本文分析高职院校非会计专业(即经济管理类非会计专业)会计课程教学内容改革的必要性,以此引起高职院校对非会计专业会计课程教学的重视,进而合理安排非会计专业的会计课程教学内容及教学课时,合理配置现有的教学资源,以实现各专业的培养目标。

3)accounting courses会计课程

1.As an important component of the lifelong education and accountant education, the universitiesaccounting courses-teaching has the special status and the function in harmonious social and in the harmonious accountant s development.高校会计课程教学作为终身教育和会计教育的重要组成部分,在和谐社会与和谐会计的发展中有着特别的地位和作用;因此,在实际实施教学时,必须对其更新教学方法之观念、清晰教学方法之思路、拓宽教学方法之内涵、活用教学方法之实操。

2.Whether or not having interest in learningaccounting courses is closely related to the improvement of accounting skills operation.会计课程学习兴趣的浓厚与否,直接关系着会计技能操作水平的提高,因而,提高会计课程学习兴趣是会计课程教学的当务之急。

3.By conducting a survey ofaccounting courses for accounting specialty in 30 China universities, we found that, due to lacking criteria for classifying courses, there are as many as 31accounting courses.通过调查国内30所高校本科会计专业的会计课程设置情况,发现由于缺乏课程划分标准,以致会计类课程设置达31门之多,建议以社会资本流程作为划分会计课程的依据,建构会计课程的逻辑体系。

4)curriculum design课程体系设计

1.Oncurriculum design of The experiment and research on elementary geometry;新建课程《初等几何实验与研究》的课程体系设计

5)Computer curriculum system计算机课程体系

6)accounting course会计学课程

1.Teaching reform ofaccounting course for non-accounting major in universities;高校非会计专业会计学课程教学改革探析


