1200字范文 > 本地塘角鱼 Local pond angle fish英语短句 例句大全

本地塘角鱼 Local pond angle fish英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-21 13:14:16


本地塘角鱼 Local pond angle fish英语短句 例句大全

本地塘角鱼,Local pond angle fish

1)Local pond angle fish本地塘角鱼

2)Fishing in this pond is strictly preserved.本池塘严禁捕鱼。

3)Niujiaotang area牛角塘地区


1.DDT and its metabolites in water,suspended solid,sediment and fish infishponds in Tianjin;天津地区鱼塘水、悬浮物、沉积物和鱼体中的DDT

2.Analysis of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Organic Matter and Pigments in the Sediments of Fishponds and Their Environmental Significance;放养前后鱼塘沉积物中氮、磷、有机质、色素的变化及环境意义

3.Analysis of pentachlorophenol in the water offishpond;GC/MS分析鱼塘水中的五氯酚


1.fishpond:a pond containing or stocked with edible fish."鱼塘,鱼池:养有或存有食用鱼的池子."

2.A pond containing or stocked with edible fish.鱼塘,鱼池养有或存有食用鱼的池子

3.The fish pond was grown over with lotus鱼塘里长满了荷花。

4.The stockman is spreading a great quantity of fish food into the fish pond.饲养员正在往鱼塘里撒喂大量鱼食。

5.About 30 hectares of fish ponds were flooded resulting in loss of about 90 tonnes of fish valued at $1.46 million.约有30公顷鱼塘因水浸而损失约90公吨塘鱼,价值146万元。

6.There are plenty of fish ponds and chicken farms, supplying everybody with fresh fish and eggs.鱼塘和鸡场多了, 大家都吃得上鲜鱼、鲜蛋了。

7.There is a dovecote, some delightful stewponds.那有一所鸽房,几个波光粼粼的鱼塘。

8.Study on the Ecological Value of Fish Ponds in Deep Bay Area后海湾地区鱼塘生态价值研究

9.a big fish in a little pond1. 小塘中的大鱼

10.Doubts as to the Earliest Historical Record of Piscicultureand the Author of the Guidebook to Pisciculture;关于池塘养鱼的最早记载和范蠡《养鱼经》的问题

11.Pool Cultivation Technology and Prophylaxis of Common Disease of Myxocyprinus Asiaticus长江胭脂鱼的池塘成鱼养殖与病虫害防治

12.After the annual stocking, the pond was alive with trout.在一年的放养后,池塘满满的都是鳟鱼。

13.an arrangement of nets directing fish into an enclosure.把鱼控制在一个围塘中的一系列的网。

14.The boys were swimming in the pond like so many fish.那些男孩像鱼群似地在池塘游泳。

15.I have a pond with some golden carp.我有个池塘,里面养了些金鱼。

16.They restocked the pond with carp.他们重新给池塘放了鲤鱼。

17.It became a pool of dead water when all fishes died.所有的鱼都死了,池塘成了一潭死水.

18.Fishing in this pond is forbidden ; penalty $ 5.该池塘禁止钓鱼,违者罚款五元。


Fishing in this pond is strictly preserved.本池塘严禁捕鱼。

3)Niujiaotang area牛角塘地区


1.DDT and its metabolites in water,suspended solid,sediment and fish infishponds in Tianjin;天津地区鱼塘水、悬浮物、沉积物和鱼体中的DDT

2.Analysis of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Organic Matter and Pigments in the Sediments of Fishponds and Their Environmental Significance;放养前后鱼塘沉积物中氮、磷、有机质、色素的变化及环境意义

3.Analysis of pentachlorophenol in the water offishpond;GC/MS分析鱼塘水中的五氯酚

5)fish ponds鱼塘

1.The investigation on water quality of thefish ponds at Long-wan Town in spring of 1999 showed that its quality index ( /) was 3.1999年春季对潜江市龙湾镇鱼塘水质的调查分析表明,鱼塘水质的平均综合素质指数(I)为3。

2.An experiment of planting lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) was conducted in in three fertilizedfish ponds in Zhang- duhu Fish Farm,located in the central part of the Yangtze River Basin,China.长江中游湿地区域的池塘经过连续多年的化肥养鱼导致了大量的氮、磷沉积在鱼塘底泥中。

3.The species composition and the biomass of phytoplankton varied whenfeeded with photosynthetic bacteria infish ponds.鱼塘泼施光合细菌后浮游植物种类组成及生物量均发生变化。

6)fish pond鱼塘

1.From November of to October of ,stationary observation was performed of nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) pollution of rivers andfish ponds in Xinzhuang Town,Changshu,to explore variation of N and P concentrations in the waterbodies and sources of the pollutants.于11月至10月,对常熟市辛庄镇不同水体氮磷污染状况进行定点观测,初步探讨了河道和鱼塘水体氮磷浓度的变化特征及其污染来源。

2.Objective:To investigate the inhibition in vitro of four kinds of Chinese herbal medicine for two kinds of harmful bacteria and two kinds of probiotics from afish pond.目的:探讨4种中草药对鱼塘中2种有害菌和2种益生菌的体外抑制作用。


